

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 32 av 108

Att bjuda eller inte bjuda? En studie om hur ungdomar och föräldrar samtalar med varandra om alkohol

My study is about how parents talk to their children about alcohol. The purpose of my study was to study how Young teenagers communicate with their parents about alcohol. I also wanted to find out if parents have any influence over their children's choice of drinking. I have chosen to look at these questions from the perspective that alcohol is a cultural phenomenon, that children is a part of a family system and that alcohol can be viewed as a part of the children's liberation from their parents. I used a qualitative research method and interviewed five Young teenagers, who are students at upper secondary schools ("gymnasium" in Swedish) in Lund, they where all under 18 years old.

Barnsligt lätt att hitta rätt? En observationsstudie om hur barn navigerar mobila applikationer

Children?s use of mobile devices is constantly increasing and has become very popular withchildren as Young as toddlers. Schools in Sweden have made large investments to expand theuse of information technology (IT), and the use of mobile devices in preschools is already acommon support tool for learning. Children?s use of IT is a relatively new phenomenon,which means that is it also a relatively new area of research.

Flyktingungdomars upplevelser av deras etniska identitet

The aim of this study has been to reach a deeper understanding of how refugee adolescences experience their ethnic identity, particular ethnic consciousness in terms of integration, assimilation and segregation. Further my intention has been to investigate if the adolescences experienced changes in their ethnic identity.   In order to investigate these questions a qualitative method consisting of four interviews were conducted. The study included two Young men at the age of 18, and two Young women at the age of 17 and 18. Three of the interviewed persons can be defined as refugees, but not the fourth adolescence.

Faktorer som påverkar lönsamheten vid köp av skogsfastigheter i Norrbotten

During the past 20 years, the price of forest estates in Sweden has raised more than the price of timber. The purpose of this study is to investigate if it, despite this development, is possible to buy a forest estate based on economic grounds. Different forest parameters will also be studied to analyse their effect on the profitability. The study is done in cooperation with the company LRF Konsult. Purchase price of 34 forest estates near the coast of Norrbotten, Sweden, has been compared to yield valuation. For the valuation, guidelines from the Swedish author Lantmäteriet was used.

Påklädda ma?n och söta kvinnor : En studie i representationer av genus i tidningen Frida 2013

This theises aims to extend the understanding of how representation of gender is produced and reproduced in the Young women?s magazine Frida. We examine this through analyzing pictures of male and female celebrities in a selected number of magazines from the year of 2013. We use a quantitative analysis of the pictures, as well as a supplementary quantitative analysis of ajectives used to describe male and female celebrities in captions. We research what types of patterns we can find in these analyses that construct representations of gender, also surveying how the celebrities in the magazine look.Our analysis shows us that the context of Frida contains several recurring visual patterns that preserves a representation of men being superior to women.

?Skammen är alltid störst...? - En kvalitativ studie om biståndstagande ungdomars skamkänslor och hur dessa kan minskas och förebyggas

Syfte: Utforska och belysa begreppet skam i samband med ungdomars biståndstagande. Ta reda på om klienter som är aktiva inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever skam i samband med detta, samt hur dessa eventuella skamkänslor påverkar klienterna. Vi vill också utforska handläggarnas syn på skam och deras tankar och upplevelser kring deras klienter skamkänslor. Samt om och hur socialsekreterarna kan minska och förebygga dessa känslor genom att undersöka både socialsekreterarnas och klienternas perspektiv på detta.Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv ansats baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data insamlades från sju respondenter, varav fem ungdomar och två socialsekreterare.

I skuggan av friheten : Upplevelser av att bryta upp från en hederskontext

So called honour based violence is a present problem in Sweden. Although recently there has been a steadily growing political and academic awareness around so called honour based violence, there are still problems in the face to face meeting with the victims. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of these victims. The empirical material is based on five Young women's stories about growing up in a context of 'honour' and their experiences from breaking up from this context.  My ambition is letting these stories be heard and told as to lead to an increasing understanding of how these women experience themselves and their surrounding society. The purpose of this dissertation is to illustrate how Young women interpret their self in the light of a separation from their families.

Varför partipolitik? - en intervjuundersökning om partipolitiskt engagemang bland unga

Why participate? Many studies focus on explaning non-participation in politics. The political parties are loosing members and the particiaption of Young people are given extra attention. This thesis is about Young people who do participate in party politics. The question is how they experience their participation and how they feel that they can have a politcal influence by being a member of the youth section of a political party.

Flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden : Ett genuint utbyte mellan bemanningsbranschen och dess anställda?

The flexibility of the labour market is considered as an instrument for increasing economic growth.Therefore has the use of flexible employment, also called atypical employment, increased. The atypical employment is characterized by insecurity in comparison with a traditional permanent full- time employment. One of the most common atypical employments is the manning employment, which is insecure whether it is permanent or not. The insecurity in the industry is based on insecure income, unpredictable working hours and poor psychosocial work environment.In order to encourage a continued increase of flexibility in the labour market while the need for security for staffing employees would be satisfied was Directive 2008:104 adopted. A certain amount of security has been achieved.

Ungdomars kunskaper och attityder till solexponering

Background: Every year, 2000 persons in Sweden are diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most alarming form of skincancer. Sunexposure, sunburns and tanningbed use are the most appearing causes in the development of this disease. The skin of Young people is sensitive to UV-radiation and their sunbehaviour could be determinant to their future health. Purpose: To illuminate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents towards sunexposure in the meaning to avoid the development of malignant melanoma. Method: The study was designed to be a literature review, containing scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach.

Vem läser vad och varför i bibliotekets tidskriftsrum?: En studie av tidskriftsläsandet i Västra Frölundas bibliotek.

The purpose of this study is to determine who visits the V Frölunda Library, Gothenbug,what magazines they read and why. The data presented in this thesis are collectedusing four methods: general observation and counting numbers of visitors, interviewswith 202 magazine readers, the completion of 1308 questiomaires regarding approximately350 maghes and interviews with more than 100 library visitors.The data indicates that men are significantly overrepresented among magazine readersas compared to the female visitors. These men are primarily from the white collar sectorof the community. This leads to a pronounced underrepresentation of the blue coIlarworkers. Young people visit the magazine room in the library at a rate about twice thatexpected from the population distribution.Women are primarily interested in magazines dealing with the home whereas men aremore interested in business, cars, boats and sports.

Indexfonder på den svenska marknaden ? en lämplig sparform för framtiden?

Människor har alltid och kommer alltid att kontrollera varandra. En del av byggandet av god intern kontroll i företag har inneburit ökad reglering i form av ramverk och lagar i många länder, vilket har medfört högre krav på företags interna kontroll jämfört med tidigare. Ett ramverk som fått stor spridning och internationellt erkännande är COSO-ramverket Internal control ? Integrated Framework. Under de senaste decennierna har det växt fram ett behov hos revisionsföretag att internt utforma funktioner som kvalitetssäkrar de tjänster de säljer.

Barnaga - unga vuxnas attityder

The purpose of this study is to examine Young adults', 18-19 years old, attitudes towards corporal punishment and with the help of social constructionism, grid-group theory and relevant concepts analyze the results and compare it with previous research. The research questions introduce various factors such as gender, origin and personal experiences of corporal punishment that may affect the attitudes. In order to fulfill the purpose and answer the research questions, a quantitative research method has been selected. There was 118 participants in the survey. The study was conducted by means of surveys in high schools in Örebro. Social constructionism made us realize how the community, perceptions and expectations might influence attitudes. Grid-group theory gave us an insight into how different family structures may explain why attitudes toward corporal punishment of children differ between individuals.

Bostadsutvecklingen i Uppsala kommun : En undersökning av unga vuxnas och studenters framtida boendesituation

This thesis presents the residential development in the city of Uppsala, targeting theliving conditions of Young adults and students. In cooperation with Sweco Architect inUppsala. The purpose of this survey is to reveal difficulties and possibilities for theearly development of the construction process for studio apartments. Theinformation has been obtained through both a literature review and interviews. Theliterature review is based on Swedish regulations and previous studies in the field, andthe interviews were conducted with organisations and people in leading positionswithin Uppsala.

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