

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 42 av 108

"Livet rullar på" - En kvalitativ studie av skateboardåkande ungdomars identitetsskapande

The purpose of this study was to examine the process of developing an identity as a skateboarder during adolescence. Our aim was to, from the actors? point of view explore what impact their values, experiences and thoughts have on their identity as individuals as well as a collectivity. We also investigated which symbols that are significant for this group. For this essay a qualitative method was used; we conducted nine individual interviews and one group interview with Young skaters from the ages of 15-17.


Syftet med denna undersökning var att studera eventuella skillnader i upplevd motivation och självförtroende mellan fotbollslandslagsspelande och icke fotbollslandslagsspelande ungdomar i åldern 14-19. Dessutom studerades eventuella skillnader mellan pojkarna och flickorna inom samma område. Total deltog 471 fotbollsspelande ungdomar varav 282 spelade i landslagen och 189 inte spelade i landslagen, 270 pojkar och 201 flickor. Spelarna fyllde vid ett tillfälle i enkäterna Grit scale, Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), The self-determination scale och Sport Confidence Inventory. Resultaten visade att det fanns skillnader mellan de landslagsspelande och icke landslagsspelande ungdomar inom variablerna upplevd motivation och upplevt självförtroende.

Ungdomsmottagningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnmorskor förhåller sig till det tänkbara etiska dilemmat mellan ungdomars rätt till integritet och föräldrars rätt till insyn

Youth centres- A qualitative study of how midwives relate to the potential ethical dilemma between youths right to integrity and parents right to informationThe aim of this study was to investigate how midwives at youth centres relate to the potential ethical dilemma between parents? right to information that Young people between 15-17 years share at the centre, vs. youths right to integrity. The study was based on qualitative interviews with six midwives in various youth centres in Stockholm County. We analysed our empirical material according to Blennbergers consequential ethical model and Bronfenbrenners ecological system model.

Att definiera omsorgsbrist : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tolkningar av 2 § LVU utifrån intersektionalitet och makt

This study regards the Care of Young Persons Act, LVU, and the 2 § that focus on parent inability to care for their children. The assessment of parent ability to care for their children is performed by social workers in different municipalities. The law leaves room for interpretation concerning how to assess parent ability and therefore we found it interesting to study how social workers interpret 2 § LVU. The study?s aim was also to seek an understanding of how different categories, like gender, race, class and physical and psychical ability of the parents affect the assessment of their parenting ability, with a intersectional perspective.

Barn och ungdomar skriver ? en undersökning av skrivarverksamheter

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate what kinds of writing activities that are offered to children and Young people in Sweden and if, how and why libraries are involved with them. The issues illuminated in this thesis are how children and youth can be motivated and advance in their writing, what the purpose of writing activities can be, and if writing activities can be suitable as a part of the work in libraries. The theory is based on a study with writing youth made by Catharina Nyström. In order to study the issues six interviews have been completed with persons who all have played a part in writing activities for children and youth.

Tekniska system i förskolan : Små barns uppfattningar om avloppssystemet

Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskolebarn kan lära om tekniska system, närmare bestämt avloppssystemet och hur deras uppfattningar förändrats efter en pedagogisk aktivitet.Frågeställning: Vilka uppfattningar har barn i 4 till 5-årsåldern om avloppssystemet innan och efter en pedagogisk aktivitet?I studien ingick sex barn, kvalitativa intervjuer användes för att ta reda på barnens uppfattningar om avloppssystemet innan och efter en pedagogisk aktivitet. I den pedagogiska aktiviteten användes bilder för att visa barnen hur ett förenklat avloppssystem kan se ut och fungera. De fick sedan konstruera och testa ett förenklat avloppssystem flera gånger. Efter detta fick de själva försöka lägga ihop bilderna så att det blev ett komplett avloppssystem.

Medielek och digital kompetens i en förskolekontext : Design för meningsskapande

The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the field of design oriented theory, regarding Young children and their way to digital competence. My research question is: How can a preschool with a certain pedagogical ICT-design give the children affordances for media play and for developing a digital competence?The European Parliament points out digital literacy as one of the Key Competences for life long learning. A digital competence is built on basic ICT (Information and Communication technology) skills. Skills you can develop any time during life, weather you are Young or old.

Halltider : Eskilstunas handboll- och innebandyföreningars tillgång till 40x20 planer

For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of Young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.

Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren

AbstractMaster?s Thesis in Comparative literatureTitle: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children?s vampire literature and its significance for the vampire literature genre)Writer: Peter KostenniemiDepartment of Literature, History of Ideas and ReligionSupervisor: Anna NordenstamExaminer: Yvonne LefflerKey Words: Vampire literature, children?s literature, Der kleine Vampir, Nattens BørnIn vampire literature research the focus usually lies on adult and, to some extent, Young adult fiction.

Om sättet att tillhopa gå, en kvalitativ studie om ungdomars tankar kring sex och relationer

Young people of today have a much wider access to information on sex and relationships, and they receive this information from a variety of different sources. This information can sometimes paint a diverse and inconsistent picture. School constitutes one of these sources, and one of the few places were Young people can discuss and reflect on these issues together with their peers as well as adults. The purpose of this essay is to gain insight on what adolescents between the age of 15 to 18 think about sex and relationships and their thoughts about sex education in school. It?s a qualitative study based on discussions with adolescents divided in four focus groups, two groups of girls and two groups of boys.

Har energidryck någon kognitiv effekt i kombination med alkohol? : Med fokus på komponeneten koffein

Background: Energy drinks have been found in everyday-stores since 1997 and their popularity have increased over time. Consumtion of energy drinks takes place because of their ability to increase concentration and to decrease fatigue but also because of the popularity the drinks have got. Target groups for these stimulating beverages are adolescents and Young adults. Energy drinks contain caffeine, taurine, glucuronolacton, carbohydrates and B-vitamins and voices have been raised about the eligibility for Young people to ingest large quantities of these kinds of substances. Because of the properties of these substances it has become popular to mix energy drinks and alcoholic beverages to make up for the negative effects of alcohol and to be able to drink larger quantaties.Aim: The aim of this literature work was to investigate cognitive effects of the combination of caffeine in terms of energy drinks and alcohol and to determine if these effects could be harmful.Method: This literature work is based on five scientific articles retrieved from PubMed.

"Än en fågel, än en blomma" : En tematisk och dialogisk studie av ungmör och skaldinnor i Anna Maria Lenngrens dikter.

Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817) is known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. Over the years many literature researchers have based their analysis and interpretations on biographical facts. This means that we miss important parts of her authorship, as she almost exceptionally has been writing role-poems. In a role-poem, the author takes a role as a fictitious narrative subject and/or another poem character.

Perifer trombolysbehandling på vårdavdelning ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Children and youth inactivity and sedentary at school is increasing. This means that some of the students have a significant unhealthy lifestyle with physical inactivity, which in turn implies risks of suffering from various diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, all related to a sedentary lifestyle. To prevent illness, it is important that children and Young people early get a positive attitude towards physical activity.The purpose of this study was to study the causes of child and adolescent physical inactivity in school, based on teachers 'and parents' perspectives.A qualitative research has been selected. To achieve the study objectives, the author has conducted seven semi-structured interviews, with an appropriate choice of five teachers and two parents with children in school. Data was analyzed with a manifest content analysis.The results show that teachers and parents felt that physical activity is a protective factor for children's health.

?Det här är ett fritt land för mig.? : En studie om synen på hedersrelaterat förtryck bland utsatta kvinnor och professionella socialarbetare.

AbstractWith the murder of Fadime in 2002 honor killings and honour related oppression became a subject of wide public debate. The question was raised whether the Swedish social services had the knowledge and the resources necessary to face the issue with honor related oppression.This study is about the views on honor related oppression among oppressed women and professional social workers and aims to explore the relationship between social worker and client in an honor related context. Does the risk of culture clashes pose a problem in dealing with the Swedish authorities and do Swedish social workers have the necessary tools to help the, often Young, oppressed women that seek their aid? This is a qualitative study based on five individual interviews: Two former victims of honour related oppression, two professional social workers and one relative of a Young girl who was the victim of an honor killing.Observations:The social workers found that they had adequate resources at hand but that awareness among employees in the social services needed to be improved.The clients felt that the help they?ve received from the social services was helpful but that more information to the public about available resources was necessary along with a better understanding of the differences between their own culture and that of the Swedish society. The clients expressed that the realization that they were being oppressed didn?t come overnight.

Grooming : Ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of Young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

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