

4 Uppsatser om Ludology - Sida 1 av 1

Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb

AbstractTitle: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb.Number of pages: 46Author: Peter BrandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerPeriod: Spring term 2008Course: Media and Communication studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account.

En actionberättelse : en analys av de narrativa delarna i actiondatorspelet Halo

This essay is a narrative analyze of the computer game Halo. The purpose of the essay is to see what function the narrative elements have in a computer game of the action genre. The analyze is done with a neo-formalistic approach according to the theory of David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson. The choice of game was based on it's positive reviews mentioning the story. The essay tries to give a picture of research in the field and researchers views on narratives and computer games.

En digital hjälte? : En klassisk narratologisk analys av ett nytt medium ? tv-spelet som medietext

De digitala spelen tar allt större plats i vårt västerländska samhälle. Tiden då spelande bara var för de mest inbitna datorfantasterna är sedan länge förbi. Idag konkurrerar spelindustrin med både film- och musikindustrin om konsumenternas uppmärksamhet.Trots det har forskning kring de digitala spelen länge åsidosatts. Men en process är nu i full gång för att etablera forskning kring spel och dess innehålls- och uttrycksmässiga aspekter som ser bortom frågan om eventuella skadliga psykologiska effekter och liknande. Men denna process är ung och oenighet råder om hur spelen som studieobjekt ska behandlas.Denna debatt som utgår från två olika ansatser; den narratologiska och ludologiska, har visat sig vara central i forskarvärlden.

Läsa spel. En analys av Alice-böckernas adaptation till spelformatet

The purpose of this essay is to examine the consequences following an adaptation from literature to video game formatby comparing Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with American McGee's Alice and,primarily, Alice: Madness Returns. In order to answer this, aspects of both game theory and literary critique are takeninto consideration, regarding for example the narrative potential of the game medium and the gameplay's possibleresemblance with Wolfgang Iser's theory of the reading process.The analysis shows in what ways the original narrative has been altered in order to fit its new medium. Some of thebooks' main ingredients are simply retold in the games' so called information spaces, i.e. text and video sequenceswhere the otherwise playable character is not controlled. Others, instead, have undergone a ludolization or ergodizationwhere the story events are experienced as playable elements in the games' action spaces.