

6 Uppsatser om Flisning - Sida 1 av 1

Prestation vid sönderdelning av GROT med olika typer av maskiner

There is a need for productivities data and data for different types of machines for comminution of logging residues. The lack of data and studies on GROT comminution makes it difficult to evaluate different chains for handling of residue fuels and make system analyses.Four types of machines with three different working principles were compared at six studies during winter conditions. Three to eleven trials during 9.5 to 30.7 minutes were made on each machine. Samples from the produced material at each study were sieved to determine the size distribution of the comminuted material. Samples were also taken from the studies for determination of moisture content.

Systemanalys av skogsbränsletransporter :

At the end of 70s and the beginning of 80s, 18 terminals was built and used for chipping wood residue from clear cuttings. Most of the terminals was terminated before the 2000s but with the high oil- and energy prices that we can see today there might be a place for these terminals again. The goal with the study was to analyze and compare economical differences between 5 different logistical systems, collected data was used with a set of formulas. The systems include long range transport of slash, chips and bundles. Three of the systems include transport by lorry to industry the last two includes a terminal with access to train transport.

TOMO Hugglink

Tomo Hugglink (TOMO Skog) is an innovation for harvest and transport of biofuels. The system consists of a truck, a chipping unit and crane mounted on a link and a wood chip trailer. The system works in such a way that the chipping unit is disconnected and placed on the site and wood chips are loaded directly into the wood chip trailer.The aim of this study was:- To examine the performance of the TOMO Hugglink system under different conditions such as the size, placement and quality of the pile.- To calculate the cost per raw ton for two vehicle combinations at different transport distances and to examine the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight.- To identify possible improvements with the TOMO Hugglink system.A time study was conducted within the thesis work to make it possible to determine production and time consumption. In the subsequent economic analysis the cost per tone at different transport distances was calculated for two different lorry concepts. Furthermore the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight was calculated.Under current conditions the utilization of the chipper is low and only 29 % of the total system time is occupied by chipping.

Bioenergi från röjningsgallringar : en jämförande studie av fyra flödeskedjor från avlägg till förbrukare

When the Swedish Forestry Act was changed in 1994, brushing of young stands became non mandatory. Since then the annual need for brushing in the country has increased by about 100 000 hectares per year. In later years the price for biomass energy has increased to the same level as pulp wood. The high price on biomass energy and the large areas of stands in the need of brushing has created a new market with its own technical, economical and environmental conditions. There is a development of various techniques to manage the forestry stands with late brushing.

Utveckling av flisningsavtal och arbetssätt för att hantera säsongsvarierad efterfrågan hos Södra Skogsenergi

Efterfrågan på primärt skogsbränsle för värmeproduktion varierar kraftigt över året. Detta medför en intressekonflikt. Södra Skogsenergi som är leverantör av primärt skogsbränsle vill helst producera materialet i takt med kundernas efterfrågan för att undvika lagerkostnader. Samtidigt får skogsbränsleentreprenörer som producerar primärt skogsbränsle problem när produktionen går ner under de varmare månaderna av året då efterfrågan är låg. I dagsläget sker en överproduktion under sommarmånaderna, som medför lagring på terminal, för att hålla entreprenörerna sysselsatta. Det är önskvärt att ha en produktion som motsvarar det faktiska behovet, för att undvika terminallagringen och de kostnader som medföljer.

Analys av flödesekonomi : effektivitet och kostnadsutfall i Sveaskogs verksamhet med skogsbränsle

Som effekt av de energikriser Sverige upplevde under 1970-talet beslutade Sveriges Riksdag att reducera behovet av importerad energi och satsa mer på inhemska energiresurser. Energi från skogen (skogsbränsle) fick återigen ett industriellt värde, efter en tid i skuggan av de fossila energialternativens framgångar. Idag är Sveaskog Sveriges största skogsmarksägare och tillika en av de största skogsbränsleleverantörerna. År 2009 hade Sveaskog en nettoproduktion av skogsbränsle på 2,7 TWh, en ökning med 42 % från föregående år. Konsumtionen i Sverige för samma år var 127 TWh av bioenergi, torv och avfall.