

67 Uppsatser om Chemistry - Sida 1 av 5

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

This thesis is about sustainability within Chemistry, the so-called, green Chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green Chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green Chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  Chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized.

Det löser sig! : Förberedelsens betydelse för gymnasieelevers lärande vid kemilaborationer

Laboratory work is a big part of Chemistry education in high school. During our student training placement we have noticed that the laboratory work is not fully utilized to develop students´ Chemistry knowledge. This problem made us want to investigate how the laboratory work in Chemistry could be set, to become more meaningful for students. We introduced two preparation methods, and examined the outcome of students learning experiences and their acquisition of Chemistry knowledge. This was examined both through surveys and observation.

En kvalitativ studie av lärstrategier och perceptionsmodeller inom kemiämnet på gymnasie- och högskolenivå med fokus på de laborativa momenten

The aim of this study is to investigate how Chemistry teachers at secondary school anduniversities work with learning strategies and models of perception. This thesis leans on theworks of Lev Vygotskij and his likes but also on the theory of conceptual metaphors by GeorgeLakoff and Mark Johnson as a tool to analyze the collected data.The Empirical data that this study is based upon have been collected through semi-structuredinterviews with teachers as primary respondents.The study has resulted in a two practical assignments for secondary school which are builtaround the concept of open assignments. This thesis has also generated a suggestion for a newstructure of the bachelor programme in Chemistry at KTH..

Tillämpningar i kemiundervisningen : en studie av strategier för att presentera och synliggöra tillämpningar

The aim of this study is to investigate how and in which form students come in contact with practical applications in the upper secondary school course Chemistry B. The study is based upon the assumption that all learning is situated in a social environment. The theoretical framework is the design theory perspective, which entails an assumption that the pedagogical tools affect the knowledge content.The empiric materials in the study are collected through three methods: textbook analysis, classroom observations and questionnaires. Two groups of students and their teachers were observed during a section of the relevant course. The textbook analysis focuses upon the same course section in the textbooks of the two groups and compares these books with the relevant section in a third textbook.

Konduktivitet i vattendrag som indikator på sura sulfatjordar

Increasing attention is being given to acid sulphate soils wherever they occur. The problems that leaching sulphate soils gives with significant lowerings of pH and mobilization of heavy metals influence large spectra of our society from fisheries to agriculture to construction. Mapping these soils is consequently of great importance and the methods of doing this is very much lacking in function and precision. This study was therefore carried out to investigate whether conductivity in running water can be used as a simple instrument to identify acid sulphate soils in the catchment. 31 coastal streams in the county of Västerbotten were analyzed for different catchment properties such as occurence of marine sediments and basic water Chemistry including conductivity and sulphate.

Datorbaserad analys av enzymdesign för Diels-Alder  reaktioner

This thesis has been focused around the Diels Alder reaction with the goal to design an enzyme catalyzed reaction pathway. To achieve this goal computer aided enzyme design was utilized. Common traditional methods of computational Chemistry (B3LYP, MP2) do not do well when calculating reaction barriers or even reaction energies for the Diels Alder reaction. New calcu- lation methods were developed and tested. This was the focus of the first part of the thesis, by choosing a small system, extensive and heavy calculations could be done with CBS-QB3.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom kemi och ekonomi: ett polskt perspektiv.

This study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, Chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories within this scientific community. This thesis gives the results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey at two academic faculties at a Polish technical university. As its theoretical framework, the study uses Whitley?s theory of the intellectual and social organisation of academic fields and Latour and Woolgar?s study regarding various motivations for publishing.

Analys av parathormon och joniserat kalcium i blod hos hund :

The calcium homeostasis in the body is normally strict regulated to be kept within very narrow limits. This regulation is due to the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which is synthesized in the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. In different diseases, the calcium homeostasis is disturbed and this could either be due to a dysfunction of the parathyroid gland itself, or it could have a completely different explanation. To investigate disturbed calciumhomeostasis, ionized calcium and PTH can be analyzed from a blood sample. There are a lot of different assays to measure PTH in humans.

Sommarforskarskola för gymnasiet : Tema: Vitaminer och experiment

The aim of this study is to describe how a theme about vitamins and analytical Chemistry can be planed and implemented in a summer research school managed by AstraZeneca. The description of the theme is intended to be used as an instructor?s guide to upcoming summers-research-schools with the same theme. The students, which participated in the summer school of 2007, went to upper secondary school. During the summer school they were going to investigate the content of vitamin C in different fruits and vegetables.

Skapa ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete på AKzo Nobel Surface Chemistry i Stenungsund

Dagens omgivning är full av osäkerhet, marknadssvängningar, geografiska förändringar i arbetskraft och den högteknologiska utvecklingen vilket utsätter nutidens organisationer för ständiga förändringar (Savery och Luks 2000). Detta innebär att företag på 2000-talet, genom att systematiskt förbättra verksamheten, oavbrutet måste hålla ner kvalitetsbristkostnader, minimera förluster och öka produktiviteten för att kunna bevara sin position på marknaden (Baghel, Bhuiyan och Wilson, 2005).I denna studie var syftet att skapa ett nytt arbetssätt och struktur för ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete på Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry Stenungsund. Studien bestod dels av ett teoriavsnitt med en litteraturstudie utifrån nutida forskning och även en kvalitativ undersökning genom djupgående intervjuer med 19 medarbetare från olika ansvarsnivåer och via en enkätundersökning som gick ut till resterande medarbetare.Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry är en del av Akzo Nobel koncernen som är en av världens ledande färgtillverkare. Koncernen har över 55 000 anställda i över 80 länder där ungefär 3600 anställda arbetar på ett 20-tal platser runt om i Sverige. Företaget bedriver förbättringsarbete genom daglig uppföljning ute i fabrikerna och på respektive avdelning.

Genetisk artbestämning och karaktärisering av Trypanosoma theileri

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for Chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Global uppvärmning : A survey of students? knowledge about the phenomenon

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for Chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Bioorganisk fastfas syntes för att skapa intelligenta ytor

This thesis investigates three different surface modifications, and the route to design and synthesize them. The thesis is therefore divided into three sub- projects. (i.) Design and synthesis of a peptide which secondary structure could be controlled by a negatively charged surface. (ii.) Design and synthesis of a cyclic peptide, that would self-organize prior to surface interaction, using the type I anti-freeze protein of a winter flounder as template. (iii.) The use of solid-phase synthesis to make the synthesis of SAM-molecules easier..

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil.

Utveckling av arbete med ständiga förbättringar: en fallstudie vid Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund

Den ökade förändringstakten i samhället på grund av ny teknik, internationalisering och att samhället blivit alltmer mångkulturellt bidrar till att större krav ställs på företag att hela tiden förbättra sin verksamhet. Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund, har huvudsakligen sina kunder och konkurrenter runt om i Europa. Då Sverige ligger i utkanten av detta område tar det omkring en leveransdag längre tid för Production Surfactants att leverera sina produkter i jämförelse med företagets konkurrenter. Detta medför att Production Surfactants behöver kompensera denna längre leveranstid genom exempelvis högre produktkvalitet, större flexibilitet eller lägre priser för att ha möjlighet att tävla på marknaden. För att uppnå detta behöver Production Surfactants utveckla och systematisera sitt förbättringsarbete.

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