

22 Uppsatser om Adaptability - Sida 1 av 2

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Growth of small businesses is vital to the Swedish economy, and many entrepreneurs want their enterprises to grow. However, the business climate of today is more changing than ever, and attributes becoming increasingly important for companies in order to deal with this are flexibility, speed, and Adaptability: characteristics normally attributed to small enterprises. As a larger organization often is associated with more rigidity as a consequence of a higher degree of formalization, entrepreneurs are hesitant to seize growth opportunities, as they fear it will have negative impact on the aforementioned competitive advantages their enterprise possesses as a small business. This simple case study of a growing small enterprise investigates the effects of organizational growth on a small business' organizational structure and through its above mentioned advantages. The study finds that avoiding formalization while growing damages the competitiveness of the firm, and concludes that a degree of formalization is a necessity to maintain the flexibility, speed and Adaptability in a growing small business..

Spåren efter Mesolitikum : en studie av 10 mesolitiska platser i sydöstra Sverige

The paper focus on the first people in south-east Sweden. I investigate why they moved to the north, how they adapted to a new environment, and how they used new materials. I study ten locations in my investigation, which starts with Årup in north-east Scania, and ends with Mörby in Östergöland. The survey deals with the research history concerning the Mesolithic Stone Age in southern Scandinavia, and why ethnicity, Adaptability, imagination and the will of survive is so important to us human beings..

Familjens situation då barnet insjuknar i Diabetes typ 1 - Litteratursammanställning

Background: Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is one of the most common chronicle diseases in childhood. This signifies big changes in the daily life for the child and its family. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the family?s situation when the child falls ill in Type 1 diabetes. Method: The search for literature has been done both manually and in databases.

Skolvalet: en investering i framtiden? : En narrativ studie om föräldrars resonemang kring grundskolevalet ur ett Bourdieu-inspirerat perspektiv

The thesis aims to increase our understanding about parents reasoning about the elementary school choice by studying which factors parents perceive as important during the decision making process and also by giving meaning to Pierre Bourdieu?s concept of capital through the parents perspective. The empirical material comes from seven BNIM-interviews made with parents, which has been analyzed according to the thematic field analysis.The results show that the parents are not especially concerned about making an active school choice. Stability, closeness, friends, rumors, development and Adaptability to the reality are the factors that are perceived as the most important in the decision making process. The school choice has a limited meaning as an investment in social capital, from Bourdieu?s perspective.

Väntetidsrelaterad frustration på akutmottagningen

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe what nurses experienced in connection with waiting time related frustration among patients and relatives in the emergency department and also what strategies nurses use to manage waiting time related frustration.Background: The numbers of emergency department visits are increasing and lead to waiting times which can cause frustration among patients and relatives, a frustration that nurses encounter in their everyday work and need strategies to deal with.Methods: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Interviews are conducted with five nurses, transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.Findings: The nurses feel inadequate and powerless when they meet patients and relatives frustration. In order to deal with patients and relatives frustration, they use the strategy of participation, which implies to involve and meet patients and relatives needs for information and to be seen. In order to prevent themselves becoming frustrated they use Adaptability, by creating an inner calm, not take it personally and to distance themselves from the frustration.Conclusion: The result highlights the importance of managing the activity to reduce waiting time related frustration, for example through reflection and working for reducing waiting times. Further research is also needed..

Är uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap förenligt med utvecklandet av anpassningsbara officerare?

Människan har en förmåga att anpassa sig till en omvärld i förändring. Detta syns inte minst på den taktik- och teknikanpassning som sker i kampen mellan verkan och skydd inom den militära kontexten. Men idag sker inte bara förändring i den militära tekniken; även uppgifterna förändras. Exempelvis kräver de insatser som sker runt om i världen, inom ramen för FN-resolutioner, allt mer av civilmilitär samverkan samtidigt som enheterna måste vara ständigt beredda på att möta en motståndare i strid. Om anpassningsbarhet är det som gör att vi kan förändra oss för att möta nya uppgifter i nya miljöer torde ökad anpassningsbarhet i organisationen vara en fördel.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka huruvida de svenska ledningsstyrdokumenten, i form av Uppdragstaktiken (ledningsmetod-/filosofi) och Utvecklande ledarskap (ledarskapsmodell), är förenliga med utvecklandet av anpassningsbara officerare.Resultatet av analysen visar på god förenlighet mellan uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap å ena sidan och anpassningsbarhet å andra sidan.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av sinarbetsmiljö i sitt dagliga arbete. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Abstract:Ambulance nurses have in their everyday work a varied work environment, the pace of work can quickly shift from being calm and structured to be a severe acute situation.Objective: The aim of the study was to describe how professional nurses in the ambulance operations experience their physical and mental work environment in daily practice.Method: A qualitative interview study with semi structured questions was used. The study group consisted of two women and three men, ages between 27?42 years. The study was carried out on an ambulance station in central Sweden. Based on collected data, a qualitativecontent analysis was performed that resulted in three categories.Results: The result showed that the ambulance nurses regarded that it was a lot of heavy lifting.

Ella Matematik - Internetbaserat läromedel för grundskolans matematikundervisning

Ella Mathematics is a web portal that will completely replace the printed math text book in the Swedish elementary school. When the math education is moved in to the digital world the flexibility and Adaptability will increase.In 2011 the Swedish government revised the Swedish school system, which contained a whole new curriculum for the elementary school math education. This has been the foundation for the development of Ella Mathematics and the design of the three different users; student, teacher and parent. The development has been done with Dynamic Product Development methods from the project start in September 2011 until the final exam in May 2012.Ella Mathematics has been developed with the pupil?s math knowledge in focus.

Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag

Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and Adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills.

Drömmen om ett arbete : En undersökning om anställningsbarhet i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende

Denna studie syftar på att ta reda på hur anställningsbarheten ser ut i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende. Studien vänder sig till tidigare studenter på det Arbetsvetenskapliga programmet på Högskolan i Halmstad. Finns det någon personlighetsprofil som är mer gynnsam i arbetssökningsprocessen? Hur ser kraven ut för tjänster inom yrkesområdet samt finns det något samband mellan personlighet, anställningsbarhet och beteende i sökprocessen.Genom att granska platsannonser sammanställdes vilka krav som krävs för tjänster inom yrkesområdet. En enkätundersökning skickades till personer som gått utbildningen.

Tillval och anpassning : kundens valmöjligheter vid köp av nyproducerad bostadsrätt

Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.

Finns det något samband mellan skuldsättningsgrad och P/B tal? : En studie av svenska börsnoterade bygg- och fastighetsbolag före, under och efter finanskrisen

Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.

Prospects of a Challenger - A case study of Microsoft and the Console Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to give a contribution to the studies of what strategies those are of importance for challengers in consumer technological markets aiming for the market leader position. To be able to investigate this phenomenon we have chosen to study Microsoft?s second position in the video game console industry. In addition, we want to illuminate Microsoft?s competitive advantages, how Microsoft can take advantage from Sony?s setbacks and what strategies those are of importance for Microsoft in the battle of becoming the market leader.

Grazing behavior of Ankole and Boran cattle in an improved herding production system

To be able to provide the growing human population with food, the productivity of the animals as well as land use needs to be improved and intensified. Hence, understanding the behavior of animals is crucial both for animal welfare and productivity as well as the management of the cattle. There are many factors affecting the grazing behavior of cattle in tropical conditions, such as human-animal interactions, herd management, breed, season and temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the grazing behavior of two tropical cattle breeds, Ankole and Boran cattle. Kenyan Boran belongs to a zebu type of cattle and is preferred to many other breeds due to the higher productive and reproductive capacity and Adaptability to tropical conditions.

Mervärdeskapande i traditionell livsmedelshandel : En fallstudie inom den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

Background: It has been shown that companies that lived under protected conditions for a long time have had difficulties to adapt to major changes. With that in mind an even more extensive low-cost competition in the Swedish grocery market will make a threat for the traditional grocery stores' long-term survival. The question then becomes, which strategies will be successful and lead to higher customer loyalty.Problem: Are the traditional grocery stores using strategies that can compete in addition to pricing and will those strategies lead to long-term survival?Objective: Is to analyse and evaluate two traditional grocery stores' strategies and to examine whether these are consistent with customer demand.Approach: First we have created a more fundamental understanding of the situation in the Swedish grocery market. Then we have implemented two interviews in each grocery store.

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