

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 10 av 69

Sambandet mellan saldodifferenser och effektiva materialflöden : Fallstudie utförs på Atlas Copco?s logistikavdelning

Problems arise when the number of products in stock does not correspond with the number of products the information system says the company has in stock. (Sharda & Agrawal, 2012) In order to change that, major changes has to be made when it comes to making continuous improvements and to raise their standards regarding product availability and record inaccuracy (Wild, 2004).The purpose of this study is therefore designed to identify factors affecting the balance differences and what impact it has on the efficiency of material flow. The demarcation of the work is that Atlas Copco has begun working with Lean and it will not be investigated nor the relationship between balance differences and Lean. The study was based on answering the following questions: What influencing factors can be identified for balance differences? What factors are relevant to the efficiency of material flow? What kind of impact the balance differences has on these factors?In order to answer the purpose and issues, a theoretical framework has been developed with help of literature studies and an analytical model.

Spårning av miljöstörande ämnen i Uppsala stads spillvattennät

To the sewer systems households, industries and other activities are connected. The wastewater is collected at treatment plants where a nutritious sludge is produced. The sludge does not only contain nutrients, but also hazardous substances originating from different activities in society. To reduce the flow of hazardous substances to treatment plants and to create a sustainable recycling of plant nutrients the Swedish Water & Wastewater Association has developed the certificate system REVAQ. This certificate requires a good quality of the sludge but also that the treatment plants maps the origin of the unwanted substances.


In cooperation with the Gislaved company Lerocon AB [1], a separation module wasdesigned as a further supplement to the Module System. The aim of theprojectimplementation was that the separation module could be flexible enough to feed themetal pieces, screws, nuts and other items with large variations of size, appearance andmaterial composition. The module should also be cost effective to manufacture.A separation module is a design which is ment to streamline the work in industries withautomation of the lineoperations. The module feeds the details such as screws, nuts, washersand pieces of metal in a continuous flow in which traps separate the details from each other.Traps may vary depending on the purpose and of the details that are fed. Perhaps it isimportant for the user that the detail-orientation is right after the separation module, whichmeans that all the pieces witch aren´t are fed back in return.For companies and industries in lineoperations that can be made more efficient withautomation, are production flow an important watchword.

E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag

Problem StatementAfter the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk.Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. This is due to the dysfunctional transformer flow from the demolished power supply to projects, were the new power supply is built, the general picture is complicated, since the reconstruction involves other companies and many employees at E.ON.PurposeThe purpose of this master thesis is to map and understand the existing transformer flow. The objective is to make a recommendation on how to increase the level of E.ON? s transformer recycling.Methodthe authors have worked with a system approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data.

Manual för elMaster Concept 2012

This thesis includes a description of the project flow for our projects at Semcon. The emphasis is on designing a manual for elMaster Concept.The project flow provides several minor and major elements plotting schedules for this project and the establishment of a manual. When a schedule is drawn, lists and tables with components and connections can be created. This is done to better manage drawings and make changes. These diagrams and tables are used in product manufacturing, testings, controls.

Produktutveckling och prestandatest av ett vattenvärmedrivet torkskåp : Jämförelse mellan tre utvecklade versioner av ett vattenvärmedrivet torkskåp

AbstractElectricity consumption is a globally increasing problem caused by the high share of electricity produced in coal power plants. These contribute to high carbon emissions when only about 1/3 of the heat generate electricity and the remaining 2/3 of the heat cools off. Combined heat and power plants (CHP) have high efficiency because they use the residual heat for domestic heating. The CHP plant often use fuels from renewable resources, giving them a lower carbon footprint, but are also depending on the heat demand. If electric powered products such as drying cabinets convert to heat powered products more environmentally friendly electricity will be produced by CHP plants, which can supplant electricity, produced from coal power plants and reduce carbon emissions.

Riktlinjer för silodesign för massflöde

Det övergripande syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en övergripande sammanställning rörande ämnena flödesproblem och silodesign och specifikt ta fram riktlinjer för hur massflöde ska uppnås i silos för hantering av olika biobränslen. Dessutom syftade arbetet till att ta upp två autentiska exempel med flödesproblem och hur dessa kunde designas om för massflöde. För att ta fram riktlinjer har arbetet utgått från värden framtagna av Wu, Schott & Lojdewijks (2011). Dessa har sedan bearbetats i programvaran Silo Stress Tool skapad av Dietmar Schulze (2013) för att utvinna gränsvärden för massflöde beroende av egenskaperna internfriktion, väggfriktion och vinkel på silons ficka. Resultatet visar gränsvärden för massflöde för både cirkulära och rektangulära silos.

Studier av mjölkbarhet automatiskt mätt i mjölkningsanläggningar :

Milkability or ease of milking, has higher importance today for Swedish dairy cattle producers after the introduction of milking parlours and automatic milking systems. Milkability is the cow?s ability to quickly milk out and be completely milked. There are several measures of milkability available. Today the farmer measures the traits subjectively in relation to the conformation scoring of the cow 30-270 days after her first calving.

Tungmetaller i lakvatten : avskiljning med mineraliska filtermaterial

Four different kinds of filter-materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb heavy metals in leachate from a municipal waste deposit. The heavy metals studied were: lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, chromium, nickel and zinc. The leachate contains high levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and has a high pH-value along with a high buffer capacity. These characteristics of the leachate make it difficult to remove pollutants and require efficient filters. The filters that were examined in the report are blast-furnace slag with CaO, sand covered with iron oxides, olivine and nepheline.

Produktkalkylering vid bearbetande småföretag

Background - Swedish trade and industry primarily involves small corporations, including small manufacturing corporations. Currently, most costing models that are used are based on studies accomplished at large corporations. This conveys to the fact that product costing that occurs at small manufacturing corporations is based on all complexities that large corporations bring, which rarely match with small corporations. It occurs that small manufacturing corporations unconsciously rely on incorrect information that has been calculated based on great corporations? product costing.

Transporttider för vatten i närområdet till en vattentäkt : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

When establishing a groundwater protection area it is of great interest to be able to estimate the transit time of the groundwater from different places of the aquifer to the withdrawal well. These estimates can be uncertain due to heterogeneities in the aquifer. As a part of the work to develop methods for a more certain delineation of protection areas, a tracer test was performed in an esker located 25 kilometres NW of the town Uppsala.The purpose of this master thesis was to perform, describe and evaluate the tracer test. Travel times from the tracer test should then enable comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater in the area.Three dyes (rhodamine WT, uranine and naphtionate) and a salt (NaBr) were used in the tracer test. The tracers were injected in four different wells located 25 meters from a pumping well.

Produktionsflödesanalys - CA-Verken i Sävsjö

Examensarbete utfördes på CA-Verken i Sävsjö som bl.a. tillverkar hydraulcylindrar. De senaste två år har CA-Verken haft en kraftig ökning av omsättningen och det som står i vägen för fortsatt expansion är produktionen som har begränsad kapacitet.Målet med detta arbete är att studera CA-Verkens produktionsflöde för att kunna identifiera flaskhalsen/flaskhalsarna och därefter ge förslag på lösningar och förbättringar. Den teorin som har använts som grund till arbetet är Theory of Constraints (TOC). Intervjuer, företagets affärssystem och observationer har använts vid datainsamling.

Effektiviseringsmöjligheter på Tunadals sågverk : med innesäljarprocessen i fokus

The investigation was initiated because of the high workload of the sellers and, additionally, because the Tunadal sawmill has received low ratings in customer surveys. Thus,  two main approaches are adopted here,  the first being to investigate which of the three methods  of working, namely, market divided flow organization, function organizationand flow organization with collaboration, proves to be the most beneficial. The second is to investigate whether there is an available method to ease the daily work. A literature review has been made in order to determine more efficient ways for the sellers to work in the Tunadal sawmill. During the investigation, an in-depth investigation into the total quality management using a balanced scorecard as a management tool was conducted.

Kartläggning av truckflöden på Primary Products : Ur ett Lean Production perspektiv

The Transport division is responsible for the internal transports on Sandvik MaterialTechnology AB. At the moment there is no clear picture of how the straddle carriers aremoving at the division Primary Products and if it is working in a satisfying way. It isimportant to see the whole picture of the transportation flow so improvements can be made.The purpose of this essay is to survey and analyse the truck flow in a Lean Productionperspective. The essay is delimited to only include straddle carriers transportation ways in thePrimary Products division. To survey the truck flow we have used a method called Walkthrough.This means that we have walked thorough the whole production flow andinterviewed some of the employed on the way to get the necessary information.

You got flow? ? En studie om konsumentbeteende online

Dagens konsumentbeteende online skiljer sig åt från hur det såg ut för bara några år sedan, någotsom kan förklaras av att både e-handel och Internet ständigt utvecklas och vårt köpbeteende ochvåra preferenser tenderar att förändras över tid. Den tekniska utvecklingen gör attkonsumentbeteendet inom e-handel tenderar att växla snabbt vilket gör kontinuerlig analys avkonsumentbeteende till en nyckelfaktor för att lyckas inom e-handel.Studien syftar till att undersöka det något yngre kvinnliga segmentets, i åldern 25-34 år,konsumentbeteende inom e-handel idag. Flow är ett använt begrepp för analys avkonsumentbeteende och har visat sig påverka både attityder och avsikter avsevärt inom virtuellamiljöer som exempelvis e-handel. Flera definitioner på begreppet tyder på en viss komplexitetoch att tillståndet tenderar att förändras och växa i takt med utvecklingen. I studienkonceptualiseras flow i kategorierna koncentration, njutning och förvrängd tidsuppfattning, där viundersöker hur de påverkar webbsajters användarvänlighet och konsumentens upplevdabeteendekontroll, och vi fokuserar på konsumentbeteende online i form av impulsköp och avbrutna köp då vi önskar analysera om beteendena påverkas av ett flow-tillstånd Via en enkätundersökning med kvinnliga studenter från svenska universitet visar våra resultat attflow i form av njutning och förvrängd tidsuppfattning ökar impulsköp, medankoncentrationsnivån inte har någon påverkan på konsumentens impulsivitet.

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