

16 Uppsatser om Excitation - Sida 1 av 2

Uppvisande av agitativt beteende hos hund under buprenorfinpåverkan

The intention of this study is to investigate possible Excitation on dogs due to buprenorphine treatment. The reason for it to be about buprenorphine and not any other opioid is due to its relevance being one of the most popular opioids in animal care, as well as the authors own experience with what seems to be buprenorphine induced Excitation in her own dog. The study consists of a literature review and an internet based survey containing thirty questions sent out to twelve animal clinics and animal hospitals. Significant agitative effects on behavior has been found in studies on horses, sheep, goats, rats and mice, but no one shows the effects of buprenorphine on dogs. The literature on opiod effects on dog behavior seems sparse.

Tidsberoende kvantkemiska beräkningar av optisk absorption hos polymerer och molekyler med litet bandgap

The vertical electronic Excitation energies for the narrow-bandgap polymers LBPF, EP37 and EP62 have been calculated using Density Functional Theory (DFT). Also the vertical Excitation energies for the acceptor unit of LBPF have been calculated using the Hartree-Fock (HF), DFT and Coupled Cluster (CC) methods. The calculations cover the visible and infrared wave length region and two strong transitions are obtained, one corresponding to the pi to pi* transition and one corresponding to the pi to Acceptor transition. The Excitation energies obtained from DFT are below the corresponding experimental results and attempts have therefore been made to perform bench-marking calculations using a hierarchy of CC methods..

Tillförlitlighet hos trafikolycksklassificering

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Undervattensvågbrytare - En modellstudie

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Kompensering av reaktiv effekt vid vindkraftverk

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Testplattform för nätverks-RTK i syfte att ge en rikstäckande GPS-tjänst med centimeternoggrannhet

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Trafiken till Göteborgs södra skärgård - En annorlunda kollektivtrafik

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Rostfritt stål som ett alternativt material till koppar i tappvattenledningar för bostäder

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-Excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Rekursiv greyboxidentifiering av drivsystem i industrirobot.

In modern industrial robots the components in the transmission contain nonlinearities. These nonlinearities need to be to estimated either for better control or to use the parameters for diagnosis of the system. There is a lot of work done within system identification and mainly within the field of iterative parameter estimation.This thesis considers recursive grey-box identification for a nonlinear model of the transmission in an industrial robot. The nonlinearities that are identified are friction, spring stiffnes, hysteresis and backlash. These nonlinearities are a part of the models that are presented in this thesis.

Förebyggande av post-operativa komplikationer hos hund

Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie som handlar om att förebygga post-operativa komplikationer hos hund i samband med anestesi, symtom på dessa och hur de åtgärdas.Anestesi är ett reversibelt tillstånd av medvetslöshet frambringat för att kunna utföra operationer och diagnostiska tester. Det är viktigt att anpassa anestesin efter varje djur och ha kunskap för olika läkemedels önskade effekt och biverkningar. Vid val av anestesi bör hänsyn tas till olika faktorer, som till exempel ras, ålder, sjukdom och beteende.Problem kan uppstå i alla stadier av anestesi, från pre-medicineringen till uppvaket. Vanliga komplikationer är kräkning, regurgitation, krampanfall, Excitation, dyspne, hypotermi och förlängt uppvaknande. Individuellt kan problemen innebära små konsekvenser, men tillsammans orsaka fara.

Identifiering av stelkroppsmodell för industrirobot

In this masters thesis we consider a method for experimental identification of the inertial parameters of an industrial robot, using measured torques and joint angles. A dynamic model of the first three joints of the robot has been identified.To achieve good identification results, it is important to carefully choose the trajectory for the experimental identification. A method to generate trajectories using two suggested design criteria has been used and evaluated using an ABB industrial robot, and one of them yields good identification results..

Opioder som smärtlindring till häst

Opioids are considered the "golden standard" in pain management for both humans and small animals, but is used less often in equine medicine - probably for fear of side effects. Are there any studies that suggest that side effects are a major problem, or is it lack of experience which is the greatest obstacle to use? As early as 1937 it was shown that morphine and morphine derivatives provide analgesia in horses. For species other than horses used opioids often both pre-, intra-and postoperatively. They relieve pain effectively and are often included in the anesthesia protocol.

Ultraljudsmätare för bubbelfälla

This bachelor thesis is about an ultrasonic sensor, implemented in a bubble chamber in Artis. The sensor consists of the piezoelectric sensor and an electronic control circuit. The control circuit consists of a programmable microprocessor, PIC18F2420 and a circuit, which sends the Excitation signal to the piezoelectric sensor, and later receives the echo. This bachelor thesis consists also of a theoretical study, which examines different techniques of liquid level sensing in a chamber. The study discusses which factors are important in liquid level sensing and examine accepted methods.

Prissäkring av spannmål med börshandlade futureskontrakt - en fallstudie

Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie som handlar om att förebygga post-operativa komplikationer hos hund i samband med anestesi, symtom på dessa och hur de åtgärdas.Anestesi är ett reversibelt tillstånd av medvetslöshet frambringat för att kunna utföra operationer och diagnostiska tester. Det är viktigt att anpassa anestesin efter varje djur och ha kunskap för olika läkemedels önskade effekt och biverkningar. Vid val av anestesi bör hänsyn tas till olika faktorer, som till exempel ras, ålder, sjukdom och beteende.Problem kan uppstå i alla stadier av anestesi, från pre-medicineringen till uppvaket. Vanliga komplikationer är kräkning, regurgitation, krampanfall, Excitation, dyspne, hypotermi och förlängt uppvaknande. Individuellt kan problemen innebära små konsekvenser, men tillsammans orsaka fara.

Metadon : farmakokinetik vid intravenös administrering till häst

Det har inte forskats lika mycket angående smärta och smärtlindring på häst som på smådjur och människa. Men i takt med att hästen övergått till att bli ett sällskapsdjur och det utförs fler och mer avancerad kirurgiska ingrepp så har intresset för smärtlindring till häst ökat. Opioider är en substansgrupp som använts för smärtlindring hos människa i århundraden och även (om än under mycket kortare tid) hos smådjuren och som ger kraftig smärtlindring. Användningen av opioider till häst har dock varit begränsad på grund av rädsla för biverkningar (framför allt Excitation).Metadon är en syntetisk opioid som används till häst. Det finns dock inget metadonpreparat registrerat för häst och användandet sker därmed off label.

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