

12 Uppsatser om Irony - Sida 1 av 1

Rakknivar och dess symboler

The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and Irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.

Melankoli och ironi : Strategier för hållbar utveckling

The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and Irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.

Din stund av Zen : Den sociologiska vikten av ett ironiskt engagemang

En metastudie som använder sig av en specifikt anpassad tolkning av grounded theory för att undersöka The Daily Shows satiriska kritik och funktion, samt hur detta relaterar till det sociologiska perspektivet. Fynden visar på en problematik som väl överrensstämmer med mer allmänna sociologiska teorier hos Foucault, Bourdieu och Habermas. Satiren visar sig utöva en serie meningsfulla funktioner som har potential att verka som en populistisk samhällskritik med stort inflytande. Satiren visar sig dock inte vara en problemfri diskurs och ett antal problem identifieras som behöver adresseras för att diskursen ska kunna åberopa någon form av legitimitet..

"Välsignad vare illusionen" : Normer och ideal i Karin Boyes Astarte

In this essay I analyze Karin Boye?s first novel, Astarte, focusing on her views concerning norms,ideals and female liberation. The novel is written in a tone of Irony, allowing for many of thecharacters to be viewed as caricatures. The theories and methods I use are drawn from genderstudies and queer theory. Queer theorist Judith Butler, and the concepts of performativity, interpellation, genealogy and the heterosexual matrix, are of central importance for my analysis.

Jane Austens romaner på film och i litteraturhistoria; en uppsats om nutida tolkningar av en författares verk

The purpose of this study is to examine modern constructions of Jane Austens work in films and in books on history of literature. The theoretical framework contains sociology of literature, cultural studies and film theory. I compared Jane Austens books Emma, Pride and prejudice and Sense and sensibility with three film versions from recent years. In the books on history of literature I studied, I found three different attitudes towards history of literature, which also influenced the interpretation of Austens novels. The stories in Austens books and in the films are similar.

Kvinnans roller i Elsa Graves diktsamling Mödrar som vargar

Abstract in EnglishElsa Grave (1918-2003) is a Swedish writer, artist and composer. The aim of my study is to analyse the female character in Mödrar som vargar, (Mothers As Wolves), which is a collection of poems written in 1972.The analysis is divided into four parts. First I analyse the figures of speech of the female ?I? in the poems. In the second part I`m dealing with how she acts and relates to men.

Den rebelliske aktivisten : En fallstudie av WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys användning av Weactivists i varumärkesbyggande syfte

This study has a focus on brand building and brand identity. The overall idea of the study is to examine the Swedish clothing company WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys brand building tactics and activities. WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys, or WeSC, is a company that produces and sells streetfashion in over 20 countries and has over 1600 distributors. The company has in the recent years grown to become one of the largest in its segment. The interesting factor in WeSC´s brand building activities is the use of Weactivists.

Den osynliga hemmafrun : Tre av Sonja Åkessons dikter i närläsning

Sonja Åkesson is one of Sweden?s most well known poets. Her most productive period was from 1957 to 1977, and besides poetry she wrote novels and drama. Today, Sonja Åkesson is famous for criticizing society, mostly in a feministic way. But she was not aware of her critical approach until she became successful among her feministic readers in 1960, with poems like ?Äktenskapsfrågan? and ?Självbiografi (replik till Ferlinghetti)?.This essay examines professor Yvonne Hirdman?s theory about women?s inferior position in relation to men?s between 1930-1960 in Sweden.

Röstfaktorer som avslöjar ironi : Akustiska likheter och skillnader mellan sinnesstämningar

Ordet ironi definieras som ett yttrande där "betydelsen är motsatsen till orden". Denna rapport är en fortsatt studie på Peder Palmérs studie Vad är ironiskt tal: att hitta de auditiva ledtrådarna (2013). Materialet som ligger till grund för denna uppföljande studie består av inspelningar av tre olika talare med fem olika meningar i fem olika sinnesstämningar; glädje, ilska, allvar, ironi och sarkasm. Trettio män och kvinnor i åldern 18-60 år har lyssnat på dessa meningar och kategoriserat dem utifrån tolkad sinnesstämning. Till detta användes avsedd blankett.

Konstens influenser i dagens reklam : En kvalitativ studie av reklambilder och konstverk

AbstractTitle: Art influences in today´s advertisingimages ? A qualitative study of advertisingimages and work of artNumber of pages: 46Author: Sanna OlssonTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Autumn 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose with this composition is to analyse how art has influenced todays advertising images, to see wich influences that can be descovered.Method/Material: Since this is an imageanalys the main material has been consisted of advertising images, a total of seven. In addition, art images have been used as comparative material. The advertising images have been strategically selected, however they are modern and aestetically appealing. A number of questions have been formulated wich is the basis of the analys.Main results: Primarily the study found that art has influenced today?s advertisingimages in different ways.

Salome och mansmordet : Slutet på den maskulina traditionen. En studie i Ann Jäderlunds Salome

Salome is the myth of the Oriental princess who dances for her stepfather, Herod the tetrark at his banquet. He becomes so enchanted by Salome's dance that he allows her to wish for what she wants. On the advice of Queen Herodias, Salome's mother, she asks the head of prophet John on a platter. Herod is horrified, but grants Salome's desire.This is the first in a series of Salome petitions as Mark and Matthew in the New Testament. Salome has since then never ceased to fascinate artists and writers through the ages.

?Vem sjutton vill ?ga? pa?? en reklam?? : En studie om avkodningens betydelse ur ett mottagarperspektiv inom marknadsfo?ringsmetoden celebrity endorsement

Celebrities used in advertising has recently been something that consumers have come in contact with on a daily basis. Corporations use celebrities and their attributes as positive reinforcement and association towards the company or their marketed product.Through increased usage of media, the consumers to this advertising technique have been given an opportunity towards better insight into celebrities? daily life. People are not only receivers of advertising, they are also media producers for the medias agenda. This makes everyone significant in the distribution of advertising.