

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 10 av 108

Framtidens resurs eller dagens problem? En studie om institutionens syn på ungdomar och dess effekter.

AbstractIn this thesis we analyze how institutions describe the dichotomy between ?problem? and ?resource? when dealing with Young adults. We also analyze the consequences of this dichotomy as it involves the Younger generation's participation and group identity in today's society. Dichotomies and New Institutionalism Theory is the base for this case study completed in Malmö, Sweden. We have done eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in Malmö municipality and a quantitative content analysis of reference documents from both the Malmö and Swedish governments.

Bokens alla sidor. Ett nytt sätt att främja ungdomars läsning genom Bok-event?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the reading promotion project called ?A book?s all sides?, together with the activities of the book-event, can stimulate Young people?s reading. The research questions are: How do the project leaders plan and organize activities for the book-event? How do the Young people respond to the activities at the book-event? Do the Young people get interested in the book which is presented at the book-event? Which connections between Vygotskij?s theory and the activities can be found in the book-event? The theoretical approach is based on Lev Vygotskij?s socio-cultural theory. To answer my research questions I have implemented four qualitative interviews and two interviews with the adult activity leaders and observed a book-event in the classroom.

Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare : ? En studie av hur Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet2010Författare

AbstractTitle: Electoral campaigns, social media and Young voters ? a studie of how Moderaterna andSocialdemokraterna are going to reach out to the Young voters in the electoral campaign of2010. (Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare- en studie av hur Moderaterna ochSocialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet 2010).Number of pages: 45Author: Sara RothmanTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn semester 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Departement of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this essay is to research how the two largest parties in Sweden,Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna, are going to reach out to the Young voters in theelectoral campaign of 2010. I will also find out how the Young voters are going to collecttheir information before the election. That information will be compared to the strategies ofthe parties, in that way I can tell if their strategies match the Young voters plans ofinformation search.Material/Method: In my eximination I chose to use two informant interviewes and fourdifferent groups of discussion.

"Han har blivit en man, för det är ju väldigt manligt att klättra i berg" : En kvalitativ studie av ett behandlingshem med inriktning på äventyr

The purpose of this study was to examine why adventure treatment is mainly directed towards Young men and how that can be related to the construction of masculinity.Our questions were:- What were the social workers thoughts and images about masculinity?- Why did they think adventure treatment were suitable for Young men and for what reasons?- How did the social workers describe their role as treatment providers?This study was a qualitative study that was based on six interviews as well as observations. We tried to find patterns and deviations in our empirical material. Then we connected them with previous research and theories. The social workers described the typical client as a competitive kind of person, interested in physical activities and with boyish manners.

Demokrati, inte populism ? en studie av en grupp ungdomars tankar kring folkbibliotekets uppdrag i en omvälvande samtid

This study deals with the Swedish public library in our changeable time. New technology, an altered media situation with a growing digitalization, globalization and a society focusing on the individual and the market have put the public library in a new, indistinct position. It is described as facing an identity crisis. The aim of this thesis is to, by interviewing a group of Young people ages 15-16, find out what the public library is for this user group and what it ought to be according to them. How do they value the services provided by the public library? Are there services they miss? The thesis also aims at relating the opinions of the Young people to earlier research.

Gamification av digitalt lärande : En studie av attityder om spelelement i lärplattformar

Society today is characterized by the transforming effect IT has had, the majority of the activities we perform on a daily basis involves one way or another digital technology. One area which has not yet seen the positive effects of IT is education. Despite the progress of technology, the school education has barely changed since it first saw the light of day. Our goal with this study is to investigate the possibility of implementing Gamification elements in educational environments and examine whether it could increase our Young students learning motivation. We believe that this kind of implementation will have a positive effect for these Young people since they have been interacting with games since they were small and are familiar with the driving force of a reward system.With this study we want to examine the opportunities and challenges that Gamification implementation brings out in a learning environment and therefore encourage and motivate our Young ones to study even harder..

Verkligen väldigt mycket förstärkningsord : En studie i ungdomars användning av förstärkningsord

Our exam paper is about Young adults? use of intensifiers in school papers. The theoretical background includes previous research about intensifiers in the Swedish language and above all Young adults? use of intensifiers. We have chosen to focus on all intensifying expressions which Young adults? use, because we did not want to limit our research material.

Utan den andres bekräftelse är jag ingenting : En studie om kvinnan i kärleksrelationer och relationer

The aim of this essay is to analyse Young peoples view and thoughts about women. I have studied how Young people ?create women? in an opinion poll about love relations and relationships.The survey has been answered by high school student in a suburb in Stockholm. My main question is: What conceptions of the women are presented in love relationships and relationships in general?To analyse the data, I have used a qualitative method which means that I have tried to understand and interpret their answers.

Högstadieelever, bloggar och genus

Today's Young people find themselves in an intense media traffic where many messages have a commercial nature. Some such messages are for example different types of advertising in various media and advertising often plays on the uncertainty that may be common in adoles-cence. New interactive media like blogs on the Internet has been established in recent years. Mixed types of media content, advertising with different messages, appear in blogs. Therefore, I am interested in how blogs on the Internet can influence Young people's creation of their identity.

?? men det är ju inte här de ska leva? : ? en kvalitativ studie omyrkesverksammas uppfattningar av eftervården för LSU-dömda ungdomar

The purpose of this study is tounderstand the approach that the staff who works in the aftercare for juvenileoffenders have to the organizational structure in the organization they workin. SiS is the authority which is taking care of the juvenile offenders if theybeen sentence to closed youth institutional care, when they are done it is thesocial service were the adolescent live which is responsible for the aftercare.This is decided by the law since 1999, if a Young person between 15 and 17commit a serious crime, they can be sentenced to closed youth institutionalcare. The interest for this study was the aftercare and what possibleparticipant was involved in the aftercare for this Young people. By looking upearlier research in the area and doing six different interviews with bothsocial workers, staff on the SiS-institution and an organization for ex convictthe purpose was examines. To analyze the interviews the theory called newinstitutionalism was used.

Duktiga tjejer läser. En studie av relationen mellan läsning och skapandet av feminina genuspositioner

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Young women create their feminine gender positions in relation to their reading. Using qualitative research methods the empirical material has been collected through so called reflexive interviews with eight Young women aged 15-17. From their statements the empirical material has been divided into five themes that are important to the Young women, as well as to the formulation of the problem. This constitutes the model of analysis. The analysis has been conducted through an examination of these themes from a gender theoretical perspective and through the application of theories about reading and gender.

"Är jag mig själv? Eller är jag en tjej med Asperger?" : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar om vilken betydelse parrelationer har för unga kvinnor med Aspergers syndroms identitetskapande

Author: Julia Falk and Linnéa LinderothTitle: ?Am I being me? Or am I being a girl with Asperger´s?? A qualitative study of the role relationships have for Young women with Asperger´s syndrome identity [Translated title]Supervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf Drugge During adolescence, relationships are important for Young people and studies show that having a partner is something that becomes more important, especially for Young women. Creating and maintaining good relationships can be problematic, but can this problem be different for a Young woman with a neuropsychiatric disability as Aspergers syndrome? A person with Aspergers syndrome often has difficulties with communication and interaction with other people. But the syndrome is also characterized with special interests, different language management and difficulties with sudden changes.

Tio ungdomars upplevelser av stress

Stress is something that has increased in recent decades among adolescents. Several reports indicate that Young people today are more stressed because of the many demands they wear. They should be good in school, achievement expectations, get an education or job, make choices and think about their future. The purpose of our essay is that we want to explore and gain an understanding of how Young people in the third grade in high school looks to stress. To conduct this study, we used a qualitative approach, by doing interviews with 10 high school students attending third grade at Västerviks gymnasium. The result we got out of the interviews was that Young people experience stress differently, depending on their different as individuals. We found that there are different causes of stress, such as school, media, friends, demands from various quarters and choosing education.The interviews showed that some kind of stress was possible to handle for the adolescents, for instance by making schedule. Some stress from society was, on the other hand, more difficult to avoid..

Den relativa arbetsförmågan : En undersökning av begreppet arbetsförmåga i sjuk-,arbetslöshets- och arbetsskadeförsäkringen

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media Young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat Young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that Young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

"Flerspråkigheten kan öppna många dörrar i min framtid" : Hur ryskspråkiga minoritetsungdomar i Estland upplever sin flerspråkighet och dess betydelse för identitet

Issues related to multilingualism and its importance to each individual and the whole society are the subject of today?s school debate. The mere fact that the aspects of multilingualism are discussed actively not only in a school environment but even in the mass media and other communities proves that multilingualism is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to study into is about the importance of multilingualism for minority individuals and the conditions for their multilingualism. The aim of this research is to investigate the importance of multilingualism for identity formation among several Russian-speaking Young people who were born and raised in Estonia, as well as to try to understand the factors that were relevant to these Young people's multilingualism and their view on it. Six Young people aged 16-19 were considered in this study.

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