

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 5 av 139

Spel om pengar bland unga : En diskursanalys av dagspressens framställning av unga somägnar sig åt spel om pengar

The purpose of this study was to examine the media?s portrayal of young people that gamble with money. Young in this study refers to people in the age 13 to 30. The following questions were examined: How does the press, in this case three newspapers, portray young people who gamble with money? What discourses in the selected newspapers, regarding young people who gamble with money, are the most prominent?The method used in this study was Faircloughs three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis which was used together with a social constructionist point of view.

Skolkultur eller andra möjliga faktorer? : En kvalitativ studie om tjejers föreställningar om femininitet

The purpose of this study was to find out whether young women´s conceptions on femininity are based on school culture or other possible factors. The theory chosen for this study is the sociological perspective. A theory where sociologists such as Emile Drukheim, Talcott Parsons and Pierre Bourdieu are all prominent. The discussion links to Habitus and their theories on social, cultural and collective groups. A qualitative method has been used.

Anestesi av det neonatala fölet

Every spring you can see newborn foals running on fields among the mare. But some unfortunate end up visiting the equine hospital requiring surgery. This is a challenge for the anesthetist because of the neonatal foal?s unique physiology. Therefore you need to take these differences under consideration when you anesthetize foals.

Smart konsumtion : unga vuxnas attityd till miljö- och rättvisemärkta produkter

We are more aware than ever about our impact on the common environment and the world's population. Consumption awareness can be one way to take social and environmental responsibility. This study aims to examine Young Adults' (19-30 years) attitudes toward consumption awareness in Sweden. Consumption awareness is treated in this study as the consumption of environmental and fair-trade labeled products that have been certified of a third party. The study is limited to everyday commodities, which in this case is groceries, household consumables and clothing.

Ungdomars upplevelse av mobbning sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt och utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study was to examine 13 to 14 year olds experience of bullying from a perspective of human developmental ecological systems. The questions at issue were: How do the young people themselves define the concept of bullying? Which own experiences do the young people have of bullying? How come bullying exists according to the young people? How do the young people experience that their surroundings view bullying? What do the young people consider that you can do about bullying? We used a qualitative method to collect and handle our primary empirical data. We did individual interviews with ten young people.The results of our study shows that the majority of the persons interviewed thought people bully because they have bad home conditions and that they are unsure of them selves. Many of the young people talked about three different groups in a school class: The popular, the less popular and the nerds.

Komvuxstuderande söker information i en skoluppgift

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to analyse how adult students in Swedish adult education seek information for school tasks. The focus is on how they use the public library and electronic information sources and their reflection on information and sources in this process. Also of interest in the study is the help they receive from staff in the public library and their teacher. Methods used in collecting and analysing data for this study were of qualitative nature.

Psykodynamiskterapi med unga vuxna : Psykoterapeuters perspektiv

    Abstract The aim of this paper is to highlight experiences gained by psychotherapists in their work with Young Adults.  Aspects looked at include: recurring themes, the process of diagnosing Young Adults, the therapeutic alliance, and the therapeutic techniques.  Six experienced psychodynamic therapists were interviewed, and a semi-structured interview method was used. The results show a high level of agreement between the therapists as to their experiences and conclusions of psychotherapy with Young Adults.Results presented in this paper suggest that there is a difference between psychodynamic therapy used with Young Adults, and the more traditional psychodynamic therapy.  The most important difference turned out to be the approach of the therapist toward the patient, where a more active and distinct approach by the therapist to the here-and-now situation was to be preferred. All six therapists came out strongly against the use of the DSM manual when diagnosing Young Adults. The importance of understanding Young Adults and their difficulties from a psychological development point of view was stressed, as well as the importance of taking the approach that the years of Young Adulthood bring their own issues and concerns. It is clear from these interviews that there is a strong need for the establishment of institutions or centres specifically tailored to meet the needs of Young Adults for psychotherapeutic treatment at an early stage and in an adequate way, in order to avoid unnecessary ?pathologising? of their specific problems.  .

Ungdomar och kriminalitet i Hammarkullen En studie om ungdomarnas syn på segregation som bakomliggande riskfaktor för kriminalitet

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze young people´s views on youth crime and segregation in ?multicultural? suburb Hammarkullen in Gothenburg, Sweden.We especially want to point out their views on the relationship between segregation and youth crime as the underlying risk factor for criminality.Through group- and individual interviews with young people, we have tried to address the following issues:? What do young people in the suburb think of segregation?? What are the views of young people in Hammarkullen about youth crimes?? How do young people in the suburbs view the relationship between segregation and youth crime?To achieve our objective and to answer our questions, we have chosen to have a qualitative approach.Since the purpose of the essay is to get an idea of how the suburban youth are looking at segregation, crime and the relationship between them, we believe that the qualitative approach is the right tool to use for this study.The empirical material consists of three interviews, one group-and two individual interviews, with 11 young people at the age of 16-18, conducted over a period of four weeks.In the results we will present how young people look at suburban segregation, crime and the connection between them..

?Stå mellan hyllorna och kramas? : bibliotekariers attityder till ungdomars biblioteksanvändning och läsning

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the attitudes of librarians towards young people's approaches to libraries and reading. The study also includes statements of the young as regards their own library usages and reading habits, as well as the attitudes of youth leaders. The latter are compared to the statements of librarians, and serve as referential frameworks. 28 interviews were performed, of which 22 with young people. The interviews and the following discussion were based on five themes; the library as a room, usages of the library, reading habits, the library as an institution, and library changes and developments.

?Jag tror dom går till en sökmotor och skriver ett ord??: En fenomenografisk undersökning av vuxenutbildares syn på informationssökning i undervisningen

The aim of this master thesis is to study how teachers in adult education view the phenomenon of information seeking in education. We have interviewed adult education teachers, and the method used when working with the data was phenomenography. We found three categories in our material: 1. Information seeking is the student?s responsibility; 2.

Men vi tänker ju ta... : En fokusgruppstudie om undomars inställning till körkort

Due to the decrease in obtaining driver?s licenses among young people, the main purpose of this study was to acquire a deeper understanding of young people?s attitudes towards driver?s license and towards driver?s education. This is a qualitative study with a theoretical approach, which combines Bourdieu with post modern theories. By using focus groups a wide rage of attitudes among young people have been gathered. Having a driver?s license is still considered a standard among young people even though their attitude mostly depends on their need for one.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

?Kultur är läkande, verkligen? ? En fallstudie av sjukhusbibliotekariers arbete med ungdomar

The main purpose of this thesis was to examine how hospital librarians worked with young people at a children?s and young people?s hospital in Sweden. We wanted to see how they promoted their health with culture and cultural means such as book trolleys. We did a case study, and made three qualitative interviews with the hospital librarians. The purpose was also to find out what the hospital librarians thought of young peoples.

Att bli någon : Unga kvinnors identitetsskapande via Bloggar

The aim of the study was to through a qualitative method with two focus groups investigate how young women percieve that their identity creation is influenced by them reading celebrities Blogs and in that case, whether this type of Internet activity affect their autobiographical memory, the foundation for personal identity. Since the main task of the autobiographical memory is to give the ego and its social mode a foundation by sharing memories with others, the Internet activity should be seen as an important factor for the identity formation of young people. Today, the young spend equally mauch time being connected to various media as they do socializing with family and friends. The results indicate that young women view the world and lifestyle that known Bloggers expose intheir Blogs as a kind of ideal. The young women got an aha reaction when they realized that what the Bloggers expose is not always equal to the real life..


In this thesis we have examined if some young people's identity is influenced by television programs. We chose to illustrate this from a gender perspective and have made use of social construction theory. We did group interviews with 13 youngsters, in three groups, to find out how much insight they had in what they watch, if they believe that they are affected and how they believe that gender roles in television programs often look. Our questions are: Does young people's identity take influence of the TV program? How? Creates a social construction of gender in the television programs that young people are watching? Is there awareness among young people on what they watch and how is this in this case out? Important to emphasize is that our results are not necessarily representative of youngsters in general when we only had the opportunity to interview a few.

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