

23 Uppsatser om Aggregation - Sida 1 av 2

Dexametasons effekt på trombocytaggregering och syreradikalproduktion

Platelets are important for the healing of damaged blood vessels since they have an importantpart to play in the coagulation process. At the same time, the blood must be kept fluid and notcoagulate at the wrong time. Therefore there are factors that effect the Aggregation of plateletsin a positive or a negative way.Previous investigations have shown that platelets during stirring conditions produce reactiveoxygen species (ROS) that weaken the inhibiting effect of nitric oxides (NO) on platelets andthat the drug Dexamethasone (Dex) can reduce the ROS-production.The aim of this project was to investigate if glucocorticoids, in this case Dexamethasone,could restore the inhibiting effect of NO on platelets and if there was any decrease in ROS-production.The result of the ROS-measurements showed a great variance and it was difficult to draw anyconclusions from them, but a clear decrease in ROS, as previous reported, was not shown. In the Aggregation experiments the inhibiting effect of NO was observed through the drug S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), a NO-donator.From the Aggregation experiments, the result seemed to be that SNAP during longerincubation time lost its inhibiting effect, probably because the cells become desensitized.With superoxid dismutase (SOD), the effect of SNAP increased, both in the experiment withlonger and shorter incubation times. Dex seemed to reinforce the Aggregation in relation toboth SOD and SNAP.

Evaluation of a standardized platelet concentration in samples from platelet concentrates measured over time with impedance aggregometry

Platelet transfusions can be necessary during treatment of patients with thrombocytopenia or impaired platelet function. Platelet function in platelet concentrates (PC) deteriorate with storage time. Studying swirling is often used to control the quality of PC?s before transfusion but the method has some disadvantages. Therefore other methods can be useful, for example impedance aggregometry (IA, Multiplate® Analyzer) to measure platelet function.     In this study the change in platelet function over time was examined in buffy coat and apheresis platelets with IA where Aggregation had been induced with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen.

Förenliga motsatser? : En jämförande studie om aggregering och deliberation i två e-petitionssystem

This essay sets out to compare political participation in two e-petition systems: The Malmö initiative in Malmö, Sweden, and Better Reykjavik in Reykjavik, Iceland. The main question of the essay concerns the aggregative and deliberative qualities of the Malmö initiative and Better Reykjavik, as well as the relationship between Aggregation and deliberation. This main question is divided into four subqueries that lead the empirical analysis. These are: (1) Which similarities and differences in terms of design are there between the Malmö initiative and Better Reykjavik? (2) To what extent have these systems mobilized an aggregative political participation? (3) What similarities and differences are there concerning aspects of deliberation? and (4) What is the correlation between Aggregation and deliberation like in the two e-petition systems?The method in use is a comparative cross-sectional study with a 'most similar research design'.

Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod

Platelet Aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet Aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.

Boplatsval hos solitära getingar, bin och rovsteklar

Denna undersökning gjordes för att studera solitära steklars boplatsval speciellt med avseende på spatiala mönster. Aggregat av lämpliga bohål (bibatterier) tillverkades och gjordes tillgängliga förfrilevande steklar. Resultatet visade att steklar tenderar att anlägga bon i närheten av andra stekelbon. Ingen tendens fanns att anlägga bon i centralt belägna positioner. Steklarna verkar också föredra att anlägga bon till vänster om en tänkt mittllinje på bibatterierna.

In-vitro studier av inflammatorisk svar från helblod och neutrofila granulocyter vid aktivering med nanopartiklar

Syftet med detta arbete var att studera inflammatoriska effekter i mänskligt helblod och neutrofila granulocyter exponerade och stimulerade av nanopartiklar av gadoliniumoxid. Projektet utreder den toxiska potentialen hos nanopartiklar med olika kemiska och morfologiska egenskaper.I experimenten undersöktes cellresponsen hos blodceller exponerade med ofunktionaliserade och funktionaliserade nanopartiklarna. Effekterna av funktionaliserade och ofunktionaliserade nanopartiklarna på Aggregation och syreradikalproduktion i helblod och hos neutrofila granulocyter studerades med hjälp av lumi-aggregometri.Studier har visat att varken ofunktionaliserade eller funktionaliserade nanopartiklarna ger Aggregation i blodet. Syreradikalproduktionen ökar däremot. Resultaten av studier i helblod visar att stimulering med spädnings serier av funktionaliserade nanopartiklar ger mindre frisättning av syreradikaler än spädnings serier med ofunktionaliserade nanopartiklar.

Why does trehalose not improve autophagy in the SOD1G93A transgenic mouse model of familial ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is one of the major neurodegenerative diseases, causing an ascending paralysis that usually kills the patient within a few years from disease onset. The motor neurons show aggregates of proteins which in approximately 20 % of cases of the familial form contain mutated SOD1 protein. Trehalose is a disaccharide which has been shown to reduce protein Aggregation and increase viability in cell models and alleviate symptoms in animal models of several neurodegenerative diseases associated with protein Aggregation. When given orally to the SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS, trehalose failed to slow down the disease progression, which has led to questions about the uptake and distribution of the molecule in this mouse strain. The aim of this study was to investigate whether significant levels of trehalose reach the central nervous system of the SOD1G93A mouse after oral administration. This was performed by a trehalose assay of the brain of trehalose treated animals. A glucose assay was optimised for use in small samples of brain lysate after the digestion of trehalose into glucose by trehalase, and the difference in glucose concentration before and after digestion represented the trehalose level.

Bära Sorg Föra Liv : En studie om begravningsritualer bland syrianer/assyrier i hemlandet och i Sverige.

This essay describes the phases of funeral rituals between the Syrian/Assyrian, and compares the homeland with Sweden. It describes the stage of rituals according to Victor Turner schema of separation, margin or limin, and Aggregation. The rituals religious significance agrees with Clifford Geertz?s theory about the importance of religious beliefs for the human being.

?Det är järnet i blodet som väger? : Elevers uppfattningar om materia en kvalitativ undersökning i årskurs 3

The purpose of this investigation was to find out more about students? spontaneous ideas about properties and transformations of matter. Examples of matter chosen are such which students know about from everyday life and focus is mainly on the questions if students know that all matter has weight and that matter is preserved in transformations.The method used is semi structured qualitative interviews with individual students. Different experiments were carried out together with the students who afterwards were interviewed. However, the students show varying answers and no generalizations can be done.

Från smått till stort : en diskursanalys om kommunsammanläggningen 1974 från ett Hästvedaperspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera kommunsammanläggningen i Sverige under åren 1963 ? 1974 utifrån ett Hästvedaperspektiv. Hästveda kommun tillsammans med flertalet andra småkommuner blev en del av det som kom att kallas Hässleholms kommun 1974. Uppsatsen utreder vilka reaktioner och diskussioner som fanns hos såväl kommunalfullmäktige och anställda i kommunhuset, men också hos invånarna i kommunen. Uppsatsen undersöker också om Hästveda kommun vid sammanläggningen hade några finansiella tillgångar kvar.Syftet är också att undersöka varför Hästveda gick med i just i det som skulle bli Hässleholms kommun och inte i någon annan närliggande kommun.Undersökningen är gjort utifrån protokoll, tidningsartiklar, insändare, intervjuer och krönikor..

Utvärderande bibliometri: en jämförelse mellan två kvalitetsindikatorer

This master's thesis aims to explore the field of evaluative bibliometrics. In short, this field of research uses bibliometrics - i.e. the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication - as a research assessment tool. In recent years, evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method in research evaluation and is today used and implemented in many countries worldwide. Today, in Sweden, we can also see that evaluative bibliometrics is highly recognised and, in some cases, used in practice.

Interorganisatorisk ekonomistyrning i nära relationer : En fallstudie av relationen mellan ett stort köpande företag och två av dess viktigaste samarbetspartners

Title: Interorganizational accounting in close relations ? A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partners Course: Master thesis in Business and Administration within Accounting, 30 ECTS Advisor: Gun Abrahamsson Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of business relationships, management information systems and interorganizational accounting. Conclusions: Despite a difference in the relations the interorganizational accounting is designed and used in a similar way. The interorganizational accounting that exists in the two relations has a medium scope, fast timeline, high Aggregation and high integration. The information is mainly used for attention directing and for decision making.

Att restaurera forna tiders beståndsstruktur : ett exempel från Jämtgaveln

In Sweden today so-called "prescribed nature conservation burning" is performed due to the change in silvicultural law, certification and an increased knowledge regarding the field of fire in the forest landscape. The aim is to re-create structures and qualities made by the fire regimes of the past, though on a much smaller geographical scale. The structures and qualities to be re-created are for example broad leaf stands, trees with large diameter, heterogeneous stands regarding variables such as age and diameter. If we increase our knowledge of the constitution of forests characterized by fire, then we will be able to set goals for what achievements to reach both on landscape scale and stand scale. The aim of this paper is to try to describe how a stand from the past was composed regarding mainly the spatial arrangement and compare it with the stand of today in the same place. This to be done by using relict material, that is stumps and dead standing trees.

Evaluation of Ectopar for the control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is a common problem in poultry facilities, causing great discomfort for the hens and effecting the production economically. Few efficient acaricides are available and there is a need for new control methods since resistance has become a problem in some cases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the new liquid silica control agent Ectopar, on the poultry red mite. An initial in vitro test of Ectopar and its two components individually was performed, where live mites were sealed in together with filter paper impregnated with one of the three solutions prepared. The survival of the mites was thereafter recorded repeatedly during a period of 120 hours and compared to a control. For the field study, two poultry farms with different housing systems were used, one with furnished cages (farm 1) and one with a single tier floor system (farm 2).

Fem-studie av rörelser i planet mellan bakaxelbrygga ADA1100 och centralväxelhuslock R780

This thesis has been performed at Scania CV AB Technical Centre in Södertälje and its aim hasbeen to study the causes and effects of deformations in the interface between the rear axlehousing ADA1100 and the central gear house R780 during operation. Design changes that wouldincrease the sealing capability of the studied interface are also suggested. Finite element (FE)and CAD software have been the primary tools in this study.Finite element (FE) simulations are used in the industry to predict and develop engineeringdesigns. The main motive for FE simulations has traditionally been to identify weak spots in thedesign, regarding high tensions and large deformations.The FE model is an Aggregation of submodels and interface models that represents the rear axlehousing, suspension, central gear, central gear housing, wheels, bolts and weldings, and theirinteractions. The submodels have different material properties and they are connected withcontact interface models.Boundary conditions are defined on the bushings in front of the rear axle and on the air bellowsbehind the rear axle.

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