

19 Uppsatser om Idealtypsanalys. - Sida 1 av 2

Optimering inför insats  : en idealtypsanalys av korvetten HMS Stockholm

I och med Försvarsmaktens omställning till insatsförsvar med internationella åtaganden har sannolikheten för att marina förband ska nyttjas för väpnad strid ökat markant. Med detta följer ett än större behov av att kunna hantera sådana prövningar. I den här uppsatsen provas idealtypsanalys som metod att mäta korvetten HMS Stockholms effektivitet ur ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv. Idealtypen, referensfartyget ?HMS Excellence?, skapas genom att använda 7s modellen (Waterman et al.) för att åskåda organisationen och resultat från den Amerikanska studien ?Excellence in the Surface Navy? (Gullickson & Chenette) som indikatorer för effektivitet.

Flygskolan ? Ett universitet? : En idealtypsanalys av Flygskolans pedagogiska grundsyn

Under utbildningen till pilot i Flygvapnet genomgår pilotaspiranterna även en uppdragsutbildning vid Försvarshögskolan för att kunna erhålla en officersexamen. Utbildningen vid Flygskolan blir därigenom en del av en högskoleexamen. Enligt högskolelagen skall en högskoleutbildning ge den studerande:förmåga att göra självständiga och kritiska bedömningar.förmåga att självständigt urskilja, formulera och lösa problem.beredskap att möta förändringar i arbetslivet.Studentens möjlighet att utveckla dessa egenskaper är i stor utsträckning beroende av den pedagogik som nyttjas vid lärosätet. Maja Elmgren och Ann- Sofie Henriksson presenterar i boken Universitetspedagogik nio faktorer för ett gynnsamt lärande vid högre lärosäten. I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida Flygskolans pedagogiska grundsyn lever upp till dessa.

Moderaternas ideologiska resa : En idealtypsanalys av Moderaternas handlingsprogram 1984-2013

The Swedish Moderate party, often also called the Conservative party, was founded with conservatism as the dominant ideology. During the years, however, liberalism has gradually found its way into the party. The aim of this study is to analyze the Moderate party?s political platforms from 1984 to 2013 from an ideological perspective. Is conservatism still a foundational ideology in the Moderate party, or has the liberal ideology taken its place? The study is based on an ideal type analysis that illustrates the Moderate party?s argumentation in six political issues in the years 1984, 1993 and 2013.

Det etniska säkerhetsdilemmat-en idealtypsanalys över etniska konflikter

In the world after the Cold War, internal and ethnic conflicts have been predominant. Ethnic conflicts have their own theories on why they erupt and what can be done to solve them. This essay seeks to analyze how the Ethnic Security Dilemma can explain the causes, and possible solutions, of today´s armed ethnic conflicts.By making an ideal types typology over different types of ethnic conflicts, and then analyzing the Ethnic Security Dilemma´s impact on each conflict type.

Mot ett ekologiskt medborgarskap: en idealtypsanalys av fyra svenska kommuners miljöpolicy

Den liberala demokratin står inför en rad problem när det gäller att skapa ett långsiktigt hållbart samhälle. För det första finns en inbyggd strävan efter ekonomisk tillväxt, vilket ekologismen anser är en omöjlig kombination med hållbar utveckling. Det andra problemet är att kompabiliteten mellan den statliga miljöpolicyn och den liberala demokratin ofta ifrågasätts på grund av att den strider mot principerna om den statliga neutraliteten. Med bakgrund av dessa kompabilitetsproblem mellan den liberala demokratin och den hållbara utvecklingen har ett antal lösningar diskuterats under senare år. Tanken på ett ekologiskt medborgarskap har presenterats och diskuterats av flera olika teoretiker som en tänkbar ersättare av det liberala medborgarskapet.

Skola i förändring : Politisering och företagisering av en kommunal och en fristående gymnasieskola

In this essay I examine how a municipal- and an independent upper secondary school compare to the ideal types the Company and the Political organization and how that affects the school practise as it?s described in policy documents. The conclusions are that the municipal school on a number of variables correlate to the ideal type the Political organization. At the same time the school reforms of the 1990s are considered as an intention to ?companylize? the municipal school and a number of tendencies how that have affected the municipal school are shown.

Liberala idéer eller realistiska tendenser? : en idealtypsanalys av EU:s migrationspolitik och unionens politiska karaktär

The common asylum and migration policy of the European Union is a struggle between a strong belief in the protection of human rights and the need of strong and secured borders. This paper highlights the dilemma that occurs in the common asylum and migration policy of the European Union. What happens when the union have to choose between liberal standards with high priorities to human rights and a realistic focus on security? The aim is to study the asylum policy presented in the Stockholm Program, and thereafter evaluate what kind of character the union has itself. By an ideal type analysis of the Stockholm program from 2009, the common asylum policy is divided into either liberal or realistic ideas.

Sverigedemokraterna: Från högerextremister till radikala högerpopulister : ? En idealtypsanalys av partiets politiska program

The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) has for a long time been the subject of study by political scientists. In the meantime they have been categorized as National Socialists, Fascists, right-wing extremists and more recently radical right populists. But it has not been categorized according to the theories that I expect. The purpose of this essay is to study how well Sweden Democrats policies match with ideas that are typical for radical right populist parties. The main research question is:- Are Sweden Democrats showing details which are typical for radical right populist parties?To be able to answer those questions, I have used an ideal type analysis and developed an analysis instrument according the theoretical approach and the methods in Bergström & Boréus book.

Strategiska försvarsaktörer : En studie av NATO och EU:s kompatibilitet i rollen som säkerhetspolitiska aktörer

This essay conducts a descriptive analysis of the ideas expressed by NATO´s official security strategy "Strategic Concept" from 2010 and the European Union?s security strategy "A Secure Europe in a Better World" from 2003. The purpose of this analysis is to examine whether the ESDP and NATO are compatible with each other when it comes to the role of security policy actor. To do so, I´ve chosen to analyse the actors' security strategies based on three dimensions. These dimensions are: Their view of the international scene, their views on cooperation and their views on how to reach security.

Medborgaren som kund och brukare : En idealtypsanalys utifrån den kommunala demokratin

? Does Karlstad municipality have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use ofthe citizens? proposals??The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if citizens? proposals lead to a broader politicalinfluence. To answer that, I have done a case study about how Karlstad municipal administers citizens? proposals. The research assignment is: Does Karlstad municipal have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use of the citizens? proposals? The perspective is a democracy perspective and the theory is institutional theory and policy process theory.A selection of citizens? proposals that have arrived to Karlstad municipal between 2008 and 2010 have been studied in detail to analyze how the proposals have been administered and if it matters how the proposals are phrased.

Välgörare eller missgynnare? En idéanalys av EU:s syn på utveckling utifrån en bistånds- respektive jordbrukspolitisk komparation

I den här uppsatsen vill jag genom en idéanalys söka nå en djupare förståelse för EU:s syn på utveckling. Med utgångspunkt i EU:s bistånds- och jordbrukspolitik vill jag undersöka hur det kommer sig att EU, som ligger i framkant när det gäller handel med utvecklingsländer samt framlyfter frihandel och ekonomisk integration som nyckeln till global utveckling, samtidigt tillåter olika typer av ekonomiska subventioner i syfte att skydda det europeiska jordbruket från internationell konkurrens. Hur kan dessa motsättningar inkorporeras i EU:s syn på global utveckling? Med hjälp av en idealtypsanalys, där neo-liberalism, merkantilism och postkolonialism används som teoretiskt ramverk, spåras de bakomliggande idéerna i EU:s bistånds- respektive jordbrukspolitik. Genom att karakterisera vilket teoretiskt ideal som ligger till grund för EU:s politiska mål kan dessa sedan kopplas till en viss typ av idé.

Genusanalys i barnböcker : En idealtypsanalys av genusnormativa egenskapar i den mest utlånade barnlitteraturen på Gävle stadsbibliotek under år 2010

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers practice Arne Tragetons theory of using computers as the first writing instrument in reading and writing development. We wanted to clarify how the work from using Tragetons theory was applied while investigating if and how other methods of reading and writing instruction were used. Our interest lays in how the teachers accomplished the knowledge of this theory and also how the choice of this approach came about. To investigate this we used interviews with a qualitative nature, where seven active teachers were interviewed. They worked in three different schools in years one to three, they were all women and had various long experiences of work on the computer writing tools.

Svenskhet på Flashback forum? : Idealtypsanalys om Svenskhet utifrån fyra implicita kulturdefinitioner om svenskhet/svensk kultur på Flashback forum

Swedes and Swedish Culture are controversial political subjects in Sweden. The definitions for Swedish culture are very vague and what is the answer to the question: Who can be called Swedes? It has been debated in Sweden more since Swedish Democrats crossed the four percent threshold necessary for representation in the Swedish parliament. Swedes or Swedish culture on a large internet forum with 2 million visitors per week called Flashback forum is material for this thesis.Flashback forum has currently more than 50 million posts published and has more than 970 000 users. Flashback forum is more and more often mentioned in Swedish media.

En osäker eller rätt(s)säker organisation? En hypotesprövande idealtypsanalys om gräsrotsbyråkraternas handlingsfrihet inom Arbetsmarknadsverket

Ever since Lipsky wrote about street-level bureaucrats in 1980 the main belief has been that certain characteristics of their jobs make it exceptionally difficult to severely reduce their discretion. However, discretion comes at a price and if public servants abuse their power the legitimacy of government is at risk and ultimately even the democracy.This thesis address this question by analysing the Swedish employment service which in the beginning of 2001 started a project called ?Af Sverige? trying to improve internal rule of law. By comparing two local and fairly equal jobcentres and how the street-level bureaucrats within use their discretion, I seek to find support for my hypotheses that organizing local jobcentres according to the principles of machine bureaucracy plays a significant part in reducing discretion.My findings show that a jobcentre characterised by strict rules, few units, good communications and a forthright manager who delegates formal power to the employees results in a stricter and more uniform application of regulations among the street-level bureaucrats. My conclusion is therefore unambiguous.

Demokratiutredningens arv : En idealtypsanalys av riksdagsmotioner gällande lobbyism

For the last decades, Sweden has transformed from a state with strong elements of corporatism, to a governance of pluralistic character. This development has opened up to a new form of participation ? lobbyism ? which since has spread and commercialized. Because of this, a report on the state of Swedish democracy ? Demokratiutredningen ? was issued to examine the phenomenon of lobbyism as it was feared to challenge the functioning of a representative democracy.

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