

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 60 av 139

Barns smak : En utvärdering av en läsfrämjande-metod baserad på bibliotekariers och lärares erfarenheter

Being able to reflect, evaluate and justify your views is an important part of adult life. Moral education can be a path to develop this knowl-edge; however, it is possible that the moral education gets more obscure when it is not a separate subject. The purpose with this essay is to examine the need of moral education and the presence and the framing of moral education of seven teachers in religion. The purpose is also to analyse where and how the moral education should be included in the curriculum. The survey was conducted through qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic approach.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotekens tjänster en studie av ett hemsidesprojekt i Östergötland

In the digital era, new services have entered the public libraries, like seeking information on the Internet, in databases, newspapers online etc. But many citizens do not know that these services exist. The libraries have a democratic responsibility to inform about them. In the county of Östergötland a project started in 2001 where libraries in five small municipalities built websites in which they present all their electronic services available. One of the aims was with the help of different kinds of marketing to reach special groups of people, like adult students, small companies and politicians.

Självbedömning i förhållande till uppnått resultat : Nationella prov och processbarhetsanalys på sfi

The aim of this essay is to investigate which of the goals in the syllabus, and with that what knowledge of Swedish, four students taking the SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) level 3 course believed themselves to have attained and to compare their self-assessments with their results on the National Test of Swedish for adult immigrants.The method used for the investigation is the individual interview. In addition to taking the National Test, the participants in the investigation were asked to mark the goals they believe themselves to have attained.The results show that the informants who best demonstrated awareness of their own knowledge are able to talk freely about their knowledge and difficulties, and when they mark the goals they believe they have attained, these correspond, on the whole, to how they responded in the interviews.One of the informants finds it more difficult than the others to assess her knowledge. A comparison between her experiences and the National Test results revealed several inconsistencies. For example, she claims that she can communicate in Swedish, but still she didn?t pass the test..

Androstenons fysiologiska roll hos grisar

It is mainly high levels of androstenone and skatole in adipose tissue that is the reason behind boar-taint, which is an unpleasant odor and taste from the meat of adult male boars. The purpose of this literature study is to provide an overview of current knowledge about the physioloical functioning of androstenone. There are several studies showing androstenone´s function as a pheromone, and that it is an important part of communication and mating behavior between pigs. Androstenone is produced in the testes of the boar and transported via the bloodstream to the salivary glands where it is excreted with the saliva. Sows sense the pheromone, not via the vomeronasal organ as previously considered, but via the olfactory mucosa.

Företag i Mästarklass - En kvalitativ studie av MSAB, ASSA ABLOY, AAK och HEXPOL

This essay focus on three companies within the MSAB group. All companies have shown an incredible share price development since MSAB´s initial investment and ownership. The companies has been examined from the CEO´s perspective to map out similar factors of success. The aim of the study was to compare and see if the companies operate in line with Jim Collins (2001) study of how Great companies operate. The analysis show that, despite the young age of MSAB, ASSA ABLOY and AAK, they all fulfill Collins hard criterias for Great companies..

BARNETS BERÄTTELSE I RÄTTSPROCESSEN : berättelsens struktur och värdering

Children who are exposed to crime are a delicate issue. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze children's narratives in the juridical process. Our primary questions focused on how adults could help children to express their experiences and what kind of elements imposed the narrative. How is the narrative structured? How does the court evaluate children's testimonies? What increases the credibility of a child's testimony? Our theoretical standpoints are derived from: the narrative perspective, theory of communication, and theory of evaluation.

Av gammal vana : En kvalitativ studie om varför svenskar inte e-handlar livsmedel i större utsträckning

The food industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Swedish e-commerce today. However, e-commerce still represents a very small part of the total food sales in Sweden. Experts have noted that, in order for e-commerce to expand in this field, Internet food sales must increase.The aim of this study is to form an understanding of why Swedes do not purchase more food products online. The theoretical framework consists of various marketing theories concerning consumer behavior and the acceptance of new innovations. The methodology used for the purpose of this study has a qualitative approach and in order to answer the questions at hand two focus groups were assembled.

En komparativ studie av svensk och lettisk arbetslagstiftning i skuggan av Laval-målet

After the last European Union expansion the east European countries became members of the European Union. This meant that they would become apart of the Schengen agreement and that they would be able to travel, live and work anywhere in Europe. This came as a shock tothe Scandinavian trade unions that were worried that work migration would escalate, and that it would lead to social dumping, which would make the working conditions worse for the native workers. .The Swedish labour market is build up by the principal of negotiations. The evolution of the labour laws comes from the rules and regulations of collective agreements.The Lex Britannia principal was made to regulate the working conditions for guest workers in Sweden, by making it possible for trade unions to take industrial action against foreign companies to make them sign a Swedish collective agreement.Even though Swedish labour law includes an obligation to maintain industrial peace it is not valid for foreign companies.

Fokus på människan: ett personalvetarperspektiv på initiering av organisationsförändring

Syftet med uppsatsen var att med utgångspunkt i en fokusgrupp identifiera ett personalvetarperspektiv på initiering av organisationsförändring och analysera detta i förhållande till en modell för organisationsförändring samt diskutera konsekvenserna av att inte ta hänsyn till detta perspektiv. Utgångspunkten var kvalitativ. Den valda metoden var en fokusgrupp. I fokusgruppen användes ett stimulus material i form av en fiktiv situation. Denna kompletterades sedan med uppföljande individuella intervjuer.

  Kulturell identitetsutveckling i ett globalt perspektiv : några adult third culture kids berättar

Med ett ökat antal multinationella företag med anställda från hela världen ökar också antalet barn som under sin uppväxt flyttar runt i olika länder, third culture kids. Uppsatsen syftar till och vill belysa hur det kan vara att växa upp i flera olika länder och hur man ser på sin egen kulturella identitetsutveckling. Identitetsutveckling är något alla går igenom. Forskning visar att om man under uppväxten ofta byter kulturellt sammanhang kan det en extra utmaning speciellt när det gäller att utveckla sin kulturella identitet.Fyra personer intervjuades om deras uppväxt och upplevelser som TKC.  Uppsatsen presenterar deras berättelser och tillsammans med tidigare forskning syftar de till att ge en bild av hur det kan vara att växa upp i främmande kulturer men också hur den kulturella identiteten ifrågasätts när man som ung vuxen återvänder till sitt passland.

Från gles skog och brokiga ungskogar till homogen produktionsskog : en skogshistorisk studie av Hällforsmarken under 1900-talet

The forest in the northern part of Sweden has changed dramatically during the last centuries. The forest has gone through a large-scale transformation, from it being only used locally for domestic purposes to becoming very important raw material for Sweden in the industrial age. The strategy by foresters during the second half of the 20th century has been to create pure production forests for commercial forestry. This has mainly succeeded and we have today homogenous production forests that give a high profit to the owners. The aim of the study is to compare the state of the forest in the former state forest Hällforsmarken in the years 1925 and 2000 and to interpret the changes which has taken place.

Kartläggning av preoperativa fasterutiner på tre vårdavdelningar

The aim of this study was to investigate for how long patients fast before thoracic surgery, plastic surgery and ear, nose and throat surgery, at the University hospital of  Uppsala, and what knowledge patients have about fasting and how they get affected by it. 30 patients were interviewed, 10 patients at each ward, according to a questionnaire. Data processing was performed with SPSS. There was no difference in fasting time for solids between the wards but the mean fasting time was 14 hours. In the thoracic ward patients fasted from liquids considerably longer than in the other wards.

Delat ledarskap i teori och praktik: en forskningsöversikt

Många chefer väljer idag att dela på ledarskapet och tillhörande uppgifter. Orsakerna till varför chefer väljer att arbeta på detta sätt är många, men grundar sig ofta i att de är missnöjda med den rådande situationen i organisationen. Chefer är inte nöjda med sitt ledarskap och medarbetarna är inte nöjda med chefernas prestationer. Syftet med min uppsats är att utifrån en forskningsöversikt, analysera och reflektera över om de karaktäristiska dragen för ett gott ledarskap stämmer överrens med utfallet av delat ledarskap.Utifrån mitt arbete kan jag konstatera att ett parledarskap innehåller många av de faktorer som brukar känneteckna ett gott ledarskap. Det är dock svårt att generellt beskriva vad som är ett gott ledarskap och vilken ledningsform som passar bäst i alla organisationer.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus was to explore this group?s experience of foster care, their experience of participating in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method was qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women.

Vattnet i vår kropp : Förskolebarns tankar om vattnet innom oss

AbstractThis study deals with preschool children's ideas about water in our body. Ten children with the age of four to five were interviewed individually, the interviews were qualitative. The children were also asked to draw their answers and answer questions about a picture that represented the excretory system. The results of my study show that children did not have any knowledge about the water being vital for us. Preschool children had no knowledge of why it is important to drink water.

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