

5697 Uppsatser om Zero inflated negative binomial model - Sida 42 av 380

En strategisk planeringsmodell: Att införa medborgarkontor i ett folkbibliotek med hjälp av strategisk planering

This Masters thesis is concerned with the complex planning process of setting up a citizen bureau in a public library. The aim is to find out how citizen bureaux are designed and to suggest a simplified model of strategic planning. The planning process is studied from a business perspective in the library context, and this perspective is also used to study citizen bureaux and their written plans elsewhere. A combination of qualitative methods are used: observations, focus group discussions and interviews. Observations in the public library showed a great need for an environmental analysis as well as structure to the planning process.

Björkbarksextrakt, BBE : en lönsam lösning på betningsproblematiken?

The calculations in this thesis are evaluating the profit as a consequence from treating young stands of pine in Sweden with birch bark extract, BBE. Treatment is to be done with the object to lower or fully reduce the moose browsing on pine. The study is made in three versions. The results from each version separately will follow below. Version I.: The size of the moose population is in no way affected by the reduced resources of food as a consequence of large scale treatment with BBE on pine. Results show profit at a 3 percent level of interest with the exception of treatment program with more than 4 treatments all together and with the exception of Västerbottens Län with an early first treatment. Version II.: The population of moose decrease from 10 to 5 individuals per 1000 ha as a consequence from large scale treatment with BBE on young pine stands.

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' experiences of having needle phobias.

Working Model of the Child Interview. Pilotstudie för att pröva metodens användbarhet på svenska föräldrar

Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) är en metod utformad för att bedöma och klassificera föräldrars förmåga till omvårdnad utifrån beskrivningar av förälderns subjektiva upplevelse av och relationen till sitt barn. Föräldrars inre representation av omvårdnad har visat samband med barnets förmåga att skapa en trygg anknytningsrelation. WMCI har visat stor användbarhet både i forskningssammanhang och i klinisk verksamhet men är tidigare inte prövad i Sverige. Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att pröva metodens användbarhet på en svensk population. Tretton föräldrar, sex pappor och sju mammor, som är förstagångsföräldrar till fullgångna och för tidigt födda barn har intervjuats med WMCI.

Vi och Dem : en analys av skapandet av "den Andre" i Den ovillige fundamentalisten och Pojken i randig pyjamas

My paper, ?Us and Them ? an analysis of the creation of ?the Other? in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?, aims to examine Mohsin Hamid´s and John Boyne´s novels from the years 2007 and 2008. The paper tries to answer the following questions: How is ?the Other?and?Us and Them?created in the novels? And: What consequences does the thinking in terms of ?the Other?and?Us and Them?lead to in the novels? The examination is done through the method of close reading and by applying the theory of Orientalism and Edward W. Said?s analysis of the theory to the reading.It is, I believe, of utmost importance for teachers to create unity among their pupils, and peaceful and democratic classrooms where co-work is promoted.

Projektplanering inom konsultföretag : en modell för planering, budgetering och uppföljning

BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.

Konsumentvänlig Energibesparingsmodell : Ett verktyg som hjälper småhusägare att sänka sina energikostnader

Energy awareness is growing among the Swedish population and a one­?to­?two-family dwelling can save energy. The purpose of this paper is to design a tool that helps these home owners reduce their energy costs.The paper develops a model that gives them an indication of how much energy they can save. For the majority of homeowners, the next step in the quest to reduce theirs is most likely an energy audit. Therefore, information to help home owners to get a good energy audit performed is included in the model.A prototype running the operating system iOS is created and validated against existing models, as well as an energy audit. .

Mode som funk(is)ar - konsumtion som strategi f?r identitetsskapande f?r personer med synliga funktionsneds?ttningar

This essay will discuss consumption as a strategy for creating one?s identity for persons with visible disabilities. Along with this, questions asked and answered are concerning how lack of inclusion in the fashion industry affects the informants? consumption of clothes and how the informants discuss identity in relation to their disability. Compulsory able-bodiness (McRuer, 2006) is a main theory that will influence both the discussion and the results.

Borta bäst? : En studie om affärsmodeller och tidig internationalisering

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken affärsmodell som born globals använder vid internationalisering och vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av modell. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har genomförts som en fallstudie. Vidare utgörs studien av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien kommer fram till att born globals vid internationalisering har en affärsmodell som a?r freemium och att det resursbaserade synsättet samt bransch är viktiga bakomliggande faktorer till valet av affärsmodell. Faktorerna globalisering och entrepenören har mindre direkt påverkan medan nätverk endast har en begränsad påverkan i valet av affärsmodell för born globals vid internationalisering. .

Automatisk mätning och detektering av röjande signaler

This master thesis has been performed at Sectra Communications AB in Linköping where they manufacture electronic encryption devices. In cryptology it is essential that an eavesdropper cannot find the plain text. To assure that a system is safe, all devices are thoroughly examined so that they don?t emit any secret information, so called Compromising Emanations (CE). This is done by comparing the secret signal with measured signals on the screen of an oscilloscope, a process that is very time consuming and furthermore, the risk of missing compromising emanations is high.

Underhållskostnader på rundbalspressar :

Costs of maintenance on agriculture machines is something that many farmers has a low knowledge of, it can depend on low interest or that the farmer don?t have enough time. To make it easier for the farmers they can use many computer programs which are available on the market. In this program they can calculate their costs of maintaince on their agriculture machines, for example STANK and JTI machine calculation program. Most of this program is using Svensson (1987) costs model whish was made in Sweden in the middle of 80 decade in a large study.

Aktievärdering : En kvantitativ studie i värdering med Dividend Discount Model och Residual Income Model i förhållande till P/B-tal som referensvärde

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

Kommunaliseringen av den statliga skolan. : - En argumentationsanalys av de pro- och contraargument som föranledde beslutet 1989 samt dess aktörer.

ABSTRACTThe study is an analysis of the politic debate about the decentralising of the public school between the years 1946 and 1990. The problem that the essay is about to study is which reason made the decentralising take place. The texts that have been read, interpreted and reconstructed are propositions, motions and written debates in the parliament. The purpose of the study is to examine the discussion about the schools decentralising in 1946-1990. The aim is also to examine what kind of pro- and contra arguments that are shown in the debate and who the interveners are and why they made a statement.

En studie i kommunikativt ledarskap inom vuxenutbildninen i Malmö

The purpose of my study is to examine whether the need for competence development in the communicative leadership exists among the six school leaders at the current adult education unit in Malmö. By observing the communication between the parties I hoped to get the following questions answered: What are the preconditions for the school leaders, in their daily communication with the staff, for getting the staff to feel noticed and confirmed? In what ways do the school leaders communicate with their staff to motivate them to development? I also wanted to highlight the school leaders' awareness of their own communication skills. The theories and models I have used are Haberma?s theory of the communicative action, Spitzberg and Cupach?s relational competence model and Engquist?s theory of level of abstractions.

Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation

Abstract Title: Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation Seminar date: 2005-06-08 Course: Master thesis in business administration, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS) Authors: Andreas Johnsson, Johan Rosendahl Advisors: Lars Bengtsson Key words: Knowledge management, Knowledge conversation, Research and development, Ba, Trelleborg Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to create a model that shows how knowledge management aimed at research and development processes can be used and how the theoretical fields can be connected. Methodology: The thesis is based on abductive perspective where empirical and theoretical material has been mixed to create a foundation for the analysis. Theoretical perspectives: Theories concerning knowledge management and research and development have primarily been used. These have been complemented with material about team structures and incentive systems. Empirical foundation: The empirical material is based on semi structured, mostly qualitative interviews and strictly quantitative inquiries performed at Industrial Hose within the Trelleborg group.

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