

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 28 av 108

Mjölkproduktion : planering för om-, till- och nybyggnad

The objective of this thesis was to get more knowledge about how to design a dairy farm reducing the working hours and the work tasks whit high work load. I will try to reduce the working hours and the tasks whit high work load on my own farm witch I am about inherit. Today, the old stanchion barn has room for about 60 cows and 74 Young cattle and need two men to run it every day. The total acre is 188 hectare, 100 hectare forest, 65 hectare farmlands and 23 hectare natural pasture. I have studied two solutions. In the first solution, I will use my old barn for Young cattle and build a new barn for the cows.

Sensory studies of an energy dense drink for elderly people

The average length of life is increasing in the western world, hence the older population is growing. A common health problem among the elderly is malnutrition. Malnutrition causes decreased body strength and is associated with an amplified risk of infections, depression, fractures and increased mortality. The health care system is therefore faced with the challenge to prevent malnutrition among the growing population of elderly. This could be done by providing nutritious foods developed to meet the specific needs of elderly. The overall objective of this project was to test a healthy energy dense drink based on oats targeted for the elderly consumers as a strategy to prevent malnutrition among elderly.

Hur ser män på kvinnliga karaktärer i dataspel? : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning

My choice of topic for this essay is the habits of television and computer gaming among Young men; mostly their opinion of male and female objectives. My vision of this, being a woman, I often think of the possibilities men have of choosing games where the female characters, in my opinion, often are exposed in a degrading way. To my help I have earlier works on the topic by media scientist Mary Flanagan as the leading authority. She writes much of the character of Lara Croft, and the way she could be an icon for the computer gaming girls of today, despite she is having a stereotypical body shape. I even want to briefly share my thoughts of the always imminent discussion about media panicking; and whether gaming giving the players positive or negative influences.

?Man behöver läsningen att ta sats ifrån, i sitt skrivande?: En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om skrivande människors läsvanor

The aim of this Master thesis is to analyse the interaction in between reading and writing based on Young writers experience. My approach was to investigate how writersread literature and how they look upon their reading in relation to their own writing.Seven Young people has been interviewed in this qualitative study, based a theory about their reading and reading habits. They were asked questions about reading habits and theirview upon the connection between reading and their own writing.Previous studies of Swedes´ reading habits prove that relaxation and pleasure are the most common reasons for literary reading. This differs from the present study, where my findings shows that writing people, more than other, read literature, in the way people in general read non-fiction. That is with a purpose beyond the actual ?situation of reading?.

Småbarnsavdelningar - bara barnpassning eller? : En kvalitativ studie om verksamheten på småbarnsavdelningar

In the curriculum for Swedish pre-school the focus is mainly on five concepts. These are care of the children, learning, influence, rearing and security. These concepts are to characterize the activities of the pre-school in Sweden.Back in time the focal point of pre-school activities for Young children was mainly on security. The learning part became more prominent as the children grew older. When speaking to teachers and parents I do sense that some believe this is the case even nowadays.

Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier : Med en diskursteoretisk ansats

AbstractAuthor: Josefin Gustavsson, Moa OsbäckTitle: School social workers view on Young people using social media ? a study with a discourse theoretical approach [Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier ? en studie med en diskursteoretisk ansats]Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson The aim of this study is to investigate school social workers view on Young people using social media. With this study we are intended to understand how discourses affect the interventions of school social workers. This study has a qualitative approach and contains seven interviews with school social workers and one social worker who responded through a written response document. The interviews were semi-structured to enable spontaneous reflections and to catch the essence of the respondent?s language in the context as a school social worker.

Epixylic, forest-interior bryophytes in young stands : importance of local environmental variables, propagule sources, and distance to bordering woodland key habitats

The reduction of coarse, dead wood is considered to be the biggest threat to flora and faunain boreal forests. Extensive harvest of logging residues would increase this reduction evenmore. However, the role of dead wood created at final felling for boreal, epixylic species isstill largely unclear. It is therefore of interest to examine whether epixylic species inhabit thedead wood in Young, boreal stands, especially species considered to be confined to forests inlate successional stages.The aim of this study was to investigate whether forest-interior species in fact can inhabitearly-successional forests arisen after logging. The study was conducted in Young standsbordering dead wood rich woodland key habitats.

Etniskboendesegregation : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om unga vuxnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av att bo på Malmvägen

The survey is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the ethnic housing segregation in the residential area around Malmvägen that is located in Sollentuna. Malmvägen is a millionprogramarea that?s made up of unattractive tall buildings with grey facades. The majority of the residents have foreign backgrounds and the unemployment rate is high among the youths in the area. The apartment rents on Malmvägen are low and many of the residents belong to the subclass of society.

"Att hjälpa är att lära" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av socialt stöd för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar

Every year a great amount of unaccompanied children flee their homelands without their parents or guardians. This means a journey filled with danger and difficulties. The difficulties don?t only exist during the road ahead but also when the children arrive to the new country. Even if Sweden?s work in receiving refugees is one of the best in the world, it still exist problems.

Grälsjuka svenskar : En undersökning av verbala konflikter i två svenska 2000-talsfilmer

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards Young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a Young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

Utforskning av ungdomar med problematisk bakgrund och deras syn på möjligheter och hinder för att förbättra sin hälsa : Samhällsinsatser riktade mot ungdomar

Gistrand, C. has studied ?Explore Young people's problematic backgrounds and their views on the opportunities and obstacles in order to improve their health?, University of Gävle in the course theory and method of application and thesis work.The object of the study was to give Young people space to make their voices heard. Further on to make unemployed youths perceptions of perceived opportunities and obstacles in their way to get a job, internship or study, visible. The object of the study was also to show youths? views of health and what they thought about the contributions to society.The method was qualitative, with three semi-structured interviews with men between 20-24 years old (and problematic childhoods, for instance alcohol and drug use) was conducted..The result shows that unemployment increases the risk of illness and unhealthy habits.

Bilder av Sverige i Italien

Title: Images of Sweden in ItalyNumber of pages: 5252 (589 including enclosures)Author: Oskar GustafssonTutor: Martin NilssonCourse: Political Science C level ? Bachelor?s ThesisPeriod: Spring term 2010University: School of Social SciencesLinnaeus UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on national political institutions and Young Italians.Method: The method of analysis is a combination of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst national political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst Young Italians.Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking national political institutions and Young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and international politics and economics.Keywords: Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy..

?Det här var dagen då anonyma tonåringar via sociala medier startade ett upplopp i Göteborg? En studie över gestaltningen i fyra svenska tidningar av gatuoroligheterna vid ?Instagram-händelserna? i Göteborg år 2012.

On subsequent days, the 18th and 19th of December 2012, large groups of Young people gathered to protest in the centre of Gothenburg. The gatherings mainly occurred outside two high schools: Plusgymnasiet and Framtidsgymnasiet. The reason behind the gathering has often been explained by the Young people?s reaction to an Instagram account, on which offensive pictures and comments of and about Young boys and girls had been published. As a reaction to the protest, police force including helicopters and mounted police, was sent to the streets.

Mainstream eller alternativ? : Mediesyn och medieanvändning hos grupper inom sociala rörelser

ABSTRACTPurpose/aim: Are there any differences between how ?old? and ?Young? groups within social movements in Sweden view (value) and use alternative and mainstream media?Material/method: The answer to the research problem is sought by conducting qualitative research interviews with representatives of four different groups: Alternativ Stad, Folkkampanjen mot Kärnkraft-Kärnvapen, Attac Sverige and Ingen Människa är Illegal. The theoretical framework consists of research on social movements, especially on their relation to media, and on alternative media.Main results: There exist some, but not great, differences between how ?old? and ?Young? groups view and use mainstream and alternative media. The differences are relatively small when it comes to views on media and somewhat larger concerning media use.

Det händer bara andra, det händer inte mig. Tre unga tjejers upplevelser av att ha levt i misshandelsförhållanden

Today several things point to the fact that many Young women are being abused and sexual harassed. Despite that there is no knowledge about how the girls handle the violence or how the battering affects them. For that reason the purpose of this study is to describe and give a picture of some girl?s experiences of being battered of men they have or have had a relationship with. In focus is also how these girls identities are affected of the battering.

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