

90 Uppsatser om Medication - Sida 1 av 6

ADHD- diagnosen i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers förhållningssätt till diagnosen ADHD i Åk 6-9

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a phenomena that is much talked about in both schools and in communities. Today, there is a conflict surrounding the diagnosis ADHD. A part of the conflict takes part between the sociologist Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg, professor in child- and teenage psychology. The roots of this conflict surrounds the much debated line of what is seen as normal and ?too? different, basically how many children that actually should have the diagnosis.

Vad har en AD/HD-diagnos för betydelse för barnet i skolan? : Sett ur pedagogens, specialpedagogens, läkarens och förälderns perspektiv

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Privatägda bostadsbolag i jämförelse med allmännyttiga bostadsbolag : Finns det skillnader mellan allmännyttiga och vinstdrivande bostadsbolag?

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Föräldrars uppfattningar om förändringar gällande aptit och måltidssituationer hos barn som medicineras mot ADHD vid Habiliteringen vid Uppsala läns landsting

The aim of this study was to examine if parents, of children diagnosed with ADHD, exprerienced any changes regarding their childrens appetite after starting psycostimulant treatment. Further more the aim was to examine what kind of changes concerning the appetite that were found and if they affected the meal situation as a whole.Method: A questionnaire study was conducted in the spring of 2011. The study included 81 parent?s to children who were enrolled at the Habilitation in Uppsala and medicated with psychostimulants for ADHD. The children's ages ranged between six and 18 years.

Faktorer som kan riskera patientsäkerheten vid sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering?????????????????

Patientsäkerhet är ett viktigt ämne inom hälso- och sjukvården. Läkemedelshantering är en del av omvårdnadsarbetet som kan äventyra patientsäkerheten. En fjärdedel av de vårdskador som inträffar beror på fel i läkemedelshanteringen. Studiens syfte var att beskriva händelser och/eller omständigheter i omvårdnadsarbetet som kan riskera patientsäkerheten vid läkemedelshantering. Metoden är litteraturstudie och omfattar 17 artiklar i resultatet som visar att det är flera händelser/omständigheter som bidrar till och ibland samverkar till att medicineringsfel inträffar.

"Ska jag ta de här tabletterna?" : Behandling med statiner från kranskärlspatientens synvinkel, en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Coronary heart disease kills more than 7 million people worldwide each year. High levels of blood fat, cholesterol, contributes significantly to coronary heart disease. Lifestyle changes combined with lipid-lowering drugs, statins, is an effective treatment. But adherence to statins is low, not even a myocardial infarction always contributes to adherence. Adherence requires patient education and good communication between patient and physician.

Som att ha ett osynligt koppel på sig : Intervjustudie med tre patienter med erfarenhet av utskrivning från substitutionsbehandling mot opiatmissbruk

Aims: To examine how patients with experience of being involuntarily discharged from Medication-assisted treatment with methadone or buprenorphine have coped with the consequences following the discharge. The study also aim to examine how the patients cope with the stigma related to their abuse of heroin and how they manage to cope with the rules regarding theMedication-assisted treatment. Method: Three patients with experience of involuntary discharge from Medication-assisted treatment have been interviewed. All were heroin abusing men living in Stockholm. The interviewees were recruited through the Swedish Drug Users Union and through a shelter for homeless people with drug problems.

Ett nytt hjälpmedel för läkemedelstillförsel till hästögon

Medicinering vid sjukdomstillstånd i det främre segmentet av ögat hos häst är ofta tidskrävande och komplicerat för djurägaren. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett nytt tekniskt hjälpmedel, en spiral som kallas OphthaCoil, fungerar för långtidsmedicinering hos häst. Två olika designer på spiraler utvärderades. Efter en ögonundersökning placerades en spiral i nedre konjunktivalsäcken och hästen observerades till dess spiralen trillade ur. Resultaten visar att ingen av de använda designerna låg kvar tillräckligt länge för att kunna användas för en längre tids behandling.

Självmedicinering med cannabis för posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. En normanalys av individers upplevelser och professioners uppfattning

The purpose of this study was to examine people's experiences of self-Medication with cannabis in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder and professions? opinions of cannabis for medical use. The study focuses on norms and values as well as its impact on individuals. A qualitative approach was used with thematically open interview questions, in order to gain an insight into the interviewees? reality and their experiences.

Underlättar medicinering av barn med ADHD barnets pedagogiska situation i skolan?

Persons suffering from Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) struggle with complications within the functions that regulate and control the brain activities, due to deficiencies in these functions within the affected nerve-paths. ADHD is a cognitive function impairment characterised by inattention, impulsiveness and over activity. According to Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV), certain diagnostic criteria of ADHD must be fulfilled in order for a person to be diagnosed with ADHD. The everyday problems caused by ADHD are individual and Medication can have positive effects relieving the person?s impairing behaviour.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att uppmärksamma, bedöma och hantera somatiska symtom och problem i det psykiatriska omvårdnadsarbetet

Background:Patients with mental disabilities are more prone to somatic illnesses than the general public. Unhealthier lifestyles and side effects of Medication might be causes of conditions that lead to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and premature death. According to the Social Board patients with mental disabilities receive poorer treatment than patients with only somatic diagnosis.Aim:The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences to identify, assess and manage somatic symptoms and problems within the psychiatric care.Method:The study is based on interviews with 12 nurses working in psychiatric outpatient and inpatient care. A qualitative content analysis was chosen.Result:The nurses performed nursing through talking, blood sampling and measuring for example blood pressure. They followed up side effects of Medication.

Separationsångest hos hundar : etiologi och möjliga behandlingsprotokoll

Behavioral problems are one of the leading reasons for re-homing and euthanasia in dogs. It is estimated that between 40 ? 87 % of dogs suffer from some sort of behavioural problem, making it an important animal welfare issue. Separation anxiety is one of the most common behavior problems encountered in dogs after problems related to aggression. This thesis is aimed at examining the etiology behind separation anxiety related behavior in dogs based on existing literature as well as comparing and evaluating the efficiency on suggested treatment protocols.

Komplexa behov i negativa spiraler : Ungdomar med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder och dess anhöriga möter skola och vård

This study aims to examine how families that during a long time have lived with neuropsychiatric disabilities have experienced their contact with different authorities. The study builds on qualitative interviews with two young people and five parents, from four different families. Focus in the paper lies mainly on the families' experiences of the school and different care sectors.The result shows that there is a great number of aspects as lack of information, lack of knowledge, dislodges between different authorities lack of support from school and care sectors, incorrect Medication and shortage of long-term plans for treatment, which the families experienced as problematic. These aspects have also brought dramatic consequences that have strengthened the disabilities' negative effects.The result also shows that the parents are very active and bears a great responsibility for the child's health. The parents are in large extent alone in search for care, arranging meetings, searching for information, taking care of the children's Medication etc.

Nasal smärtbehandling av barn med akuta smärttillstånd inom akutsjukvård och prehospitalt

The aim of thie literature review was to study the advantages and disadventages of the intranasal Medication, treating children with acute pain in  prehsopital settings and in emergency care. Searches were performed in databases PubMed and Cinahl. The intranasal method of administrating drugs could be a acceptable compliment to todays's traditional metods. Unnecessary pain is avoided as there is no need for skin penetration. Further studies are necessary in order to integrate this metod both in prehospital settings and in emeregncy care..

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