

76 Uppsatser om Conference - Sida 1 av 6

Konferens är inte bara ett möte det är även en upplevelse! : En undersökning av fyra konferensanläggningar i Stockholms län med olika koncept för framgång.

A Conference is not only a meeting but an experience as well. The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate four Conference organizers within the area of Stockholm Sweden, and to identify their range of activities. Studies were made regarding these Conference organizers and how they cooperate with other companies to offer a wider aspect of range. The purpose was also to find out how the demand side of the market appears. The demand side of the market could give an implication of how the Conference organizers appear from their perspective and how the Conference organizers adjust to their demand.

Det professionella samtalet : en studie av kommunikation under föräldramöten

The aim of this paper is to define and analyze how the teacher and parents communicate during a parent Conference, to acquire knowledge about how the professional conversation can be used during a parent Conference. Our study has focused on the teacher?s professional skills during the parent Conference. Parent Conference has traditional been a time for teachers to inform the parents about the classroom work. It has always been a one- way communication (Alfakir, 2004), but the curriculum stats that parents should have more influence and be a part of the school.

Utvecklingssamtal : - ett sätt att tydliggöra lärande

The parent-student-teacher Conference presumes school responsibility of the development of the student. Teacher, student and parents are supposed to talk freely and in confidence, the Conference should lead to a forward looking and long term plan. The parent-student-teacher Conference should presume equality amongst the parties. The intention of this paper is to illuminate how the Conference can be a way to clarify the process of learning. I intend to do this by showing the practice of four teachers, by making conclusions from their experiences they have made in their practice.

Konferera i solen? : En studie kring konsumentval inom konferensbranschen

In today's society, consumers get in touch with hundreds of advertising messages a day from companies. It is up to the consumer to choose the messages they want to listen to and ignore the ones they want. Today, there is an advertising saturation and this has implications for both producers and consumer. Companies must be innovative and come with fresh ideas to get us consumers to pay attention to their particular message.  It is through the marketing that companies have an opportunity to spread their message.

Romkonferensens syn på terrorism

AbstractIn 1998 the United Nations held a diplomatic Conference on the establishment of an International Criminal Court in Rome. In the end of the Conference the negotiating states adopted the Rome Statute by which an international criminal court was established. The court, which entered into force on 1 July 2002, has jurisdiction over the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The court also has jurisdiction over the crimes of aggression but the court will only be able to exercise its jurisdiction of this crime category when the member states of the court have found a definition of the crime.In the draft statute, which was prepared before the Conference, acts of terrorism were a proposed crime. With the starting-point in the Rome Conference this essay studies how the working-definition of crimes of terrorism was elaborated in the draft statute and how the state delegations viewed the crime.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Upplevelser av konferensdeltagande - fysiskt på plats och on-line

Sammanfattning Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka skillnaderna mellan en fysisk och en on-line konferens för att se om de kompletterar varandra eller kan ersätta varandra. Uppsatsen är baserad på The Conference ? en mediakonferens av Media Evolution i Malmö. För att uppnå syftet ställdes en huvudfråga och två underfrågor: Är det fysiska mötet på The Conference och on-line mötet på internet kompletterande eller ersätter de varandra?? Underfrågorna är: Vad vill arrangören att deltagaren ska få ut av The Conference på plats ? i förhållande till en konferens on-line? Hur används sociala medier för att knyta ihop on-line och fysiska möten för The Conference? Det teoretiska ramverket för uppsatsen består av teorier och artiklar om interaktion fysiskt och on-line.

Inuit Circumpolar Conference, en till synes avvikande NGO - En fallstudie av en ursprungsbefolknings organisering kring miljöfrågor och deras sociala och kulturella rättigheter

With ever-increasing environmental problems in the world, I have with this thesis aimed at studying how the Inuit people of the Arctic organize themselves around the issue of environmental degradation. In focus for this thesis is the organization Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), an NGO that focuses on saving and protecting the social and cultural rights of the Inuit people, along with the environment in the four arctic regions. This aboriginal population has a strong connection to the environment they dwell in, as the area serves as a source of income and nutrition as well as an historically important place for their culture.I will in this thesis primarily investigate the methods of operation amongst NGOs, as well as their ability to influence and interact with the UN. These are three concepts that I, as a hypothesis, considered to distinguish ICC from other NGOs. With help from three theories about NGOs, I conclude that certain central elements of ICC differ from the average NGO, making ICC a new kind of actor in global politics..

Serveringskärl för restaurang

The water company MittSverige Vatten (?MidSweden Water?) located in the Medelpad, Sweden was in need of a moreexclusive water carafe for restaurants and Conference in the region. Current design solution was not able to cope with thedemand of a more exclusive setting and was not promoting the company in a good way. In the beginning of the projectit became clear thru an intense interview period that there was at least three directions for design solutions the companycould go for.? A carafe (exclusive settings)? A pitcher (Conference and lunch servings)? A water dispenser type (serving of larger amounts of water during a certain brief periods of time.)It was decided to go for the exclusive one.Small pieces of rock from the last ice age turned out to be a vital component of the new design concept for the company..

Partnering på Carlstad Conference Center : En jämförelse åt Byggbolaget i Värmland AB

Partnering is a new and exciting way of cooperation in the Swedish construction industry. In countries like Denmark and the United Kingdom the concept has been developed during a number of years while the Swedish construction industry has been more reluctant.Partnering is seen by many as the solution to the problems that often occur in design and build contracts. Many others believe that it is a way for the big entrepreneurs to gain unfair advantage. Never the less the concept is fast getting more and more appreciation, especially in the region of Karlstad where many new buildings are built that way.We have focused on the new development of Carlstad Conference Center (CCC) which is currently built with a partnering concept. The main method that have been used in this thesis are interviews with personnel on different positions in the project.

Journalistikens inriktning och fokusering? -en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av pressens rapportering av fyra partiledares öppningsanförande

Before the general election 2006 all of the Swedish parties represented in the Parliament held their political party Conference. At each political party Conference, the leader for respectively party held their opening speech, a speech that was covered by the press. This essay deals with how the press covers these speeches. Analysing how the different speeches were covered by the press, some tendencies regarding how the press report could be visualised. In this comparison the ?quantitative content analysis? was used.

KLIMATKONFERENSEN I KÖPENHAMN : En jämförande analys av Kinas och EU:s agerande för ett bindande klimatavtal

Abstract  This paper examines the Copenhagen Climate Conference held in the Bella Center in Copenhagen, December 2009. The aim of this paper was to analyse the highly anticipated Conference, and why it did not result in a binding protocol between the world?s states. The focus of this paper was to examine two key actors in the Copenhagen negotiations: the people?s republic of China and the European Union.

Från miljöbistånd till hållbart bistånd : - En historisk studie

AbstractWith this c-composition, I am trying to give a view over what has happened in the political area and the issues that concerns environmental aid. My analyze starts in the 60-ies when the environmental debate took of. It continues trough the 70-ies, 80-ies and ends in 1994 with the report that considers the UN-Conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992, ?Sustainable Aid? and what the results of the more and more important issue ?sustainable development? has offered the Swedish government ant there work with environmental aid.The question issue is: At what time in history, did the Swedisch government start to addrsess environmental aid? How did the environmental aid come to be addressed and developed in the political area from the Brundtlandreport ?Our common future? from 1987 to the UN-Conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992?The result is that the environment is getting more and more important in the political arena as the knowledge about the escalating crises with the environmental problems are being taken more seriously. The problems with the environment has to be considered together with the rest of the aid- and developing questions like economy and the struggle to reduce poverty in the world.

Effektivitet i grundskolan - en studie om Leans applicerbarhet på processen utvecklingssamtal

Efficiency has become an important objective for many providers of welfare services. Among Swedish schools, both private and public, increased administrative demands seemingly influence operations, and affect teachers negatively through perceived stress. Simultaneously, Swedish students scored an all-time low in the latest PISA survey, and are now performing below the OECD-average in science, mathematics and reading. A central administrative task in the Swedish elementary school is the parent-teacher Conference, which is an important activity in supporting the development of the student's knowledge and social skills. Lean is a well-established operations framework, which has proven successful in order to improve process efficiency.

Hon är inte arg, hon är bara stressad! : En studie om hur lärare i förskolan upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö

In January of 2014 a newly founded company held a press Conference in central Stockholm. The purpose of the Conference was to inform about Lexbase, the largest database on the Internet with legal information about the Swedish general public. The aim of this particular paper is to use news reports about Lexbase as material to identify the theses and their types presented in Swedish newspapers, and to examine the ideology constructed and presented by the theses in the said news reports. The questions asked in the paper are 1. What the distribution of different theses looks like and is there a type of thesis that more often invokes an implicit argumentation? 2.

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