

366 Uppsatser om Mission - Sida 1 av 25

?Att ikläda sig ansvar? Inhemskt aktörskap i Skandinavisk Pingstmission i Tanganyika 1932-1945

A common phenomena in descriptions of Western Mission initiatives to the South is theoverrepresentation of depictions of the Missionaries and underrepresentation of theindigenous people. It is fair to say that there is a need for new perspectives. This thesisinvestigates the agency of the indigenous people in the Scandinavian Pentecostal Mission inTanganyika 1932-1945. It highlights roles and areas of their participation which seldomoccur in western Mission biographies, but were tanganyikan people played a crucial part,such as evangelisation, church planting and the forming of contextualized theology. Thepentecostal theology and Mission praxis contributed to a large degree to shape that agency..

Förberedelser inför den väpnade striden : Två verktyg; Idrottspsykologi och samtal om döden

The combat Mission is an extreme situation with high demands of the soldier. Killing might very well be necessary. Before a Mission a soldier can experience stress due to these factors. The purpose of this paper is to find methods to handle stress due to an upcoming combat Mission and to the prospect of having to kill. The main questions of this essay: -How can certain parts of the physiological psychology improve a soldiers ability to perform a Mission? ? Is the Swedish soldier mentally prepared to kill? The theory for this essay has been described using litteratur by experts within the field, and the results thereafter discussed.

Amerikansk metodistmission i Sverige : Den svenska Metodistkyrkans etablering åren 1865?1876

This is a study of American Methodist Mission in Sweden and how this Mission eventually formed the Methodist Church in Sweden 1876. The Mission began as a consequence of returning Swedish emigrants and sailors who had encountered Methodism in America, mainly through the works of Swedish-American Missionary Olof Gustaf Hedström on the Bethel ship in New York. During the 1850?s Methodist Missionaries were sent to Scandinavia by the American Missions Society. The first to come to Sweden was Johan Peter Larsson, who spent two years in Sweden in 1854 before he was transferred to Norway.

Folkbibliotekets uppdrag i den nya bibliotekslagen. En idéanalys av sex remissvar på departementsskrivelse 2012:13.

The new Library Act came in force in January 2014, external changes such as globalization and information technologies had changes the way libraries work and the new law aimed to reflect this. The aim of this study is to examine ideas surrounding the Mission of the public library as it appears in the referral statements that three state agencies and three interest organizations gave to the ministry publications series Ds 2012:13. The questions this thesis examines are: what ideas can be discerned in the respond-ents' opinion regarding public library's Mission? How is the con-sultation bodies? way of looking at public library's Mission to-wards the government's approach? In this thesis the empirical ma-terial has been analyzed using a theoretical model called The four spaces ? a new model for the public library designed by Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Henrik Jochumsen and Dorte Skot-Hansen. The model consists of four different goals and four differ-ent spaces and can be used as a basis for discussions about the public libraries role in society.

Målgrupp alla och dess behov - folkbibliotekets flummiga men underbara uppdrag

The subject for this Master's thesis is the Mission of the public library concerning target group everybody. Control documents, traditions, norms and trends influence how this is interpreted and how the library's service is being formed. The often very abstract terms used to describe the public library's Mission makes it open for different interpretations. We are of the opinion that the public library's service should be formed to reflect the needs, interests, and priorities of the community it services, in order to be more attractive and useful.The aim of our study is to examine how the public librarians define and adjust to the Mission to satisfy all citizens needs. Why do they choose to concentrate on certain target groups? And what does that show of how the public libraries reflect their communities? Our investigation includes examining six activities aimed at a certain target group and the six public libraries that carried these out.

Fyra pedagogers tankar om synen på förskolans uppdrag

The purpose of my essay has been to illustrate any possible differences between pre-school teachers? and parents' views on the Mission of the pre-school put in relation to the pre-school curriculum. In my study I have taken a starting point in the following questions:How do pre-school teachers understand the Mission of the pre-school?Do pre-school teachers recognize the term baby-sitting from their profession?How do pre-school teachers perceive the parents' view on the Mission of the pre-school?How concerned are the parents according to the pre-school teachers about the pedagogical activities of the pre-school?What do the pre-school teachers do to inform the parents about the pre-school curriculum and how aware do they think that the parents are of the curriculum?What are the plans of the pre-schools to fulfill the new part of the revised curriculum that comes into effect July 1 2011?I chose to utilize the qualitative method with the hermeneutics as a theoretical framework in my study and through interviews study my questions. The interviews were made with four pre-school teachers from different pre-schools in the south of Stockholm.

Folkbibliotekets uppdrag i teori och praktik. En diskursanalys kring formulerandet av folkbibliotekets uppdrag i ett urval biblioteksrelaterade tidskrifter under åren 1999-2000

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine and analyse how the public librarys Mission is interpreted and formulated in a selection of library related journals. The journals are both international scientific referee journals from the LIS field and journals with a closer connection to the practitioners within the public library field. The idea is that these journals can be seen as windows to an academic theoretic perspective on public libraries, as well as to the practitioners way of talking about the librarys Mission. The study also aims to examine if there is a difference in the way that the librarys Mission is interpreted and discussed among theorists and among practitioners within the field. The theoretical starting-point is Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes discourse theory, and the method is text analytic.

Är det tillåtet att försämra vattenstatus? : Om Sveriges rättsliga genomförande av miljömålen i EU:s vattendirektiv

The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic Mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic Mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic Mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy Mission and the possibilities and limits.  Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.

Skolans demokratiuppdrag, det fria ordets rättigheter : En kvalitativ undersökning på en högstadieskola år 7-9

The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic Mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic Mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic Mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy Mission and the possibilities and limits.  Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.

Läsningens kris och samtalets potential

This study is about what teachers in primary schools say that they are doing to create a school for all.The purpose of this study is to find out what teachers in primary schools say that they do on their Mission to create a school for everyone and how they organize teaching to achieve this. The study was conducted as an interview of five teachers from elementary school of different gender and with a qualitative method because it provides a great opportunity to problematize, interpret and understand the responses of the interviewees.The results show that all the teachers think that their Mission is to teach so that they can give each student what they need to achieve the goals. This may not be every day but over time, they hope that all students feel that they get so much of the teacher's time that they need..

Hur gör de? : En kvalitativ studie av hur fyra samhällskunskapslärare tolkar och anser sig använda det demokratiska uppdraget och värdegrunden.

AbstractThe purpose of my study was to examine how four social studies teachers in upper secondary school interprets the democratic educational Mission and core values, and if they believe that the same values are tools to influence the students' democratic approach and if they think it is possible. It is also the study's minor purpose to make an analysis of my findings and previous research in the area to explain any similarities or differences in the social studies teacher's interpretation and practice of the democratic educational Mission and core values. I used qualitative semi-structured interviews as a method in which the interview questions were based on my research questions. The two criteria I had for my sample of respondents was that there would be social studies teacher at a upper secondary school and that I wanted to have two of each sex. Their interpretation and how they think they practice the democratic educational Mission and core values are similar.

Den språkliga mångfaldens skola : En studie av språkutvecklande samtal

This study is about what teachers in primary schools say that they are doing to create a school for all.The purpose of this study is to find out what teachers in primary schools say that they do on their Mission to create a school for everyone and how they organize teaching to achieve this. The study was conducted as an interview of five teachers from elementary school of different gender and with a qualitative method because it provides a great opportunity to problematize, interpret and understand the responses of the interviewees.The results show that all the teachers think that their Mission is to teach so that they can give each student what they need to achieve the goals. This may not be every day but over time, they hope that all students feel that they get so much of the teacher's time that they need..

Mission och mänskliga rättigheter : Svenska Missionsförbundets missionsverksamhet i Kongo-Brazzaville 1909-1961 ur ett ma?nniskora?ttsperspektiv

This paper?s purpose is to examine a Swedish Missionary activity from a human rights perspective. As a scope I have chosen the Swedish evangelical Mission to Congo-Brazzaville, from its establishment in 1909 to the congolese church's self-determination in 1961. I consider certain elements of the Missionary activity that affect human rights, to discover wether the activity was in order with modern day human rights standards or not. During these years, Congo was part of the French colony Equatorial Africa, so the Missionaries? part in the colonial discourse is taken into consideration.

Pedagogistans pedagogiska ledarskap

The pedagogista is a new professional role in Swedish preschools. Some people question the role, which originates from Italy, since it is believed to carry out a pedagogical leadership that belongs to the head of the preschool according to the curriculum and the Education Act. Consequently, there is cause for examining what pedagogical leadership means in an organization with a pedagogista. However, re- search has shown the success of distributed leadership within schools. Hence, it ?s interesting to find out whether the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista could be understood as distributed leadership and what that would implicate.The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista.

Mission Statement - ett verktyg för analys av framtida strategival?

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera Mission Statements som analysverktyg när det gäller att förutsäga konkurrenters beteende. Eftersom detta inte gjorts tidigare finns det ingen självklar metod för att angripa detta problem. Därför hör även till uppsatsens syfte att utveckla en metod för att studera frågeställningen. Metod: Den egenutvecklade metoden vilar på två grundläggande principer. Eftersom området vi rör oss inom är relativt outforskat föll det sig naturligt att försöka skapa en djupare förståelse för problemet snarare än att dra generella slutsatser.

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