

86 Uppsatser om Lesbian - Sida 1 av 6

En studie om sambandet mellan självskattad astmakontroll och en inflamationsmarkör hos barn med astma

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several Lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in Lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that Lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe Lesbian child families/familyplannings and the Lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 Lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that Lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that Lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Lesbiska barnfamiljers möten med hälso- och sjukvården

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several Lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in Lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that Lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe Lesbian child families/familyplannings and the Lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 Lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that Lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that Lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Charlie och Sara : Narration, heteronormativitet och lesbiskhet i Margareta Subers Charlie

This essay explores the novel Charlie by Margareta Suber (1932) through Lesbian narrative theory. The result is a revealing on how the Lesbian main character can be established as a Lesbian subject against the male and heterosexual narrative; how she escapes a simple male positioning in the narrative, how she subverts categorisation, how she parttakes in female bonding, and how she disturbs heteronormativity..

"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965

The construction of an identity among Lesbian women during 1950-­?1965 is in focus in this master ?s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as Lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how Lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-­minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksfo?rbundet fo?r sexuellt likabera?ttigande (a Swedish organisation for Lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two Lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940.

Grälsjuka svenskar : En undersökning av verbala konflikter i två svenska 2000-talsfilmer

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young Lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young Lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and Lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

"I skolan var det svårare, speciellt på gymnasiet" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en skolas syn på lesbiska och en lesbisks erfarenheter av skolan

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young Lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young Lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and Lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

? Som att slicka på en regnkappa. En kvantitativ studie av kvinnor som har sex med kvinnor och sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar/säkrare sex

The background to this thesis is that we know very little about Lesbian and bisexual women's sexual health in Sweden, particularly in relation to sexually transmitted infections (STI) and their transmissions. An internet-based questionnaire with self-selected participants targeted to the group WSW (Women who have Sex with Women) has been implemented. An international survey on the subject shows that the WSW has sexually transmitted infections. This is also in line with the results in this study. The most common sexually transmitted infection in the survey is chlamydia which 12.3 percent have had.

Heteronormativitet i Socialtjänsten : Homo- och bisexuellas upplevelser av bemötandet

The purpose of the essay is to examine Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual person?s experiences of the Social Services treatment. Our question is: How do Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual person?s experience the treatment in a relief seeking situation at Social Services? We have a social constructive point of view. Our theoretical foundation is heteronormativity, heterosexism, homophobia, coming out/disclosure, intersectionality, master suppression techniques and we discuss Social Services as a system.

CROSS[DRESS]ING BOUNDARIES : En tematisk queeranalys av Sarah Waters Tipping the Velvet och Jeanette Wintersons Written on the Body

The aim of this essay is to answer the question of how ? in what ways ? Jeanette Wintersons Written on the Body and Sarah Waters? Tipping the Velvet are queer texts. My method is that of a thematic analysis, focusing on words and phenomenon related to definitions of the multi facetted term ?queer?. The analysis covers themes of Lesbian focus, performativity, performance, speech-acts, and heteronormative and queer relationships.

Femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet. En queerteoretisk studie och berättelseanalys av Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss.

AbstraktDenna studie handlar om förhållanden mellan femininitet/maskulinitet och lesbisk identitet med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen, vilken grundar sig i ett dualistiskt tänkande där kvinnor som feminina respektive män som maskulina attraherar och kompletterar varandra. Studien bygger på berättelseanalys av personliga berättelser skrivna av lesbiska kvinnor ur antologierna Tjejerna mot strömmen och Såna som oss, vilka tolkas utifrån en konstruktivistisk ansats och ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. På detta sätt synliggör och problematiserar jag konstruktioner av lesbiska självrepresentationer och identitetsskapanden samt de möjligheter och begränsningar som dessa identiteter omringas av med bakgrund av den heteronormativa genusordningen. Utifrån detta kommer jag fram till hur de lesbiska subjektpositionerna öppnar upp för alternativa identiteskonstruktioner och begärskonstruktioner i relation till aspekter av femininitet och maskulinitet. Vidare resulterar analysen i ett framhållande av den osynliggörande tolkningen av lesbisk femininitet i termer av heterosexualitet samt den osynliggörande förståelsen av lesbisk maskulinitet som ett kopierande av manlighet och manlig maskulinitet.

"När som en krigsman i hans här ...": en queerläsning av tidig svensk pingströrelse

The aim of this essay is to do a queer reading of the early Swedish pentecostal movement, with a special focus on the women within the movement. The main empirical material is Gustaf Emil Söderholms Den svenska pingstväckelsens historia part I and II, published 1927 and 1928, in addition to this a selection of articles from the Swedish pentecostal magazine Evangelii Härold has been used. The theoretical framework consists of Judith Butler's concepts of heterosexual matrix and performativity, as well as interpellation, and of Adrienne Rich's concept of a Lesbian continuum. The analysis shows that the evangelist role, as well as the charismatic practices of the movement, made it possible for women to take the position as leader and teacher of congregations, and thereby take up a male subject position. The role as evangelist also made possible a life outside of the heterosexual norm, within the Lesbian continuum..

Ung och gay ? Informationsbehovet som ung och homo- eller bisexuell i komma-ut-processen

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the information needs of gay, Lesbian and bisexual adolescents? when they are coming out. I also examine what kind of information they seek and where they might find this information. The purpose is also to examine what role the public or school library plays. The study is conducted through qualitative interviews with gay, Lesbian and bisexual adolescents?.

Den lesbiska blicken : En undersökning av blick och betraktarskap utifrån tre målningar av Romaine Brooks

This paper aims to investigate the terms and conditions of a Lesbian gaze and a Lesbian spectatorship from a feminist and queer theoretical point of view. The empirical material consists of three paintings by the American artist Romaine Brooks (1874-1970).  Brooks was based in Paris in the early 20th century where she was surrounded by a group of intellectual and usually cross-dressing Lesbians. The women within this context are the ones depicted in Brooks? paintings and this makes her one of the first artists in modernity to openly portray Lesbian and cross-dressing women.

Tjej & gay bland tidningsställ (Girl & gay among magazine racks)

The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between visual communication and female homosexuality within the field of magazine design. As the creative part of the project I have chosen to make a redesign of Lotus magazine, the very first Swedish magazine with Lesbian and bisexual girls as the target audience. The questions of which the project is based on are: Which stereotypes, differences and similarities can be found in visual communication addressed to a heterosexual versus a homosexual target audience? What kind of design attracts non-heterosexual girls and how can I create a design for Lotus magazine that is appealing to Lesbian and bisexual girls and yet still makes it possible to compete with traditional girls? magazines? In order to examine my research questions I have done literature studies within the field of gender and sexual identity in relation to visual communication. Additionally, I have analysed the design of competing magazines on the market and conducted a survey among representatives of the target audience of Lotus magazine..

Kvinnors våld mot kvinnor. En jämförande studie av könsmaktsanalysen och våld i lesbiska parrelationer.

AbstractFokus för denna uppsats är våld i lesbiska parrelationer och hur man teoretiskt kan konceptualisera detta våld. Mitt övergripande syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för denna form av våld och därmed bidra till ett relativt outvecklat forskningsfält. Ett ytterligare syfte har varit att undersöka om den könsmaktsanalys som haft stor betydelse för tolkningen och förståelsen av mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella relationer även kan förklara våldet i en lesbisk parrelation. Fokus för min analys har dels varit om och i så fall på vilket sätt kön är en faktor som kan förklara det lesbiska relationsvåldet, dels om en förståelse av våldet inom en könsbaserad teori kan innebära en viss problematik. Jag har även undersökt andra faktorer som heterosexism och homofobi och dess betydelse för våldets uppkomst och former samt mer individrelaterade förklaringsmodeller.

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