

58 Uppsatser om Partnerships - Sida 1 av 4

Partnerskap i samförstånd? En studie av den regionala partnerskapsmodellen ur ett intresseperspektiv

In 1998 a new regional development policy was introduced by the Swedish government. A central feature in the policy was the formation of Partnerships at the regional level. The Partnerships were meant to consist of local and regional stakeholders, representing a great variety of interests, who would collaborate in order to improve regional development. The new policy was promoted, besides being more efficient, as a way to broaden political participation and to break male-dominated structures.This thesis discusses whether the regional partnership actually favours ?women's interests?, in terms of how the relationship of power between women and men is constituted by the model.

Ska ekonomin få styra miljön? : En studie om public-private partnerships

This thesis aims at investigating the two municipality?s Gislaved and Ljungby. Where the aim is to see if there is any connections, between the type and the degree of public-private Partnerships, and the municipalities obtained environment performance. In this essay the starting point is that the environmental performance in the chosen municipalities is good.Interviews among local politicians and representatives for the municipalities plastic industries, has functioned as a way to test the hypothesis. Gislaved and Ljungby have thereafter been compared, in order to see if there is any similarity in the sort and the degree of public-private Partnerships, and how that will affect the environmental performance. The overall questions in this essay are:How can the cooperation among the chosen municipalities and the      local business life be described? What kind of Public-private partnership      exists in the selected municipalities?Is there any difference between the municipalities, referring to      the degree of cooperation between the municipalities and the local      business life? Does the degree of cooperation affect the progress on the environmental      performance? The end result shows that the local business life doesn?t have any impact on the environmental performance.

Myten om partnerskapet: Om institutioner, rationaliserade myter och regionala tillväxtprogram

The overarching goal of this paper is to explain the intensive occurrence of Partnerships ? regarded as a specific organizational structure ? in the formulation and implementation of Regional Growth Programs.By using theoretical concepts from new institutionalism, the paper tries to examine the explanatory capacity of this theory in the specific case of Partnerships. The basis is a skeptical stance towards the conventional interpretation that views Partnerships as rational organizational tools. Hence, the purpose of the paper is also to compare our own institutional explanation with the conventional.The paper finds that the occurrence of Partnerships can be understood as the effect of an intensive institutional pressure. The government has, in what we regard as the institution for regional development, prescribed the partnership as a rational solution ? a rationalized myth - to the regional growth problem.

Innovationsupphandling : Innovationspartnerskap, ett upphandlingsförfarande med genomslagskraft genemot befintliga förfaranden för upphandling av innovativa lösningar?

The frequency of innovative procurement is currently very low in Sweden. Innovative procurement is to procure unknown solutions to a defined problem or need for which it sometimes has not yet been established on the market.  Current Swedish procurement legislation does not prevent innovation procurement, however, it limits official authorities to actively work with innovative companies to develop new solutions. Furthermore, some conflicts arise between the Swedish procurement legislation and the basic principles concerning public procurement developed under EU law, which must be considered in all procurements. Additionally, there is not a specific procurement procedure designed for innovative solutions in the current legislation.On the 15th of January 2014 three new directives on procurement rules were adopted with the general objective to simplify the procurement process and to make the whole system more flexible. A new procurement procedure has also arisen called innovation partnership.

Demokrati i nätverk : eller att shoppa demokrati

Abstract D Level Essay in Political Science, Spring Semester 2010 by Sangrid von Zedtwitz-Liebenstein. Tutor: Malin Stegmann McCallion. ?Democratic Accountability in Networks? The aim of this study is to highlight the problem of the democratic deficit in the private-public Partnerships in Sweden. This is a comparative case study with four ideal types.

Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. ? En studie av Stockholms aktörer.

This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm?s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method.

When 2 become 1 : En studie kring betydelsen av samarbeten mellan artister och företag

The aim of this study is to create understanding of why companies should collaborate with artists and how artists and businesses build strong Partnerships. We also want to understand the development of relations between the music industry and companies, together with the problems, possibilities and implications it has for both artists and corporate identity and brand. The music industry has been changing rapidly during the digital revolution and new problems and opportunities have emerged which the music industry can choose to either embrace or renounce. This study is made with a qualitative approach based on interviews with relevant individuals from the music industry. We have carefully chosen these individuals to counterpart different segments of the music industry and to execute our purpose from various perspectives.

I hamn : - En fallstudie av det privatoffentliga partnerskapet Vänerhamn

This study focuses upon the new societal objects that are termed public privatePartnerships where the public sector forms strategic alliances with the private sectorand the civil society to manage the wicked issues of today. An exampel of suchcooperation is Vänerhamn AB where the municipalities around the lake of Vänernand the private shipping companies got togheter to handle an economic crisis of theshipping buisiness. The partnership Vänerhamn has developed from a problematicactivity to a healthy company and the aim of this thesis is to illuminate thisdevelopment through an historical institutional approach, focusing critical junctureto discover if the governance theory can be used to understand the Partnershipspositive process. This will be done through research questions about the organisation of thepartnership, about the members interests with the partnership and about eventuallycoordination problems in the partnership. The questions derive from dimensions ingovernance theory, central for the activity of Partnerships. Interviews with centralinformants where held and it was complemented through a document analyses inorder to search for indications of the dimensions and that is the methodologicalapproach of the study. The conclusion of this thesis is that the governance theory can be used tounderstand Vänerhamns postive development since the members interest with thepartnership to a begining was not at all conformed and that led to obviouscoordination problems.

Partnerskap - en snäv syn på samverkan En studie av lokalt integrationsarbete i Malmö

This essay revolves around Partnerships established between local authorities and civil society to promote integration in segregated urban areas. The main focus is on who is active in formulating the local integration policy in these Partnerships. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with representatives from the local public administration and from different parts of civil society in Rosengård and Södra innerstaden in Malmö. The conclusion is that local authorities to a large extent decide the content of integration policy. The authorities, in having the major responsibility of the integration projects, decide what parts of civil society to involve and what projects will promote integration.

En ny musikarena utan solister

The music industry has been subject to great changes during the last ten years. The most significant factor contributing to this change is the increasing usage of broadband and thereby the increasing frequency of downloading music illegally. Music piracy and file sharing have caused record sales to plummet. Consumers have now moved on to consuming music in a digital format, not only through downloading but also from streaming music online, an activity partly made possible by social media channels such as YouTube. As the consumption patterns have changed companies within the music industry have been forced to find other sources of income than record sales and they have also needed to find alternate ways to market their artists.

Storstadsmorgontidningars förhållande till annonsörer En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning

This bachelor thesis focuses on metropolitan morning newspapers in Sweden and their relationship with advertisers. Various forces in society have led tochanges in Partnerships between metropolitan newspapers and advertisers, which have previously only had small amounts of data. In these particularnewspapers, it is common to find editorial advertisement supplements. The reason these supplements are included, their benefits and how they can affect the paper?s credibility have not previously been investigated.I have researched how the changed collaborations between the metropolitan morning newspapers and advertisers look today; including the contact, powerand dependence they have on one another.

Låt oss underhålla kunderna tillsammans! : Hur företag kan utnyttja partnership i sitt arbete medexperience marketing.

Titel: Låt oss underhålla kunderna tillsammans! ? Hur företag kan utnyttja Partnerships i sittarbete med experience marketingFörfattare: Axel Bergström och Johan MalmstenHandledare: Christine TidåsenNivå: Kandidatuppsats, Marknadsföring 15 hp. VT 2011Nyckelord: Experience marketing, partnership, upplevelsemarknadsföring, brand advocateProblemformulering: Hur kan företag utnyttja partnership för att få ut mer av sitt arbete medexperience marketing?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att förtydliga hur partnership kan utnyttjas i företags arbetemed experience marketing. Analysen kom fram till hur experience marketing kan utnyttjas påett mer fördelaktigt sätt med hjälp av partnership.

Projektfinansieringens betydelse vid Public Private Partnerships

Det finns fördelar med att använda projektfinansiering vid PPP. Undersökningen visar att projektfinansiering är ett enastående verktyg för riskallokering. Dessutom resulterar projektfinansiering i minskade kostnader för agentkonflikter. Emellertid är privat finansiering normalt sett dyrare än offentlig finansiering..

Torrhamnsutveckling med Public-Private Partnerships

Bakgrund och problem: Forskare menar att realisering av torrhamnskonceptet kan medföra en rad fördelar, men dessa är spridda på flera aktörer, inklusive privata och offentliga, varför en problematik uppstår kring fördelning av roller, insatser och nytta. Den offentliga och privata sidan måste samarbeta, genom så kallade Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) men motsättande målsättningar kan hindra utvecklingen. Utbudet av forskning och modeller för PPP vid infrastrukturutveckling är inriktad på betydligt större projekt än torrhamns-utveckling, varför applicering av detta inte passar. Behov finns av nya modeller och forskning är trängande.Syfte: Att belysa viktiga aspekter inom samarbeten mellan privata och offentliga aktörer vid utveckling av torrhamnar, genom att teoretiskt och empiriskt undersöka och analysera relationen mellan de båda sidorna. Med hjälp av existerande modeller och resultat från egna fallstudier skapas i två steg en modell för att illustrera hur samarbetet fungerar.Metod: Arbetet genomförs med en hermeneutisk vetenskapssyn och en kvalitativ ansats.

Föräldraledighetslagen som diskrimineringslag

The concept of sustainable development has been pervasive in recent years and many organizations choose to implement sustainability and adapt their activities accordingly. The purpose of this study have been to explore how a collaboration on the use of waste materials may look to analyze what influences cooperation. A case study has been carried out examining a Swedish state regional project aimed at creating Partnerships between actors and utilizing textile waste with the help of design. The study was conducted using qualitative methods and the collection of data has been done through interviews and by examining documents. The results show that there are seven key factors that affect cooperation: expectations, commitment, internal communication, a strong non-profit actor, individual treatment, personal networks and the diversity of actors.

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