

45 Uppsatser om Harassment - Sida 1 av 3

Sexuella trakasserier och identitetsskapande bland unga

Sexual Harassments have since long been an issue all over the world and schools have not been an exception. Reports from Swedish secondary schools show how 47% of the female pupils state that they have, sometime during their time in school, been the victim of sexual Harassment. Other studies claim that pupils exposed to sexual Harassments will develop low self-esteem and a decreased sense of self. The Swedish curriculum state that all children shall have the right to a Harassment free school environment, but still many pupils claim to be exposed to sexual Harassment in school. Several studies have theorized about why sexual Harassment is so prevalent in schools but what do the pupils think? This study aims to reveal and analyze pupil opinions about sexual Harassment; what do they think it is and why do they think it occurs? This will be done from a post-structural feminist point of view with focus on the shaping of identity among the respondents.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual Harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual Harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual Harassment.Sexual Harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual Harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the Harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual Harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

På vår arbetsplats är vi vänner för det mesta... : En kvantitativ studie om mobbning och kränkande behandling på arbetsplatser

Bullying and Harassment is a common phenomenon that usually is associated with schools, but bullying among adults at workplaces is not as much discussed. Previous research shows that discrimination occurs in various social areas because of the individual's gender and ethnicity. Based on this there was a reason to suppose that bullying, which is a form of vulnerability, could also depend of belonging to a particular social category. The aim of this study was to get knowledge about the correlation between bullying at the workplace and concurrent collaboration of class, gender and ethnicity. The results of this quantitative study show that there is no correlation between the simultaneous interaction of gender, class and ethnicity towards bullying and Harassment.

  Yrkeskulturen  i hotell och restaurangbranschen.En fara för lärlingar och elever? :  

 English abstract  The culture of hotel and restaurant work.Dangerous for apprentices and students?The study is based on a survey targeting 50 teachers at chef schools with good geographic distribution of 9 schools. Teachers answer questions on bullying and sexual Harassment in the hotel and restaurant sector, and students practice shock in the meeting with the industry. Students face a hard and tough environment where it is expected that it will suffer a great deal of Harassment and degrading treatment as part of a tradition. There seems to be a general but erroneous belief that the professional climate has improved.

Hot, våld och trakasserier mot lärare - en fenomenografiskt inspirerad studie vad gäller rektorers och lärares uppfattningar

The aim of this study is to describe what teachers and principals experience in schools regarding threats, violence and Harassment towards teachers. A phenomenographical inspired approach has been used to describe and analyse the conceptions of five teachers and five principals. The findings of the study indicate that there is no impending risk for teachers to suffer from violence, threats or Harassment. However, it does occasionally happen, and the findings of the study indicate that there are some factors that increase the risk. The major three factors are: fear, personality and inexperience.

Mobbning : En undersökning om lärares syn och förståelse av problemet mobbning i grundskolan

According to the national curriculum in Swedish schools, teachers have the responsibility to prevent and discourage psychological and physical Harassment (Lgr 2011). This study focuses on 7 teachers with their viewpoint and understanding of bullying as a human based social problem. The teachers, as the informants, give their personal explanation on how they act, prevent and discourage bullying in their school. The research places the emphasis, based on, interviews from which teachers are telling, relating and explaining on how they say that they are preventing and discouraging bullying.The conclusion from this study is that the interviewed teachers do, from their viewpoint, understand bullying as psychological and physical Harassment problem which is based on a question of interpretation in regards to the victim. The informants do place different emphasis on what causes the problem, if it is a question of the individual or of it is a problem based on the socialization between individuals.

Sexuella trakasserier och trakasserier på grund av kön inom könssegregerade yrken

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish laws regulate the proactive work of employers to prevent employees from getting sexual harassed or harassed on the basis of sex. The purpose is also to investigate how employers are supposed to handle employees whom have been sexual harassed or harassed on the basis of sex. Sweden has a segregated labor market which means that women and men tends to select different professions. This leaves marks on the equality for women and men, which also has effect on the fact that women and men are being harassed in the workplace or situations associated with the work. By investigating genderresearch I am hoping to find out why more employees get sexual harassed or harassed on the basis of their sex in segregated professions.The definition of sexual Harassment is unwanted behavior that alludes on sex, and thereby violates the person?s dignity.

"Din jävla hora, du ska dö!" : En studie i hur näthatet påverkar kvinnliga journalister

With the expansion of the internet, the conditions for the online journalists have changed. Feedback is faster and more blatant than offline. The online abilities of anonymity and dispersion attracts people to both use and misuse. During 2013, the online expressions of hate towards women has been brought to attention in the media more than ever before. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is far from new.Our qualitative research including interviews intends to find out how the afflicted women journalists are affected in their exercise of their profession.

Hot, våld och trakasserier : En studie om handlingsutrymme, politiska ledare och demokrati

Studies have shown that politicians are significantly more likely to become victims of violent crime than other citizens in Sweden. In fact increasing political rank and engagement are directly proportionate to increased risk for violence. Threat towards politicians is not only dangerous to the individuals involved but also to the democratic system as a whole.Political scientists the world over have done a lot of research on democracy, but I have been unable to find a single method or theory that examines how violence, threat and Harassment affect political leaders and democratic systems.The aim of this study is to expand the existing model made by Tommy Möller, professor in political science. In his model he presents 11 factors that affect political leaders ability to act. My aim is to develop his model by adding a 12 th factor ?violence, threat and Harassment?.

Mobbning : En studie om fyra skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning

A school should be a safe place for all students. The existence of discrimination, Harassment and offensive behavior should according to Swedish school law not exist in the school environment. Since the year 2006, when a law on equal treatment was passed, all the schools in Sweden must have a treatment plan that is revised annually to prevent discrimination, Harassment and abusive treatment.In this master thesis, I will examine the equal treatment plan between four different elementary schools in Nynäshamn.The purpose of this paper is to examine how the equal treatment plan exposes the bullying and the types of problems and solutions addressed in the elementary schools equal treatment plans. Based on the purpose, I have formulated two questions:How do the elementary schools in Nynäshamn municipality describe bullying in the equal treatment plan?What kinds of problems and solutions are addressed in the equal treatment plan evaluations?This thesis is based on text analysis and content analysis on the schools equal treatment plans.The study is based on the theories from a norm critical perspective.The conclusion of the study is that all four schools treatment plan see abusive behavior as something serious and preventive.

Vad anser anställda inom näringslivet vara kränkande beteende med fokus på sexuella trakasserier och könstrakasserier?

Heinz Leymann betraktades som en pionjär i forskning om fenomenet vuxenmobb-ning redan på sjuttiotalet. Syftet var att undersöka vilka beteenden som ansågs vara mest kränkande med fokus på sexuella trakasserier och könstrakasserier bland an-ställda på ett mansdominerat näringslivsföretag. Dessutom att ta reda på om det finns ett samband mellan företeelser och scenarier. Faktorer som studerades utöver samband var kön, ålder utbildning och yrkeskategorier. Respondenterna var an-ställda på ett mansdominerat näringslivsföretag (N = 396; 54 kvinnor och 236 män) med följande yrkeskategorier: 187 tjänstemän, 54 kollektivanställda, 44 konsulter.

Frizon eller fängelse? : Kvinnliga lagidrottare i heteronormativitetens gränsland

AimThe aim of the study is to find out if, and in that case how, the sports movement creates and reproduces norms and values regarding sex and sexuality. Questions to be answered are: Which experiences do non-heterosexual women have of everyday activities in the Swedish sports movement? How are norms on sex and sexuality visible in practice? Are there mechanisms/practices that challenge these norms? Finally, the results are discussed in relation to two policy documents from the National Organization of Sports (RF); ?Sports Wants? and ?Policy and plan of action against sexual Harassment and sexual discrimination within sports?.MethodSince the aim was to understand, and not to generalize and quantify, a procedure of qualitative interviews was chosen. Ten non-heterosexual women were interviewed concerning their experiences of the Swedish sports movement. They were active (or had recently been) at different levels in the following sports: basketball, soccer, floor ball, ice hockey, bandy and volleyball.

Arbetsvillkoren i hotell- och restaurangbranschen - De accepterade orättvisorna

Hotel and restaurant industry have always been seen as an industry with low status and poorworking conditions. Low wages, temporary contracts, illegal work, and sexual Harassment are the rule rather than the exception when the employee?s working conditions discusses. By using the right dogmatic approach together with a social science perspective the purpose of the study has been answered. The purpose has been to contribute to a greater understanding of how it is that the hotel and restaurant industry?s poor working conditions can be maintained, the extent to which the working conditions of the employees is ensured and why mostly young people, women and people with foreign backgrounds are employed in the industry.

Kränkande beteende på arbetsplatsen : Hur definierar vi kränkande beteende och vad är avgörande för vår definition

Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult?s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables.

När handling säger mer än ord

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

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