

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 14 av 69

Rening av lakvatten vid deponin Degermyran i Skellefteå kommun : Utvärdering av nuvarande reningseffekt och simulering av mängden bildat lakvatten under 2000-talets klimatförändringar

At Degermyran landfill, situated in the municipal Skellefteå, a leachate treatment system was installed in 2005. One of the aims of this study was to investigate how well the treatment system works by using data from chemical measurements made on the leachate before and after treatment. Further this study had the purpose of investigating how the predicted climate changes of the 21st century will affect the amount of leachate generated at Degermyran by using a modified version of Thornthwaites water balance model. The treatment system has the ability of reducing manganese by 90 %, nitrogen by 73 % och TOC by 79 %. By the turn of this century the amount of precipitation that percolates the waste at Degermyran will be between 254 and 298 mm, depending on the amount of greenhouse gases that will be released in the future to come.

Att arbeta smartare en fallstudie om teorier och modeller inom Lean kan tillämpas i akutsjukvården

The emergency medical care in Sweden has been under persistent debate, due to factors such as long waiting hours, inefficient patient flow, and understaffed departments. In an effort to meet the critique and with a willingness to improve the problems, an increasing amount of emergency clinics are adopting theories and models within Lean. Positive outcomes are evident, there has been some criticism directed towards Lean. Among these is the argument that in order for Lean to be successful it needs to be used within standardized and foreseeable processes, and that it therefore only is applicable to those kind of processes found within industrial production. This prompted the question of whether Lean was a suitable strategy within emergency medical care, considering the large variation of patients and non-foreseeable processes that in fact share little resemblance to that of industrial production.

Reinvestering i småskalig vattenkraft

I detta examensarbete behandlas investeringsalternativ för småskalig vattenkraft. Arbetet som riktar sig mot Skellefteå Kraft AB:s anläggningar, har således gåtts igenom, vartefter kandidater lämpliga för en reinvestering tagits fram med passande tekniker. Vidare nämns om dessa tekniker är lämpliga för minskning av förlusterna vid storskaliga utskov. De småskaliga anläggningarna är fördelade på två åar, Rickleån och Åman. I vardera finns två kraftverk som behandlas i detta arbete, Fredriksfors och Sågforsen i Rickleån, samt Åman övre och nedre i Åman.

Hitta flow i improvisation : en musikalisk resa genom livet

This project investigates how team sports can be used to include young women in public space aswell as how through the addition of a sporting facility adjacent to three schools can be used as a stepping stone for the young people of Dharavi to have a chance at a brighter future..

Flow Office

I mitt examensarbete har jag arbetat fram en glaskollektion med tema mens. Målet med mitt arbete var dels att höja mensen ur tabut, dels att ge bruksglaset en ny scen. Genom att göra en menskoppsbehållare i transparent glas vill jag ifrågasätta varför vi gömmer och smusslar med våra mensskydd men också varför mensen idag framställs som oren, äcklig och skamlig. Jag vill uppmuntra till att bryta det mönstret, ge den som menstruerar en möjlighet att hylla mensen, sätta den i fokus, på piedestal. Mitt arbete resulterade i ett mensaltare, en tolkning av hur jag tror mensen hade framställts om vi levt i ett matriarkat.

Kartläggning av material flödesflaskhals i ICA butik.

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Informationsflödets roll i avverkningskvaliten

The information flow is a very important process in an organization. It affects in a decisive manner the effectiveness of a task. It also has a major impact on the quality of the product or service for which the organization delivers to its customers. Lack of information may cause that important aspects are not given the required attention or even forgotten and can in turn lead to criticism from certification officials and lower customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to study how the information flow in Norrskog?s field organization is handled and how this affected the quality of the work performed and the feedback given to the contractors, The study is based on qualitative interviews with contractors, production inspectors and forest inspectors on all Norrskogs districts.

Översvämningskartering av Vombs ängar

Vomb meadows is an area well knows for its rich bird life. During the 19:thcentury until mid 20:th century, the meadows were flooded annually in order toincrease the hay yield. The river Klingavälsån situated along the west side of themeadows, used to be a shallow river, meandering across the landscape. In the1940?s the river was straightened and made deeper.

Utvärdering av ett värmepumpsystems prestanda till en HWC-tvättmaskin : Med fokus på fläktvarvtal och köldmedieflöde

This report was performed in order to evaluate a new technological measure and focuses generally on a heat pump system to a HWC-washing machine. The client is Asko Appliances AB, a company well known for its environmentally friendly products. The goal of this study was to improve the energy efficiency of a washing machine by combining a heat pump device to the heater of the wash water, in order to reduce the energy consumed for heating the water. Besides reducing the energy consumption in heating the water, the washing machine was required to meet low noise and short operating time specifications. For that purpose, nine trials in three test series have been carried out.

Modell för dimensionering av AGV-system inom tung industri

Interest in the implementation of AGV-systems (Automated Guided Vehicle) has in recent decades increased. The reason is that it allows companies to perform reliably and secure internal transport while reducing the need of personnel. It is one of todays most advanced and complex material handling system that can independently make their own decisions regarding flow paths and traffic control. An AGV-system consists of transport units carrying cargo from point A to point B, and communicates using a computer.The purpose of this study is to develop a model on how to proceed in order to design an AGV system in heavy industry. The model is tested by a case study of a company in the metal industry to determine if the model works and gives the correct result.

Expansion av existerande spelsystem : Erfarna spelare kontra nybörjare

Detta arbete exponerar den problematik som existerar för spelutvecklare med avseende på att både erfarna och nya spelare ska tillgodoses i vidareutvecklingen av spelkoncept. I anknytning till detta diskuteras flow-teorin som kan sammanfattas som den optimala upplevelsen där balansen mellan utmaning och skicklighet är perfekt. Teorin ligger till grund för analysen och varför designfilosofin ?intern expansion? undersöks som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Det som undersöks är designfilosofins potential att generera en likvärdig upplevelse för både erfarna och nya spelare.

Läslust en brinnande känsla i magen. En studie av 9 - 12-åringars upplevelser och uppfattningar av läslust.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate the factors that contribute to childrens feelings of enjoyment and wellbeing while reading pleasure reading. The research is founded on qualitative interviews with eight children aged between 9 and 12 years. In the review of the literature different theories of reading experiences are examined and the theory of flow is used to analyse and interpret childrens statements of reading experiences. The theory of flow has not been developed to investigate reading but aims to describe and explain when and how people experience happiness and joy. The results of this study reveal that many different factors influence childrens reading.

Torkat bioavfall som jordförbättringsmedel

The main project Dry preservation of source-separated organic household wastes involves a new technique for treatment of biowaste through drying. Investigations are going on to determine how the dried biowaste best can be used to close the natural circular flow of nutrients. The objective of this degree project is to determine if the dried biowaste can be used as a soil conditioner. By restoring the nutrients in the material to the ground, the natural circular flow is closed. A declaration of contents, including the nutrient levels, C/N ratio, pH and the electrical conductivity of the dried biowaste, was constructed and a germination test was done to make sure that the material did not inhibit sprouting.

Värdeflödesanalys på Saab Training Systems i Huskvarna

Saab Training Systems (STS) in Huskvarna is manufacturing material for educationalpurposes to armies worldwide. They are now implementing parts of the Lean productionconcept in their organisation.One part of the work with Lean production is to eliminate waste. To be able to identify waste,value stream mapping is a good tool and also what we used in our thesis. To gain a betterefficiency in the production of Personnel Detector Device (PDD) flow was one of our goals.The PDD is a harness used during battle training which registers if the user is being hit by itsenemy.Our work with the thesis started up with a short education in Lean production and in valuestream mapping (VSM). The work proceeded with a VSM of the production flow of the PDD,interviews were made and studies of literature were done to gain greater knowledge of thesubject and solve the task.The VSM resulted in five areas which were followed up out of those six we identified.

Behovet av kommunikation om kommunikation - En fallstudie om intern kommunikation på ett folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about the internalcommunication at a public library in Sweden, focusing on the flow of information and the library employee?s role as a source and receiver. This is an important subject because internal communication affects not only the internal work, but also the users. Despite this there are few studies about internal communication in libraries. The research questions used are: How do the employees perceive the role as source of information, and what choices do they make before they spread information? How do the employees perceive the role as receiver of information? How do the employees feel that the information flow works in the organization as a whole?The research is founded on five qualitative semi-structured interviews with the library employees.

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