

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 66 av 108

Att bryta ett kriminellt beteende hos ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares metoder och val av metoder

The purpose of this study is to search and analyze different logics that operators use in the work of helping juvenile delinquents to break their criminal behavior. New institutional theory is used in this study to analyze the results. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of six professionals in two municipalities which work with juvenile delinquency. There are two questions that we want to address in this study. The first one is what methods the social workers are using in two middle large municipalities to help youth to brake there criminal behavior.

Kunskap om och upplevelse av halitosis samt klinisk mätning av svavelhaltiga gaser bland gymnasieelever

The aim of this study is to examine the knowledge and experience of the bad breath among high school students in Kristianstad. A further objective was to measure the amount of VSC (Volatile Sulfur Compounds) among those who perceive themselves to have a bad breath. A questionnaire with 21 closed questions was distributed to 120 high school students from Kristianstad municipality who were between the ages of 17-20. The results of this study revealed that most of the students had good knowledge of halitosis. The majority of all participants thought it was important to smell fresh in the mouth and also experienced most of their breath as very good or good.

Om jag säger Rinkeby, vad tänker du då?

The objective of this research was to study how two newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen are creating an image of the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby. The method used to do the study was qualitative content analysis. Ten articles were chosen, five off either newspaper and were found on the internet homepages of the newspapers on 15 November of 2013 and 27 January of 2014. Several theories were used in the study. Agenda setting theory, a media theory that explains the power of media, Figuration theory developed by Norbert Elias that deals with power struggles between different groups in society.

Unga vuxnas vanor och attityder till alkohol och bilkörning : En enkätstudie bland högskolestudenter

Varje år dör 125 människor i Sverige i alkoholrelaterade trafikolyckor och ännu fler skadas. Detta medför stora kostnader för samhället och lidande för de som drabbas. Unga vuxna är överrepresenterade i olycksstatistiken för alkoholrelaterade olyckor. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga vuxna högskolestuderandes (mellan 18-24 år) vanor och attityder till alkohol och bilkörning. Vi gjorde en enkätstudie på en högskola.

Åldern i fokus : En studie om hur svensk rätt påverkas av EG-rättens reglering av åldersdiskriminering i arbetslivet

Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU) since 1995. The association results in considerable proportions of the European law, also called EC-law, for Sweden. The legal system has precedence above Swedish law, which forces our national court to take consideration into and interpret the law in the light of EC-law.Sweden doesn?t possess a general legislation of discrimination. An appointed committee investigates the matter and the requirement of a common law, including all discrimination prohibits.

?Vi får inte skaffa Internet? En studie av sex unga personer med med lindrig utvecklingsstörning och deras informationssvanor samt bibliotekets roll i informationsanskaffningen

The purpose of this study is to investigate information seeking habits among Young persons with mild mental disability. We wanted to know how they seek information in everyday life, barriers they experience when seeking information and also if they consider the library to be a source of information.The theoretical background of this study is based on the works of T. D. Wilson and Michael Buckland. Wilson?s model of information seeking behavior and seeking information was used as a tool analyzing the results from the interviews.

En vardag med allergi : Unga vuxna om allergins innebörd och konsekvenser

En allergisk person påverkas på fysisk, psykisk och social nivå. Unga vuxna allergiska personers erfarenheter och upplevelser av allergi är relativt outforskat. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur unga vuxna personer med allergi upplever att allergin påverkar deras vardag och hur de förhåller sig till ett liv anpassat efter allergin. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med 10 deltagare i åldrarna 18-22 år som hade olika former av allergier. Resultatet visade att allergi har en betydande roll för allergiska personers identitetsskapande och många beskriver en strävan efter att passa in socialt trots sina besvär.

Musikklass - som del av en livsberättelse

My interest in examining what happens when you as a teenager are exposed to five or six times the amount of time as ordinary classes to music education derrives from my own experience as a music teacher at a school which has those kind of special music classes. During my career as a music teacher in grades 4 ? 9 in Swedish compulsory school I have taught music classes as well as ordinary classes for 18 years. During this time I have often wondered what this exposure means in retrospect. Is it the conquering and mastering of music skills that students remember when they?ve grown up to Young adults, or is it something else?The aim of this study is to find out what it means for teenagers to have music as a school subject every day of their years in Swedish high school.

"Jag vill att du tittar jag vill att du ser att jag aldrig mer ler" : En uppsats om självskadebeteende

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigaste the phenomenon of self-harm. To investigate this phenomenon, I interviewed three experts in Malmö and then compared the result with previous research on self-harm behaviour.The questions I wanted to answer were the following: How common is self-harm behaviour and how does it, according to experts, manifest itself among Young men in Malmö? What can we learn from previous research about the causes of self-harm? Are there any correlations between the statements made by experts and previous research?My conclusion is that self-harm behaviour first and foremost is a mean of expression, a way of dealing with feelings that the self- harmer cannot deal with in any other way. People who suffer from self-harm behaviour often seem to have difficulties both in expressing and understanding their own feelings. Furthermore, they have often experienced abuse, abandonment, or other childhood traumas.

Ökar surfplattor afatikers digitala delaktighet?

In today?s society more and more activities are digitalized. This means that everyone has to be able to use information and communication tools (ICT) in order to take part in the digital world, otherwise they will be left out of the digital community. There is a so called digital gap between for instance elderly and Young people, where elderly do not know how to use the tools and there for cannot gain access to the digital society. What happens when people, not only grow old, but also have a communication disorder, such as aphasia? How are they included? The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not surf pads are good tools for bridging the digital gap for people with aphasia, and which activities and situations that encourages people with aphasia to work with the surf pad.

Olof Palme och Vietnamkriget : En ros bland hökar som söker en duva

AbstractThis is a story about the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and his struggle against USA´s war in Vietnam in the late 60´s and the early 70´s. We follow the Young Palme from his childhood to his travels to America and Asia, there he learns what true poverty means. Further we see Palme change side from his conservative background to a new social idealist. In Prag he learns to truly mistrust communism, an ideology he later in life paradoxical will be accused to stand for. Palme´s politic interests seems to take a great step forward when he starts to write articles in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, there he?s writings take more and more colour from Palme´s own politic stands.

En jämförelse mellan en traditionell och en ung bank : -ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Date: June 10, 2011Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits.Authors: Erica Halvarsson Caroline Lundberg Moa RydbeckSupervisor: Peter SelegårdTitle: A comparison between a traditional and a new bank ? from a leadership perspectiveProblem: The study focuses how different organizational structures and leadership styles appear in a traditional bank compared to a Young bank. The questions we asked ourselves in this study is whether there is any differences?Purpose: The purpose of the study is to from a leadership perspective see if there are any differences between organizational structures, leadership and communication depending on whether it is a traditional or a new bank.Method: In this study, primary and secondary data was used to best obtain comprehensive information, which was analyzed on the basis of a set of question. In order to obtain our raw data, interviews with staff from Swedbank and IKANO bank were conducted.

Kunskapsbaserat datorstöd för skadeprevention i arbetsmiljö ? En utvärderingsstudie

Information about vibration injuries as a preventive measure is beneficial to society as well as the individual. As early as after a few years work with machines that vibrate can cause Young sensitive persons to develop vibration injuries.An evaluation has been done on a web page with focus on information about work related vibration injuries. As a part of the evaluation a user observation and interview study was performed with workers who worked in different occupations. The workers all used machine that vibrate as part of the work. A total of eleven workers participated in the study.

Han är considered a boss [...] Hon är considered a slut

Sexualitetens historia präglas av en stor ojämlikhet beträffande sexuellt handlingsutrymme mellan kvinnor och män. Med denna studie ämnar vi att utforska eventuella ojämlikheter mellan killar och tjejers sexuella handlingsutrymme i Sverige, världens fjärde mest jämställda land enligt World Economic Forum. Vår studie bygger på två fokusgrupper med totalt 13 deltagare i åldern 16-17 år. Empirin i vår studie har analyserats utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Vår studie visar att samma handlingar och beteenden som ger killar status som kungar ger tjejer stämplar som horor.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande - en komparativ studie av avskaffandet i Storbritannien och ett kommande avskaffande i Sverige

Uppsatsens har till syfte att genom en litteraturstudie utreda den debatt som föregått de olika stegen av avskaffandet av revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag i Storbritannien. Vidare är syftet att undersöka olika intressenters ståndpunkt inför ett avskaffande i Sverige för att möjliggöra en jämförelse av debatt och effekter mellan Storbritannien och Sverige. Tillvägagångssättet är deduktivt då utgångspunkten är existerande teorier inom revision och revisionsplikt samt gällande lagstiftning på området. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer med tre revisionsbyråer: Ernst & Young, SET och BDO samt med tre intressenter, Handelsbanken, Ekobrottsmyndigheten och Skatteverket. Debatten och effekterna av ett avskaffande har analyserats med hjälp av empirin och valda teorier.

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