

18 Uppsatser om Intersubjectivity - Sida 1 av 2

Eudaimonia! : Martha Nussbaums aristoteliska försvar för en reformering av högre utbildning

This essay aims to examine Martha Nussbaum's proposal for a classical defense of reform in liberal education and her critique of utility thinking in higher education. I want to explore how Nussbaum uses history to create an ethical alternative that cultivates both moral and intellectual virtues, which she considers to be crucial for the survival of democracy. In examining Nussbaum's use of Aristotle, I focus on her work as a proposal for institutional implementation of an Aristotelian epistemology and the cultivation of the individual as an ethical political subject. This study highlights the epistemological, educational and political ideas that form the basis of Nussbaum's ideals. I intend, however, to go beyond a contextualizing reading and thus establish a dialogue with a radical Intersubjectivity to respond to Nussbaum's ambitions to recognize human vulnerabilities as assets for reason.

Kodväxling och intersubjektivitet  i tolkmedierade domstolsförhandligar

Reaching shared understanding during court hearings is a prerequisite to ensure a fair trial and maintaining legal certainty. Every month between 2,000 and 3,000 court hearings in Sweden make use of interpreters. Interpreter-mediated conversations involve an extra discourse compared to monolingual conversations which increases the risk of misunderstandings.Using methodology of conversation analysis the study explores how bilingualism is expressed during interpreter-mediated court hearings, at which occasions the Spanish-speaking laymen switch to Swedish and what function the codeswitching fulfills. The study identifies patterns in codeswitching and categorizes them into six different types. Furthermore the ideology of monolingualism in court is challenged and the advantages and disadvantages of codeswitching is discussed.The analysis concludes that even though certain types of codeswitching lead to delays in the conversation, the interaction is mostly favored by the Spanish-speaking party understanding some Swedish.

Den dialogiska flätan : En studie av det pedagogiska mötets betydelse i den individuella sångundervisningen

The dialogical plait in individual vocal educationThesis in Music Education by Jannike Huss. Part of the work for the master´s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre, and Art, University of Örebro, 2010. Available from Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden. Original in Swedish.This thesis treats the value of communication for individual vocal education on a higher level.

Att bli förklarad eller förstådd : - en studie om intersubjektiv kontakt och förståelse i systemisk familjeterapi

Sammanfattning/abstractI denna undersökning utforskas betydelsen av intersubjektiv kontakt och delad förståelse som en väg att samskapa en förståelseorienterad vägledning i den terapeutiska processen och det dagliga familjelivet. Undersökningens syfte är att utforska båda parters upplevelse av delad förståelse och dess betydelse i systemisk familjeterapi. Frågeställningarna fokuseras på vad som kännetecknar tillstånd av närvaro respektive frånvaro av intersubjektiv kontakt och förståelse. Samt vilken betydelse och vilka konsekvenser denna närvaro/ frånvaro har för terapeut och familj. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kliniska fallbeskrivningar återgivna ur båda parters perspektiv.

Att lyssna till det tysta : Fenomenologisk teori och hällbilder vid Motala ström

The survey takes its starting point in a critical evaluation of recent phenomenological approaches to rock art in landscape studies, foremost the works of Chris Tilley. The purpose is to present a phenomenological theory, based on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, which includes both motives, places and landscapes in a holistic interpretation. Bronze age rock art around Motala ström and the city of Norrköping is used to exemplify the theoretical discussion. When presenting the framework, emphasis is being laid on the bodily experience of rock art and place through the process of phenomenological Intersubjectivity..

Marte meo-metoden på behandlingshem : en kvalitativ studie utifrån föräldrars och behandlares perspektiv

This study aims to explore parents and treatment personnels experiences of the Marte meo methodat a family treatment home. Three retrospective interviews were made with parents whoexperienced Marte meo treatment, as well as four interviews with treatment personnel. The purposeof the Marte meo method is to develop the interaction between parent and child. Previous resultsfrom studies show that treatment with the Marte meo method could provide positive effects to theparent child relationship. The results in this study have been analyzed by using parts of attachmenttheory, the salutogenic perspective and the term Intersubjectivity.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar gällande barns inflytande i förskolans rutinsituationer

The purpose with this degree thesis was to investigate the preschool teacher´s view onchildrens´s influence in preschool routine situations. The target group for this study ispreschool teacher´s that currently are working with children that are 1 ? 5 years of age. To manage to answer the aim of this study semi-structured interviews were conducted. I have performed interviews with five preschool teacher´s that currently work in a preschool that is situated in a medium sized city, in the county Värmland, Sweden.

Kroppens harmoni : om relationalitet i G.W Leibnizs monadologi

The purpose of this essay is to discuss relationality in G.W Leibnizs Monadologie (1714). In general terms this essay analyzes the notion of individuation in relation to the concept of monads. The analysis proposes a question regarding the body in this individuation, and what consequences follows for the understanding of the relation between the single individual and other individuals. It will be shown that the irreducibility of having a body transcendens something like ownness, subjectivity, personality and individuation, and this is explained through the pre-established harmony between the monads ? where the plurality of monads is detected before the monads singularity. To widen this investigation of relationality between the monads, I will turn to Edmund Husserls phenomenological operation for solving the egological problem of solipsism in Cartesian Meditations (1929). In his meditations, Husserl uses the monad as a self-conscious ego with peculiar ownness.

Kontextorienterad ämnesrepresentation: abstracting av spelfilm för Internationella biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to examine how a context-specific form of abstracting of fiction film developed in relation to the cultural policy of Internationella biblioteket IB, theoretically can be motivated and practically shaped. The background of the cultural policy of IB is analysed and theoretical standpoints and problematic aspects regarding subject representation discussed. Theories which claim Intersubjectivity as an ideal for subject representation and searches for objectivity in the process of subject analysis are criticised in light of the concept of interpretation as the only means to produce meaning and subjects in relation to fiction. Birger Hjørlands context-oriented theories of subject representation are used to theoretically motivate the context-specific form of abstracting. To suggest how a practical framework for abstracting can be created, film theoretical models of interpretation are examined in relation to the field of subject analysis and formal criteria of abstracting.

"... så här är det bara" : Adoptivföräldrars tankar och känslor om barnets bakgrund

Adoptive parents need to be able to reflect on the interaction with the child, both from the perspective of their own relational experience with the child and from the perspective of the previous experience of the child. This essay explores five adoptive parent´s thoughts and feelings about their children?s background. It also looks into how they think that the children?s background influences their way of expressing their needs and how this makes the parents feel.

Stora A eller jättemycket bajs? : En språkvetenskaplig undersökning av hur omsorgspersonal benämner kroppsliga produkter

The aim of this essay is to investigate to which extent the novel Kvinnor och äppelträd by Moa Martinson can be classified as a polyphonic novel. The concept polyphony was established in literary theory by the Russian language theorist and literary critic Michail Bachtin in 1929, in his book Problems of Dostoevsky?s poetics. In order to understand and comprehend the concept of polyphony I have used an interpretation due to the literature scholar Robyn McCallum. She notes that the characters in a polyphonic novel function as focalizers.

Analys av samtal mellan personer med afasi och logopeder/anhöriga : Användande av kommunikativa resurser i samarbete mot gemensam förståelse

I föreliggande studie undersöktes kommunikativa resurser i samtal mellan tre personer med afasi och deras respektive logoped/anhörig. Syftet var att identifiera och analysera resurser som samtalsdeltagarna gemensamt använde för att uppnå intersubjektivitet. Vidare undersöktes om det, utifrån vem personen med afasi samtalade med, fanns någon inverkan på hur de kommunikativa resurserna användes. Sex dyader spelades in och samtalsanalys användes för att studera materialet. Samtalsämnen valdes fritt av samtalsdeltagarna.

Geometri, språk och idealitet : en studie av Geometrins ursprung av Husserl med fokus på geometrin som idealiserat objekt mellan intersubjektivitet och skriftspråklighet

This thesis is basically an attempt to discuss the intrinsic intersubjective nature of the so-called ideal sciences, i.e. geometry or arithmetic. Based upon a thorough analysis of Husserls The Origin of Geometry and Derridas Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: an Introduction this thesis takes geometry as an example of an ideal science. The main question of the thesis is how an ideal science or object is constituted. The thesis consist of two main chapters - ?Geometry and Historicity? and ?Language?- and a concluding discussion.

Föräldrars upplevelse av Terapeutisk neuropsykiatrisk utredning

Inledning: Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur en metod för neuropsykiatriska utredningar upplevdes av de föräldrar som deltagit i den. Utredningsmetoden kallas TA-C, eng. Therapeutic Assessment with Child. I den sätts särskilt värde till delaktighet och den terapeutiska potentialen.Frågeställningar: 1: Vad var föräldrarnas anledning att söka utredning? Hur beskrev föräldrar sig delaktiga i den neuropsykiatriska utredningen av deras barn? Hur var utredningen till hjälp att förstå sitt barn?Metod: Kvalitativ metod, semistrukturerad intervju, 10 föräldrar som genomgått en form av neuropsykiatrisk utredning för deras barn.Resultat: Resultatet visar att föräldrarna har upplevt betydande delaktighet och förståelse för sitt barn, och kopplar ofta ihop begreppen, som att de har en ömsesidig påverkan.

Många röster små : En applicering av Michail Bachtins polyfonibegrepp på Moa Martinsons roman Kvinnor och äppelträd

The aim of this essay is to investigate to which extent the novel Kvinnor och äppelträd by Moa Martinson can be classified as a polyphonic novel. The concept polyphony was established in literary theory by the Russian language theorist and literary critic Michail Bachtin in 1929, in his book Problems of Dostoevsky?s poetics. In order to understand and comprehend the concept of polyphony I have used an interpretation due to the literature scholar Robyn McCallum. She notes that the characters in a polyphonic novel function as focalizers.

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