

107 Uppsatser om Judge-penitent - Sida 1 av 8

Den sardoniska rättskiparen som våldsprincip : En etisk karaktärsstudie av domare Holden i Cormac McCarthys Blodets meridian

This paper analyses the character judge Holden in Cormac McCarthys novel Blood Meridian through an ethical perspective. The author uses several methods to analyze the character ethically, such as the western-genre, McCarthys authorship, evil as an ethical term and Friedrich Nietzsche's theory the Übermensch. The author then uses a selective group of scenes and chapters from the novel to highlighting the distinctive ethical characteristic of judge Holden. The author finds judge Holden to be the very principle of violence and blood shedding, defending and distributing these principles in his words and his actions throughout the novel. Triumphantly proclaiming his victory, judge Holden embodies the principle that whoever has the power to perform any action has then the moral right to do so.

Prövning av måttet Läpp-till-Lyft (L-t-L) på vuxna utan sväljsvårigheter

Context: Lip-to-Lift (L-t-L) is a bedside-method for measuring oral transit time at swallow. It was designed for a swallowing examination of persons on nursing homes where weight loss was noted in people with average L-t-L-time >5 seconds (Sandin, 2005). The measurement was validated and evaluated by Eriksson, Bremer Zerpe (2008).Objectives: The study objective was to examine L-t-L on a group of young adults without swallowing disorders and as to examine the inter- and intra-judgereliability of the measure.Questions:What is the L-t-L-time for young adults without swallowing disorders?Are there any gender differences regarding L-t-L-time?How high is the inter/intra-judge reliability of L-t-L?Method: Examination of L-t-L-time was carried out on 20 young adults, aged 19-27 years, without swallowing disorders after Sandin?s (2005) instructions. Measurements of 20 swallows per person were made.Results: The average L-t-L-time of young adults without deglutition-difficulties was 1.13 seconds (sd =.14).

Perceptuell bedömning av dysartri: jämförelse av detaljerad kontra övergripande analys

The aim of the present study was to compare two differenttypes of assessment of dysarthria to be able to conclude which methodmight be more suitable for use in research and in clinical practice.Five speech pathologists with extensive experience assessed 20different recordings of individuals with dysarthric speech using twodifferent forms, one more detailed and one designed for a more overallassessment. In the detailed form 30 aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. In the short form 5 overall aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. Six of the recordings were duplicated to serve forassessment intra-judge reliability for each form. The results show thatthere was a high correlation between the two forms and that theymeasures the same types of speech deviations although on differentlevels of details.

Att leva med sin skuld : protagonistens moraliska utveckling i Albert Camus' Fallet

I den här uppsatsen analyserar jag protagonisten Jean-Baptiste Clamences moraliska utveckling i Albert Camus? roman Fallet. Jag använder A.J. Greimas aktantmodell och dennes utveckling av Vladimir Propps funktionsanalys för att nå mitt syfte. Jag föreslår även en kombination av de båda teorierna till ett schema, aktantfunktionsschemat, som jag använder för att tolka Clamences moraliska utveckling.Genom aktant-funktionsanalysen visar det sig hur Clamence gradvis djupnar och växer fast i sitt fall och sin skuld.

"Vi har ju alla en tårtbit i det hela" - en studie om samverkan i arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Under vilka fo?rutsa?ttningar kan tjänster outsourcade av finansiella bolag undgå merva?rdesskatt? : En studie av praxis med utgångspunkt i SDC-fallet

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Särskild medling i dispositiva tvistemål : Om behovet och bruket av medling, samt dess relation till rättskipningen

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Synnerliga skäl för fortsatt förvar : En analys av förslaget i SOU 2011:17 om att ersätta synnerliga skäl med proportionalitetsprincipen

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Bedömning av området energi : En jämförelse mellan Miljöbyggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 och PHI

The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

En studie av evalueringar av webbaserade söktjänsters återvinningseffektivitet

The aim of this thesis is to describe and critically investigate eight different evaluations of the retrieval effectiveness of webbased search engines. The questions to be answered in this investigation are: - What kind of relevance judgements have been used? - Which criteria have been used when judging the relevance of a document? - Which measures have been used? - How many queries have been used? - How were the queries constructed? - What document cut-off value has been used? - Has hypothes testing been applied? - What kind of webbased search engines have been included in the evaluations? The study showed that although the evaluations investigate the same phenomena, they are very different from each other in certain aspects. Generally the study showed that precision is the preferred measure in comparison to recall in the chosen evaluation even though all the included evaluations have constructed unique formulas for calculating precision. Some attempts to measure relative recall have been performed but they all suffer from different defects.

Aspects on cow traffic and management on farms with automatic milking

This thesis consists of four case studies. The objective is to find out how to get a well functioning cow traffic in an automatic milking system. Different technical and building solutions are analysed and some adjustments are proposed for the DeLaval herd management software. Case study 1: Lactation chart comparison from traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic Case study 2: Farm A - a study of the precedence passage and the cow traffic Case study 3: Farm B ? an overview of the farm and their way of working Case study 4: Key factors ? how can we judge how well a VMS farm is working? Case study 1: Lactation chart comparison from traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic In this survey data is analysed from before and after rebuilding to Feed First? cow traffic. Lactation graphs are compared between traditional cow traffic and Feed First? cow traffic.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

Arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos förskollärare : grunden för ett kvalitativt arbete

Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse hur förskollärare motiveras till sitt arbete. Vilka faktorer ökar respektive minskar motivation på arbetsplatsen, samt vilken betydelse har arbetets utformande för motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse? Studien utgår ifrån Herzberg (1993) tvåfaktors teori kring motivation samt Hackman och Oldmans The Job Characteristics Model (Robbins & Judge, 2007) som förklarar att arbetets upplägg kan ses som grund för hur motiverad personal är. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex stycken förskollärare har intervjuats kring upplevelsen huruvida arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation infinner sig.

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Vilka alternativ till revisionsplikten föredrar småföretagarna för att upprätthålla trovärdigheten?

Purpose: The purpose with this study is to see what the small limited companiesprefer of the alternatives to the statutory audit that has been created inthe others EU-countries. These alternatives can be current in Sweden tomaintain the credibility.Method: Quantitative procedure.Conclusions: By the result to judge from the small limited companies prefer the alternativeto the statutory audit where they do not need to hire further helpto complete the audit. That is probably why the bookkeeping agency hasbeen chosen to give a guarantee for quality endorsement..

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