

28 Uppsatser om Juice - Sida 1 av 2

Ångsterilisering av morötter. Infekterade med Lactobacillus plantarum.

The purpose of the project was to exam steams ability to sterilize carrots infected withLactobacillus plantarum. The project was a cowork with Brämhults Juice AB. They hadobserved an increase of Lactobacillus in the production of carrot Juice during the summer. Tokeep the flavour of fresh fruits, the Juice is treated carefully with heat. This means that theJuice only stays fresh for a few days, around two weeks for an unopened package and threedays for an opened package.In an attempt to remove the remaining Lactobacillus of the carrots, steam is tested as an extrastep in the production of Juice.

Interferences during analysis of polyphenols in fruit juices

One of the most commonly used methods for analysis of polyphenols is the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method, where the FC reagent has been reported to interfere with some substances in fruit Juices. The interfering substance that is present in the highest amount in most fruit Juices is ascorbic acid. In this study, the total phenolic content (TPC) of three fruit Juices was analysed by the FC method as well as with an enzymatic method with hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase type II (HRP) for comparison. To investigate how the interfering ascorbic acid affects the TPC, Juice samples were analysed after removal and addition, respectively, of ascorbic acid. The samples were analysed with HPLC both before and after the extraction phase of the FC method.

Karaktärisering av äpplesorter : för framställning av juice och cider

The purpose of this study was to evaluate which apple cultivars are best suited for production of Juice and cider. The study was limited to 41 cultivars. Common as well as uncommon apple cultivars were selected from available cultivars in the cold storage at Balsgård, Department of Horticultural Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, SLU.The practical part of the study consisted of the apples being pressed, and then the Juice characteristics being assessed by appropriate criteria and methods of analysis. The analyses consisted of measurment of soluble sugars with a refractometer (Brix), titration of total acidity, determination of total phenolic content with a spectrophotometer, estimation of alcohol content by density meters and qualitative taste tests.The study did not account for different maturity of cultivars. Different apple cultivars were pressed on separate occasions, before and after Christmas 2010.

Chemical and sensory analyses of juice, cider and vinegar produced from different apple cultivars

The interest for locally produced food is increasing due to consumer concern about the environment, distrust of industrial foods and a demand for high quality products. Apple is the predominant fruit crop in Sweden, and by processing apples into cider and vinegar, these products could significantly contribute to the development of the market of local foods.In this study different yeast types and different bacterial cultures were evaluated for their suitability in cider and vinegar production from cloudy apple Juice. Ten apple cultivars (Aroma, Baldwin, Belle de Boskoop, Bramley, Cortland, Gravensteiner, Ingrid-Marie, Jonathan, Rubinola and Spartan) were also evaluated for their suitability for production of Juice, cider and vinegar. Chemical analyses including total soluble solids, titratable acidity and total phenols were performed on the products along with sensorial evaluation by taste panels.The yeast strains were shown to have an effect on fermentation rate and the resulting content of total phenols in ciders fermented from cloudy apple Juice. Dry commercial starter strains gave a higher appreciated cider compared to cider that was spontaneously fermented, and the ale yeast Safale S-04 was concluded to be the most suited for fermentation of cloudy apple Juice.For vinegar production, the bacterial culture had an effect on TSS, but not on any other chemical or taste characteristics.

Jämförelse mellan värmepastörisering och kallpastörisering med ozon

Sammanfattning Titel: Jämförelse mellan värmepastörisering och kallpastörisering med ozon- en energimässig och ekonomisk utvärdering Författare: Kajsa Petersson, Fredrik Åkesson, Technology Management Handledare: Stig Stenström, Institutionen för Kemiteknik, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lunds Universitet Stefan Yard, Företagsekonomiska institutionen,Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Johan Sjöholm, VD, Pastair Olle Bergman, Försäljningsdirektör, Pastair Problemställning: Under senare tid har miljö i relation till energianvändning och koldioxidutsläpp blivit en allt viktigare fråga och miljövänliga produktionsmetoder kommer framöver att bli en konkurrensfördel för livsmedelsproducenter. Dock är energieffektiviseringspotentialen i livsmedelsindustrin begränsad i jämförelse med andra branscher. Kallpastörisering med ozon skulle kunna vara mer kostnadseffektiv och ha mindre miljöpåverkan än traditionell värmepastörisering Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra teknikerna värmepastörisering och kallpastörisering av Juice ur ett energimässigt perspektiv med fokus på energianvändning, gällande termisk och elektrisk energi, samt vilka kostnadsaspekter de två teknikerna ger upphov till. Metod: Studien har utgått från både ett kvalitativt och kvantitativt angreppssätt och primärdata har främst samlats in genom intervjuer. Som fallstudieobjektet för värmepastörisering valdes Juicelinje aggregat 37 på Skånemejerier i Lunnarp och för kallpastörisering valdes pilotanläggningen Pastair P1, även den placerad i Lunnarp Slutsatser: I jämförelsen mellan de två teknikerna är energianvändningen större för värme- än för kallpastörisering.

Accelererat åldrande av produkter Apelsinjuice och hallondryck

Brämhults Juice AB is one of Sweden?s leading producers of fresh fruit Juices and drinks. The fruit drinks last 3 days once opened and when stored in a refrigerator kept at 7°C. Since factors that shorten the drinks? best before date are usually not noticed until the entire batch has expired, it would be advantageous to find a way to accelerate the drinks? natural deterioration, so that an unusal short best before date is noticed before more products are shipped off to the stores.


Varje dag stöter vi på förpackningar av olika slag. För många personer är öppnandet av dessa förpackningar ett svårt moment, då det krävs en viss grad av handstyrka för att klara av det. Nedsatt handstyrka kan bero på skador eller sjukdomar, som exempelvis Parkinsons sjukdom, fingerledsartros och ledgångsreumatism. Åldrandet har också en negativ påverkan på handens styrka och funktion. Ett exempel på svåröppnade förpackningar är de med skruvkork av plast.

Hjälpmedel som underlättar öppnandet av skruvkorkar : - ett produktutvecklingsprojekt

Varje dag stöter vi på förpackningar av olika slag. För många personer är öppnandet av dessa förpackningar ett svårt moment, då det krävs en viss grad av handstyrka för att klara av det. Nedsatt handstyrka kan bero på skador eller sjukdomar, som exempelvis Parkinsons sjukdom, fingerledsartros och ledgångsreumatism. Åldrandet har också en negativ påverkan på handens styrka och funktion. Ett exempel på svåröppnade förpackningar är de med skruvkork av plast.

Development of new food products with components active against Helicobacter pylori - with purpose to improve gastric health in humans

Gastric and intestinal disorders are common and costly human health problems worldwide. Helicobacter pylori are a gram-negative, pathogen bacteria and the most common cause of duodenal and gastric ulcer in the stomach the intestinal mucosa. Prolonged infection and colonization can lead to chronic gastritis and stomach cancer. H. pylori are present in the gastric and intestinal mucosa of half of the world population and a relation between infection and low socioeconomic status has been shown.

Äppelpressmassa i Sydsverige - nuvarande användningsområden och möjligheter till nya produkter

Pomace is the solid remains (i.e. stems, pulp, seeds, and skins) after pressing for Juice. The annual production of apple pomace is 593 000 ton worldwide. Its field of application depends on local conditions. In order to investigate the field of application of apple pomace in the Southern Sweden, six persons on companies with production of apple Juice were interviewed.

Frukostens betydelse för grundskoleelevers studieork/studieresultat.

Det här examensarbetet utreder sambandet mellan frukost och studieork/studieresultat. Mitt syfte har varit att ta reda på om det finns något samband mellan grundskoleelevers frukostvanor och deras studieork/studieresultat samt hur många procent av eleverna som äter frukost regelbundet och hur en sådan kan se ut. Jag har använt mig av litteraturstudier, djupintervjuer och enkätfrågor för att få svar på mina frågeställningar. Resultatet som framkommer är att om eleven sköter sitt frukostätande på ett bra sätt så påverkas prestationsförmågan i skolan positivt. Om eleven däremot slarvar med frukosten påverkas skolprestationen negativt.

RA Detect - Antikollisionsskydd förlantbrukssektorn

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, Juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

SecRePac - Strimlare för hushållsförpackningar

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, Juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Post-harvest losses in fruit supply chains : a case study of mango and avocado in Ethiopia

Food insecurity is a great problem worldwide and Ethiopia is one of the sub-saharan countries that are suffering from poverty and food insecurity and a large part of the population are living in a state of undernourishment. To reduce these problems, a successful horticulture production can be an important factor. Compared to other crops, fruit production in Ethiopia has not been a large part of the agricultural sector. However, the demand on the domestic market is increasing as well as the production for avocado and mango. To increase food security it is important to focus on ways to decrease post-harvest losses of food products and not only have the productivity of agriculture in focus.

US foreign corrupt practices act i svenska börsnoterade storföretag

Brämhults Juice AB is one of Sweden?s leading producers of fresh fruit Juices and drinks. The fruit drinks last 3 days once opened and when stored in a refrigerator kept at 7°C. Since factors that shorten the drinks? best before date are usually not noticed until the entire batch has expired, it would be advantageous to find a way to accelerate the drinks? natural deterioration, so that an unusal short best before date is noticed before more products are shipped off to the stores.

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