

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 2 av 69

Fältmätning och utmattningsanalys av hjullastarskopa

I denna rapport predikteras livslängden, med avseende på utmattning, för en hjullastarskopa. Två av de mest kritiska svetsarna utvärderas enligt IIW:s (International Institute of Welding) rekommendationer genom nominella spänningsmetoden, hot spot-metoden och effective notch-metoden. Beräkningarna utförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Genom att utföra töjningsmätningar på hjullastarskopan i drift erhålls spänningsdiagram. Dessa uppmätta spänningsdiagram analyseras med rain-flow count-metoden.


The thesis work has been carried out at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) in Trollhättan. VAC has entered a partnership as developing and producing partner with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and is currently at the starting phase of producing the turbine rear frame (TEC) to the engine PW1000.The purpose of this study was to create a report on process level that describes the conditions and the potential with PW1000 TEC to reach the product cost calculation taking into account lead times and describe alternative method solutions.The report describes a comparison between the present flow (2012), a flow based on product cost calculation (2016) and a potential flow (2016). The work has mainly been based on acquiring the knowledge and information available to inspect the present flow; this has been done by workshop observations, meetings and gathering of the information that is available on the work site for the PW1000 TEC.The information obtained has been merged into an Excel document, called Roadmap. It serves as a roadmap with current situation as the start and the potential flow for 2016 as the goal. With the roadmap as a tool, assumptions have been taken considering the flow and how it will change, where processes have been eliminated, reduced or marked as a problem..

Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Twittrande bibliotekarier: informationshantering 2.0?

The present study is embedded in the research field of Personal Information Management (PIM) and its goal is to contribute to this research area by showing information management aspects in untraditional contexts, as in the social networking site Twitter. The aim and purpose of this two year's master thesis was to investigate the beha-viour of librarians within the context of Twitter. The objectives of this thesis focus on the query of the informa-tion management aspect of Twitter, and on the investigation into whether Twitter offers the possibility to reach a state of flow while using it, as well as inquiring into the relationship between Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis flow theory and PIM. The theoretical framework of this thesis is centred upon the flow theory and the conditions that are necessary to reach a state of flow. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis a directed content analysis is applied as an investigative method, where its in-depth research aspects will be applied upon the empirical material, which contains 429 tweets.

Flow i undervisningen - en studie om lärares uppfattning om begreppet flow

Det här arbetet handlar om flow och hur begreppet samverkar med olika aktiviteter i våra liv. Bakgrunden till flow förklaras inledningsvis i kapitlet om teoretisk bakgrund och sätts senare i relation till inre förändring, socialt samspel, fysisk aktivitet, kommunikation, samt pedagogik. Syftet med arbetet är att ge svar på hur flow kan användas i undervisning. Som metod för datainsamling har jag gjort en gruppintervju med fyra lärare aktiva vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Gruppintervjun fungerade som ett vardagligt samtal mellan fyra personer och resultatkapitlet är sammanställt i sex rubriker: Introduktion; Personernas uppfattning om flow; Vägar till flow och hinder på vägen; Gruppflow; Flow, kvalitet och kommunikation; samt flow och undervisning.

En rörig historia : en fallstudie över Secorocs processflöde av DTH-rör

Abstract Title: A messy story ? a case study of Secorocs process flow of DTH-pipes Presentation date: 2010-06-02 Course: Bachelor thesis in businessAuthor: Kristoffer ForsmanAdvisor: Kjell GustafssonKeywords: Management control, process control, lean production, process flow analysisPurpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop an overview of the process flow for a specific product, and with the help of this mapping based on a lean production philosophy show possible improvement proposals and how these can lead to a more efficient process flow.Methodology: I have used a case study of Secorocs DTH-pipes and my primary data are gathered through interviews and observations. I have used theoretical framework to establish a process flow analysis. This is to obtain data on process activities and whether they are creating value or not. This leads to a current mapping of the situation in Secoroc on DTH-pipes and then analyzed and suggestions for improvement are developed.Conclusions: That by using the above mentioned mapping of process flow of DTH-pipes, problem areas could be illustrated.

Ökat flöde genom timmersorteringen vid Ala sågverk

Ala sawmill in Ljusne, Hälsingland, has increased its flow through the sawing plant during the last couple of years. The problem now is the sorting plant, as this part of the mill is now slower than the rest. A close analysis of the sorting plant was therefore necessary to be able to increase the flow through. The aim of the project was to find solutions that can lessen downtime and increase flow. The goal was to increase the flow from 650 to 925 logs through the sorting plant per hour.

Arbetsglädje : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur fem lärare i grundskolans tidigare år beskriver arbetsglädjens betydelse och påverkan

The goal of this study is to examine what five teacher?s impression of the teacher?s role is in their previous years. How important the ?joy at work? is in relation with the educational progress? And what aspects that contributes to the? joy at work? and what obstacles that stops them. The essay will also go through the concepts of a teacher role, with connection to the theoretical perspectives of Csikszentmihalyi?s Flow and Antonovsky?s Salutogenesis (KASAM).The method I used was interviewing five teachers and I used Larsen?s chapter of ?content analysis? as a basis, I also used Flow and KASAM as theoretical references in my analysis.

Simulering av ett värmesystem i COMSOL Multiphysics : Pipe Flow Module

Syftet med detta arbete är att simulera ett värmesystem i COMSOL Multiphysics, Pipe Flow Module, Non-Isothermal Pipe Flow som innehåller ekvationer och randvillkor för att modellera inkompressibel strömning och värmeöverföring i rör.Data om processen och dess komponenter har samlats in från industrin där arbetet är utfört och i vissa fall modifierats för att bättre beskrivas i programmet.Utifrån insamlad data har en modell byggts upp och två simuleringar har gjorts. En stationär för starten av systemet, den har sedan legat till grund för en dynamisk som simulerar förloppet från start till normaldrift.Tiden det tar för det aktuella fallet att nå drifttemperatur är 16 timmar. En felströmning upptäcktes samt att en av pumparna inte kommer att klara en start från 20 °C..

Kassaflöde och Kapitalbindning. En studie av vilka åtgärder och faktorer som vägs in i beslutssituationer i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen.

Background: Today there are high claims on organizations to show a positive economic view. To satisfy the demands and expectations from interested parties it is very important to carefully plan the companies tied up capital and cash flows. Purpose: The purpose with the thesis is to describe what actions organizations take to resolve the conflict between showing a positive cash flow and the need to tie up capital.The purpose is also to explain the different factors that must be considered when making decisions regarding cash flow and capital tied up. Method: A qualitative study of the actions and factors wich must be considered when decisions in swedish construction companies are made regarding cash flow and capital tied up. Results: A model of the factors and actions that affect cash flow and capital tied up in projects.

Flödesanalys av plåtsammansättning : Strävan mot Just-In-Time och minskat slöseri

The Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå is a highy complex manufacturing facility where the same production line handles a variety of different models. This require flexible and agile processes with high quality standards. This thesis studies the flow of material through a production line and how Volvo can use their existing manufacturing monitoring system to optimize the flow of materials.The goal with the thesis is to identify eventual problems with the flow of materials and to deliver a few proposals on how the production line can improve its productivity. The theory of LEAN, Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management serves as the scientific reference to this project. By analyzing the flow of material, performing interviews and observing the processes a few problems are identified.

I jakten på flow : Gameplay Progression i Pervasive Games

Hur kan svårighetsprogression användas i skapandet av Puzzlehunts med syfte att uppnå en ökad upplevd känsla av flow hos spelaren? Denna frågeställning behandlas i uppsatsen och problemet som måste lösas är hur man kan bygga upp en ackumulerad kunskap om något vars syfte är att hela tiden tvinga dig att hitta nya lösningar på problem. I mer traditionella spel kan upprepning lära spelaren hur spelmekaniken fungerar. I puzzlehunts kan upprepning av spelmekanik inte användas eftersom målet för varje pussel är att hitta mekaniken som löser problemet. Uppsatsen visar att man genom inlärning av hur man skall tänka för att hitta lösningarna till pusslen kan bygga upp en ackumulerad kunskap hos spelaren och därmed även ha en svårighetsprogression och öka upplevd nivå av flow hos spelaren..

Kan faktorerna KASAM, flow samt prestationsbehov predicera arbetstillfredsställelse?

Tidigare studier har visat att faktorerna KASAM, flow samt prestationsbehov har betydelse för hög upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse. I denna studie undersöks om dessa faktorer även är aktuella under svenska förhållanden. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 137 anställda på tre olika företag för att mäta om de tre faktorerna kan predicera arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade att KASAM, och särskilt komponenten meningsfullhet, var en stark prediktor av arbets-tillfredsställelse. Även flow, och särskilt dimensionen inomboende arbetsmotivation, hade ett signifikant prediktionsvärde medan det visade sig att prestationsbehov inte predicerade arbetstillfredsställelse.

Kassaflödesanalyser : En undersökning av kassaflödesanalysens användning i förhållande till det tidsperspektiv som styr företagens agerande.

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential associations between usage of the cash flow statement report and time perspective in which companies? acts and set goals. Method: Our approach is quantitative, using empirical data summarized in a statistical procedure. The result is thereafter analysed through the developed analysis model from which conclusion is drawn. Results: We have in the investigation stated that the usage of the cash flow statement report varies depending on the time perspective in which companies? acts.

Effektivisering av kundorderflöde : En fallstudie på BUFAB Bulten Stainless AB

We were commissioned by Bulten Stainless AB to identify and analyze their customer order flow. Because the company had problems with delays in the production and deliveries to the customer, the task also included investigation of how the company work with prevention and management of delays. The purpose of the project also included to identify critical factors for effective order flow in smaller workshop companies.The information about the flow and how the work takes place within the company were collected through observations on the company and interviews with the staff. This information was used to draw maps over the customer order flow and to write a description of the current situation within the company. Both strengths and weaknesses of the companies work could be identified through analysis of the present situation.

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