

5 Uppsatser om Breakpoint - Sida 1 av 1

Prognostisering av försäkringsärenden : Hur brytpunktsdetektion och effekter av historiska lag? och villkorsförändringar kan användas i utvecklingen av prognosarbete

I denna rapport presenteras ett tillvägagångssätt för att hitta och datera brytpunkter i tidsserier. En brytpunkt definieras av det datum då det skett en stor nivåförändring i tidsserien. Det presenteras även en strategi för att skatta effekten av daterade brytpunkter. Genom att analysera tidsserier över AFA Försäkrings ärendeinflöde visar det sig att brytpunkter i tidsserien sammanfaller med exogena händelser som kan ha orsakat dessa brytpunkter, till exempel villkors- eller lagförändringar inom försäkringsbranschen. Rapporten visar att det genom ett metodiskt angreppssätt går att skatta effekten av en exogen händelse.

Pensioneras vid 30 ? vad händer sen? : Brytpunkter och karriärval för elitidrottare

Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som haft betydelse för sex elitidrottares nya karriärval efter avslutad idrottskarriär. Den metod som användes var kvalitativ med inslag av både hermeneutiken och det narrativa synsättet för att få fram respondenternas egna beskrivningar av brytpunkten. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av karriäravslutet skiljer sig mellan elitidrottare som slutat frivilligt och elitidrottare som slutat ofrivilligt, på grund av mättnad respektive skada. Processen mot att välja en ny karriär beskrevs av samtliga respondenter som svår samtidigt som alla kände sig motiverade inför det nya valet och i efterhand upplevde sin nya roll samt det nya karriärvalet som tillfredsställande. Respondenterna fattade ett praktiskt rationellt beslut utifrån tidigare erfarenheter av yrket, värderingar och känslor vid valet av ny karriär.

Bestämning av utfallet av translokationen t(11;18)(q21;q21) hos patienter med MALT-lymfom genom FISH analys

Lymphoma is a group of malignant tumour diseases developing in the secondary lymphatic system. These diseases can develop in all organs as lymphocytes are ubiquitously in the body. In connection to mucus membranes we find mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT, in which lymphoma can spontaneously but slowly develop, mostly at chronic inflammation or at autoimmune diseases. Today these diseases are incureable with the exception of some cases caused by Helicobacter pylori-infection. Antibiotic treatment of these cases can induce remissions.MALT-lymphomas have characteristic histological and molecular properties.

Marknadsföring via internet : ett reklammedium i frammarsch eller mättnad?

Internet has since the beginning of the nineties gone through an enormous growth in size, and with this big increase in numbers of users, a new, lucrative advertisingmarket was created with webbased marketing. This market has grown in the same tempo, and has now reached some sort of a Breakpoint. There is no doubt that internet will be a marketingmedium to count on in the future, but how will development continue to progres and what shape will it have? Will this development keep on growing in the same tempo as earlier or will we see factors that put a break on this development?With this study, I have wanted to give a picture of internet as a marketingchannel today and how it is understood by consumers, spokesmen for the bransch and branschauthoritys. Further, I have tried to give a picture of how the future could look like, judging from the data that was collected from interviews, a big poll and those written sources on the subject that are available today.To be able to give answers to my questions at issue and reach a conclusion for the partproblems that I had initially, I have made a group of interviews with spokesmen of the bransches marketing, netportal, netanalysis amongst others.

Utformning av sidoområden med hänsyn till vägens livscykelkostnad

Single vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur on the Swedish road network. Depending on the design of the road, the presence of a crash barrier and embankment on the roadside, the outcome of a roadside collision can lead to serious injuries and even deaths.The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility of improving road safety by designing the optimal roadside area based on the results of a life cycle cost analysis (LCC).The questions that have been answered during the duration of this project are:1) Describe the current technical solutions for roadside area design and the various barrier types used in Sweden.2) Complete an existing mathematical model that has been developed by Hawzheen Karim, for calculating life-cycle costs for various roadside areas.3) Calculate and compare the life cycle costs for the side area with a barrier and without a barrier.By performing an analysis of the documentation on the current guidelines and rules for shaping the roadside, was it possible to describe the current technical solutions for the formation the roadside as well as the current roadside barriers in use today. A mathematical model for calculating the life cycle costs of different barrier types had already been developed by Hawzheen Karim. This model was supplemented so that it could calculate life-cycle costs of the roadside region with and without a barrier. After the model was completed, an analysis was performed to obtain life-cycle costs of a roadside with and without a barrier.The result showed that there is a clear relationship between the slope inclination, fill height, and the rate at which the costs rise.