

17 Uppsatser om Matrices - Sida 1 av 2

Effektiva Lagringsmetoder för Glesa Matriser

Sparse Matrices are often used in numerical algorithms that solve linear equation systems. Many methods for storing sparse Matrices have been proposed and implemented during the years. These methods focus primarily on minimizing the total memory consumption and the time that it takes to store a sparse matrix. This report researches the available storage methods for sparse unstructured Matrices. The formats that are researched and implemented are COO, CRS and ELL.

Kakelugnar : en studie av Emil Petterssons kakelugnsmatriser

In recent centuries the Swedish Tiled Stove has varied in its design with an aesthetic evolutionary history that has not only followed the architectural and artistic ideals but also the taste in stove design. The heat source has varied depending on the regional traditions and where it was located within the country, but the inside of the construction was of a similar five channel system. The purpose of this paper is to study and compare the design of tile Matrices made by Emil Petterson with other Swedish stoves. The following questions will be addressed:What characterized the production of a small scale tile stove workroom during the years 1900-50? Which main styles can be described as Emil Pettersson?s ideal while producing his Matrices? And finally, is it possible to study the tile stove Matrices as objects of historical and cultural significance, and what difficult methodological issues might occur in the doing of it? To answer these questions I will present the results of the documentation of Pettersson?s tile Matrices with detailed historical categorizations and schedules. The conclusion shows that Pettersson as a stove builder and -producer was characterized by eclectic ideals and a design shape based on more liberal interpretations of contemporary trends.


Förmågan att prestera under akut eller kraftig stress är en förutsättning för en del yrken. Forskningsresultaten gällande hur stress påverkar prestation pekar åt olika håll. Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan fysiologisk arousal och kognitiv problemlösningsförmåga under stress. Trettiotvå polisstudenter testades på Ravens test av flytande intelligens APM set II både före och efter att antingen ha sprungit i tjugo minuter eller haft en självskyddslektion på ca fyrtio minuter. Resultaten från en mixed ANOVA för beroende mätningar visade på en signifikant interaktionseffekt (F (30) = 6,547, p < 0,05) ? en ökning i prestationen hos självskyddsgruppen med arton procent och en minskning med femton procent hos löpningsgruppen.

Utvärdering av larmsystem för lageroptimering under trendvariation

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the Matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

En jämförelse mellan några multivariata data-analysmetoder

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the Matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

Hur har det svenska handelsmönstret påverkats av ett medlemskap i EU?

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the Matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

Analys och framtagning av algoritm för rodermätning

Arbetet är ett utredningsarbete som går ut på att försöka lokalisera felkällor och göra förbättringar på en testutrustning som mäter rodervinklar på akterdelen på en robot. Rapporten innehåller en översiktlig bild över den tidigare metoden och dess felkällor som hittas vid test av den tidigare metoden. Utredningen utmanar också många utav antagandena som är gjorda för beräkningarna av den tidigare metoden. Detta utförs för att kunna bekräfta eller dementera antagandena. Detta görs i form av matematiska modeller som testar olika delar av metoden.

Fröken Sverige och Magister Tutnäsa : En studie om fyra lärare i barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv

This study has been conducted as a literary analysis of four chapter books for children in the early years of compulsory school: Magister Tutnäsa, Vilken fullträff, Astrakan, Sune och tjejhatarligan, and Alva och Dum-Julia. The aim has been to analyse four teacher characters from a gender perspective. The study has focused on the teachers? personal characteristics and whether these are typically female or male. Another aim has been to study how the character reinforces or runs against stereotyped gender patterns.

Bedömning av loggbok : Bedömning av loggbok med en uppgiftsspecifik matris

The purpose of my independent work was to develop and test a task-specific assessment matrix to the students writing logs that occurs in connection with their APL (workplace-based learning). The matrix is based on upper secondary school subject plan House building from The Swedish National Agency for Education and the four courses House building process, House building 1, House building 2 and House building 3 - conversion. Due to the matrix structure, I used the example matrix of Malmö University. The task-specific assessment must both serve as a guide for students in the implementation of the log writing, and in the evaluation of the assessment work. Both students and teachers then get a common assessment tool for evaluation.

Borrie kyrka - En byggnadsarkeologisk undersökning

AbstractThe church of Borrie lies about 10 km north of Ystad in the southern of Sweden. Though thechurch is one of the smallest in Scania it holds a very complicated history.In this essay all relevent material concerning the church of Borrie is presented. The materialdoes not only concist of literature, but also photographs. The purpose of this investigationwas to use this material to sort out and explain the history of the church of Borrie.The problem is presented in the following points:1. Is it possible to do a building archaeological analysis with photographs of the churchas the main material?2.

Interferences during analysis of polyphenols in fruit juices

One of the most commonly used methods for analysis of polyphenols is the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method, where the FC reagent has been reported to interfere with some substances in fruit juices. The interfering substance that is present in the highest amount in most fruit juices is ascorbic acid. In this study, the total phenolic content (TPC) of three fruit juices was analysed by the FC method as well as with an enzymatic method with hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase type II (HRP) for comparison. To investigate how the interfering ascorbic acid affects the TPC, juice samples were analysed after removal and addition, respectively, of ascorbic acid. The samples were analysed with HPLC both before and after the extraction phase of the FC method.

Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet

AbstractTitle: Network communication for equal opportunities (Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet)Number of pages: 47 (54 with enclosures)Author: Hillevi GoodTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the possibilities to bring about change by the means of communication in two networks, focusing on the implementation of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act.Material and method: The study draws on data collected in an electronic survey among representatives of two networks consisting of representatives from trade unions and employer?s associations. The material is analyzed using descriptive tools, cross tables and correlation Matrices in which general characteristics as well as individual understandings of the network communication are presented and discussed.Main results: The general results indicate that the network communication serves important purposes, such as providing support and motivation for the members and changing attitudes towards equal opportunities. The analysis suggests that the network members have good communicative possibilities to serve as agents of change within their organisations. Moreover, there is an observed relation between, on the one hand, organizational context and, on the other hand, the network members? own communicational behaviour and their experienced possibility to influence their organizations.Keywords: network communication, diffusion of innovations, behaviour change, Equal Opportunities Act.

Konceptframtagning av inspektionspluggar till flygmotorer

This report describes the results of the project "Concept development of jet engine inspection plugs" carried out in the spring of 2008. The work was done at the department of product definition at the company Volvo Aero in Trollhättan. The objective of the work was to develop concepts for a "Volvo-unique" inspection plug. The work is part of Volvo Aero's focus on proprietary (self-developed) technologies. Inspection plugs can be found on virtually all aircraft engines and gas turbines.

XRF-analys av förorenad mark : undersökning av felkällor och lämplig provbearbetning

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) detection of heavy metals is a cost- and time-effective method for investigation of polluted areas. Compared to laboratory analysis, XRF analysis is limited by high detection limits and uncertainties in some situations. Preparation of samples is known to affect the results of measurements.The purpose of this thesis is to bring a deeper understanding of how different factors affect the results of XRF-analysis. A large number of measurements have been made with the instruments Niton XLt 700 and Niton Xli 700. Results from measurements of lead, zinc and copper have been analysed.This study has shown that a greater moisture content will give a lower measured concentration for the same sample.

"Lätt är det inte, men det är inga svårigheter heller" : En studie om vad lärare i idrott och hälsa använder för verktyg vid bedömning och betygssättning

AimThe purpose of this study is to examine which tools teachers, teaching physical education, are using for assessment and grading in primary schools.IssuesHow it is perceived by teachers to assess and grade the students? How have the assessment and grading tools been developed?How do the teachers document what they assess and grade?How do the teachers communicate to the students what they assess and grade?MethodThe study has a qualitative approach in which the study design is represented by several semi-structured qualitative interviews. The semi-structured interview guide was authored using the foundations of ramfaktorteorin and an overall hermeneutisk approach. The interviews were then carried out with six physical education and health teachers from the Stockholm area. The interviews were recorded with a voice recorder and transcribed.

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