

25 Uppsatser om Mountains - Sida 1 av 2

Fjällfåglar : En jämförande studie från dal till topp i ett nordligt och sydligt svenskt fjäll

Title: Mountain birds ? a comparative study from valley to mountaintop in a northern and southern Swedish fjeld  Author: Kristian Zackrisson Abstract Main aim in this study was to increase the knowledge about birds in the Swedish mountain area. Three questions were asked: 1) Which bird species can be found during the breeding season along a low mountain slope from a forested valley to a mountaintop with bare mountain environment? 2) Do the number of species and individuals differ in different elevation zones? 3) Is the composition of bird species along a low mountain slope the same in the Kebnekaise Mountains inLaplandand the Grövelsjön Mountains in Dalarna? Bird census in two study sites located in the Kebnekaise Mountains and the Grövelsjön Mountains and subsequent analysis of the results from the bird census was the main parts in this study. Totally 20 bird species were found along a low mountain slope in the Kebnekaise Mountains.

Gränser i Grödinge : Om hägnadsanläggningars funktion med utgångspunkt i en fosfatanalys av RAÄ 78 samt RAÄ 79 i Grödinge sn på Södertörn

This paper deals with the question of when hill forts ? or enclosed Mountains ? were built and to what purpose, by examining two enclosed Mountains (RAÄ 78 and 79) in Grödinge parish in the province of Södermanland. A phosphate analysis was conducted to trace anthropogenic activities. The analysis showed only a slight elevation of phosphate content in the soil. A histogram indicated that the elevations were not normally distributed, which could suggest that they were caused by anthropogenic activities.

Borta bra eller hemma bäst? : Ålderns påverkan på platsuppfattningen mellan Alperna och Svenska fjällen

We travel more to day than we have ever done before and there is an abundance of destinations to choose from. All -destinations have vantages and disadvantages and the things that are favourable for one traveller can be the opposite for another. So the questions are, why do we have different opinions about the same destination and what is it that makes us choose one destination before another?The purpose with this thesis is to investigate if the demographic factor age has an influence on the Swedish traveller?s opinion about winter destinations. The thesis also investigates if there is a link between the traveller?s demography and their opinion of a destination.

Från spill till produkt

Detta arbete har sin utgångspunkt i ökad återvinning och minskning av sopberg. Ett exempel som vi har använt oss av i vår forskning är ett samarbete mellan Röda Korset och Kriminalvården. Varje år slängs 25 % av de textilier som välgörenhetsorganisationer får in och dessa sopberg skulle man kunna minska genom ökad återvinning. Kriminalvården har registrerat ett varumärke som heter Made in Jail, vilka tillverkar köksrelaterade produkter. Syftet med det här arbetet blev därför att utveckla idéer till hantverksprodukter som slukar mycket spill.Valet av metod blev kvalitativa intervjuer, som utfördes med tre personer med olika kopplingar till arbetet.

Ergonomisk och användarvänlig släplift anpassad för skidanläggningarnas och fjällturismens utveckling. : Rapport, examensarbete 2012

Surface lift adapted for today?s user Today?s T-bar lift looks almost the same as when it was launched in 1938, even though a lot has happened in the ski and mountain industries. New equipment has developed without any major adjustment to the lift. Snowboard, sit ski and downhill biking are just some examples of the evolution that demands new seating positions. It?s also very common for families to spend their holidays in the Mountains nowadays.

Ymers benknotor : Kan kala berg och berghällar, där det ser ut att ha förekommit forntida kultaktiviteter, kopplas till skapelsemyten om Ymer

The intention of this essay is to put the light on and to discuss if there is a connection between a pre-Christian creation mythology and naked rocks on prehistoric sacred places in Scandinavia. Archaeological as well as historical materials are studied. The historical material is mostly from Snorre Sturlasons Asasagan with the explanation of the creation of the world. In this story the world was built from the body of a killed and deposited giant named Ymer. Almost the same myth is told in all Indo-European countries.

RA Detect - Antikollisionsskydd förlantbrukssektorn

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

SecRePac - Strimlare för hushållsförpackningar

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Storytelling som marknadsföringsstrategi : AB Enaforsholm

The marketing strategies discussed in today?s literature are often developed for larger compa-nies and are therefore poorly fitted for smaller businesses with little resources, such as the small resort Enaforsholm Fjällgård in Jämtland. Hence, this paper focuses on presenting and discussing the marketing strategy storytelling and whether it is applicable to Enaforsholm Fjällgård. This mountain resort was given to the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) in 1937 as a trust fund to be managed in the spirit of the grantor A.W. Bergsten.

Välkommen : förslag till ny stadspark i Göteborg

The landscape is a great asset for Göteborg as a city and places in the landscape are much used by the public. This diploma work deals with the question of how nature in Göteborg can become more accessible and how a place in it can be supplemented with new landscape elements. It is a proposal for a new urban park at Björlanda peninsula in the western part of Hisingen, Göteborg, which today belongs to the Swedish Armed Forces and is a part of the Nature-2000 area "Nordre älvs estuarium". The reason for choosing this place is that it is the only area around the costal area in Göteborg that has not been built on and that it contains a very varied landscape. The proposal is presented as three different broschures, dated 10-20 years ahead: A map of a possible system of urban parks including a detail of such a park, Västra Hisingen (the western parts of Hisingen) The idea with a system of urban parks is to make the landscape generally more accessible and maybe open it for people that do not use it today. A broschure of the central area Välkommen, with my design proposal for an urban park at Björlanda peninsula The design aims to utilize the landscape elements water, Mountains, vegetation and sky and to intensify the experience of them. A flora for Välkommen that shows a selection of plants for the design proposal.

H.P. Lovecraft : Narratologisk analys av atmosfär och fasor

Even though the American author H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) has been praised as one of the most influential writers of horror literature in the 20th century, his style of writing has occasionally been criticized. Lovecraft was using a writing style based on strict scientific language, where the human condition and existence are irrelevant in the narrative. This includes less focus on character development and more on the importance of atmosphere and environments. I am presenting narratological analyzes of what is often considered to be three of Lovecraft?s ?greatest works?: ?The Call of Cthulhu?, At the Mountains of Madness, and ?The Shadow over Innsmouth.? These analyzes are used to highlight Lovecraft?s science-oriented language and narratological techniques, with the focus of studying what methods Lovecraft was using to give his works and his readers a sense of dread, hopelessness, and an alien atmosphere.

En geokemisk kartering över området kring Nasa silvergruva : Effekterna av historisk gruvdrift i svensk fjällmiljö

The aim of the study was to map the extent of Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Zn and S contamination in the area surrounding the Nasa silver mine. The mine operated between 1635 and 1810 with some prospecting performed in 1889, and has become infamous for the gruesome ways that the indigenous people were treated during the early years of operation. This study tested three hypotheses through a geochemical survey: 1) sulfide oxidation is still active in the abandoned mine, 2) the soil downslope of the mine is contaminated by mine drainage, and 3) the stream downslope of the mine is affected in the same way. All three hypotheses were valid, as the results showed that still, >200 years after mining operations ceased, signs of the historical mining are clearly visible in the surrounding environment. Acidic conditions were discovered in surface waters close to the waste rock piles, which indicates active sulfide oxidation.

Adriatiska havets okända resemål Neum : en studie av destinationsmarknadsföring

This study examines the differences between Bosnia and Herzegovina?s, Montenegro?s and Croatia's tourism development after the Civil War in the 1990s. In particular, this essay is about the town Neum, which is the only Bosnia and Herzegovina destination on the Adriatic, splitting the Croatian coast in two. Through information from books, the internet and interviews I´ve tried to find out why Neum is a special place to visit and how it differs from other destinations on the Adriatic coast. One of the findings is that many are not aware of Bosnia and Herzegovina having a small, but still, part of the Adriatic.

Dendroklimatologisk analys av lokalklimat vid Grövelsjön i Dalafjällen

Climate on earth is getting warmer, which effects earth?s energy balance and so forth the ocean and atmospheric circulation.  In many sub-polar regions on the northern hemisphere changes due to warming of the climate can be observed. Some examples that already have been observed are shifts in tree line, towards higher altitudes and latitudes, increased ablation of Swedish glaciers and melting of the permafrost on the Siberian tundra. In Sweden climate change scenarios tell us that it will become warmer and that a higher amount of precipitation in form of rain will be an effect from this. To study climate changes in Sweden, transition zones are useful in order to observe changes in distribution of species and animal populations.

Examination of mycorrhizal associations of Allanblackia stuhlmannii : a tree under current domestication

Allanblackia is a tree genus native to humid forests in West, Central and East Africa. Its fruits contain large seeds from which edible high-quality fat can be extracted. In order to create a sustainable supply chain of Allanblackia seeds, a domestication program has been initiated with the purpose to enable smallholder farmers to grow the tree as an agroforestry component and cash crop. More knowledge is required to understand the tree?s biology and possible symbioses involving soil microorganisms with plant growth enhancing poten-tial.

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