

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 12 av 69

Förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner med kolfiber med avseende på olika brottstyper

The purpose of this report is to simplify the process of designing carbon fiber strengthening for existing concrete constructions, specifically beams. The intention has been to establish a flow chart containing information on the necessary testing and calculations for the design, to as far degree it is possible satisfy the requirements stipulated by Swedish and by extension, European authorities.To do this the report will examine a parking garage situated underground by Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala. The parking garage was built in the mid-seventies, and has in recent years been subjected to a greater load than designed for by the construction of a road on top of it. FEM-Design has been used to obtain the internalforces of the beams and thereby determine whether they are in need of strengthening or not and thereafter design the strengthening according to Täljsten (2006) with some corrections from Täljsten (2011) due to new regulations.The result of this report is that the flow chart used is viable to design carbon fiber strengthening, atleast with the conditions met in our reference project.The conclusion drawn after working with this report is that there is a need for a clear standard for carbon fiber strengthening , preferably a standard that can be used throughout Europe..

Barns upplevelse av att må bra : En studie av barns välbefinnande på förskolan

Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka i vilka situationer barn själva uttrycker att de mår bra samt undersöka när föräldrar och pedagoger upplever att barn mår bra på förskolan.  Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ undersökning, intervjuer har gjorts med barn i femårsåldern och med föräldrar och pedagoger på två olika förskolor. Resultatet visar att barn upplever att de mår bra när de leker, denna uppfattning delas också av föräldrar och pedagoger i barnens närhet. För barnen är det viktigt med vänner och social samspel för sitt välbefinnande. Undersökningen visar också att pedagogerna i sin planering och med sitt sätt att tillrättalägga verksamheten ger möjlighet till KASAM och tillfälle till Flow.

Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB

In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very important that both methods of analysis are ensured and that the sample material is representative for the production flow. However, even more importantly, is that activities and transportations, combined with both flows, must perform in a quick and correct way in order to maintain or improve Höganäs AB's competitive strength.According to reports are about 20 products per day not available, for loading, at the time of delivery.

Flow, motionstid och inre motivation : En enkätundersökning genomförd med tävlingsbuggare

Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en pedagogisk diskussion om arbetet mot mobbning och trakasserier. Genom att undersöka lärares och fritidspedagogers uppfattning om förutsättningarna att arbeta mot mobbning och trakasserier i samarbete mellan skola och fritidsverksamheten. Studien består av analyser av enkätintervjuer och djupintervjuer med fritidspedagoger och lärare. Avsikten med intervjuerna är att undersöka likheter och skillnader i fritidspedagogers definitioner av och hur de arbetar mot kränkande behandling. Resultatet visar att respondenterna anser att kränkande behandling som visserligen inte ska förekomma i skola eller på fritidshem kan vara svårt och speciellt att använda en övergripande strategi mot kränkande behandling som fungerar.

Multimedia eller inte multimedia, det är frågan.

Is it possible, and suitable, to use multimedia in classic literature studies at Swedish upper secondary school? What alternatives are there?  Is there any foundation in the curriculum for an expanded conception of text as in multimedia?  Will the conception literacy support use of multimedia in classic literature studies, and in what ways? How do we generally look upon the definition text, is it only printed letters, or something more? To get an answer to the questions we decided to examine a number of theories, Gardner?s theory about the different intelligences, the conception literacy and the expanded text concept. In these three theories we took our starting-point for the following work. The main subjects became two interactive sights on Internet and one CD-ROM, all containing classic literature. Our previous knowledge in this subject field was very meager.  This work has given us an opportunity to discover some of the multimedia that is available, and the result we have come to is that multimedia absolutely belongs in studies of classic literature as well as in other subjects.

Externa kanaler på Prime Care : Tanken med dem, dess funktion och sättet de uppfattas på

AbstractTitle: External communication channels of Prime Care How they where thought to be, how they work and how costumers apprehend them.Number of pages: 50 (64 Including enclosures)Author: Sophie DicksenTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media- and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The focus of this paper lies on the external communication channels of Prime Care and the aim is to study the following aspects: How do the channels work? How are they apprehended by customers of the company? What are Prime Cares own thoughts behind the channels? How does Prime Cares self-image correspond to the way that customers apprehend the company?Material/Method: Twenty interviews has been done with different customers of Prime Care in order to see how the company and its communication flow is apprehended. A consultant manager of Prime Care has also been asked about purposes behind the companies external communication channels in order to enable a comparison between Prime Cares image and profile. Prime Cares website, one of their mail sendouts, their salescalls, salesvisits and their exhibition participation have been studied on the basis of relevant litterature. Maletzkes model of mass communication was used as a general view of communication flow.Main results: All communication channels included in this study have different ways of function even though they all have the same main purpose, videlicet to promote the company, to inform about its activities and to recruit new customers and consultants.

Anmälningsplikten-Om att göra det vi måste kring barn som far illa : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med pedagoger i förskolan

Detta arbete a?r en sja?lvstudie i att utveckla improvisation pa? saxofon. Syftet a?r att utforska hur det a?r mo?jligt att uppna? en niva? av frihet i det improviserade spelet. En grundtanke som presenteras i inledningen a?r att all musik egentligen kommer ur improvisation.

Skyfall över Västerås : en konsekvensstudie

Skyfall kan leda till stora konsekvenser för samhället, framförallt i en stad då den urbana miljön är känslig för extrema händelser. Västerås stad har tidigare drabbats av skyfall där följderna har varit kostsamma. Den senaste forskningen pekar på att intensiva regnhändelser kommer bli allt mer vanligt förekommande, därför är det intressant att undersöka vilka konsekvenser dessa regn kan leda till.En analys har gjorts med utgångspunkt från SMHI:s lågpunktskartering över Västerås. Utifrån denna kartering undersöktes vilka förorenade områden, bostadsområden, exploateringsområden, infrastruktur, vårdcentraler, skolor, nätstationer och prioriterade pumpar som ligger i lågpunktsområden. Denna jämförelse har gjorts i ArcGIS.

Näringsbelastning på en anlagd våtmark från åker, skog och enskilda avlopp :

This work is a part of the project ?Våtmarker i odlingslandskapet ? uppföljning av miljömålen? (Wetlands in arable land ? following-up of the environmental goals). The main objective with this project is to study nitrogen and phosphorus retention in a constructed wetland by using mass balance calculations. Continuous measurements of nutrients and water flow through the inlet and the outlet of the wetland are made. However, substantial amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus were assumed to reach the wetland with a drain-pipe transporting wastewater from nearby houses (10 persons).

"Jag kände mig som en pilot" : ??????En studie om interaktionsstilarnas påverkan på spelupplevelsen

Today's technology offers a variety of opportunities to interact with the interactive systems. Human-Computer Interaction in the last decade is the area of research that has contributed the most to this development. But how is this interaction perceived? The user experience is something that is formed by the interaction between human and the computer interactive systems. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience differs depending on how one interacts with a game.

Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning

Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited.To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis.

Minskning av produkter i arbete på Volvo powertrain

For Swedish companies to compete with low wage countries, developments in theproduction industry moved towards streamlining the entire company. One of themost effective ways for a company to streamline their operations is to review theirproduction. All companies have processes in their production that add no value tothe product. In order to compete, they must be eliminated.The purpose of this report is to reduce work in process (WIP) in the flow ofbashus at Volvo Powertrain in Köping. The aim is also to try to find reasons whyVolvo Powertrain feel that they have problems with the storage principle First in-First Out (FIFO).To meet the objective, empirical studies were conducted at the company whilethe literature in the area was studied.

Utveckling av en metod och en utrustning för mätning av bränslesprayers rörelsemängd

A new type of device for measuring thev m& ?rate of fuel sprays from a diesel fuel injector has been developed and the various steps in the development are described. The device works by deflecting all of the sprays from the injector at the same time by using a bell shaped deflector. A load cell consisting of a machined steel part with strain gauges mounted on it measures the resulting force. The shape of the curvature in the deflector bell shape has been evaluated by photographing the flow in a 2D?version of the curve shape.

Spillvärmeåtervinning ur kylvattensystemet ismältverket på Sapa Profiler AB i Sjunnen

The smelting process at Sapa Profiler AB in Sjunnen generates large quantities of waste heat which is absorbed by the cooling water when the aluminum is cooled down. This paper is the result of a Master?s Degree Project aiming to present the conditions for recycling the waste heat. The cooling water absorbs the heat from the aluminum at an average rate of 600 kW and the paper shows that it can be used to replace electrical power consumption for heating the production plant?s facilities.

Hylshantering samt flödesanalys

Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona.Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment.In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery.Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved.

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