

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 54 av 92

Tvåsamhället : Om att förhålla sig till normer som skaver

This study focuses on single peoples construction of their lifes in relation to normative heterosexual coupledom. It is based on five interviews made with single women and men at the age of 24 to 51 who live by themselves. The queer theory which puts the heteronormativity in question is used as a theoretical framework. Discourse psychology functions as an analytic approach. It focuses on the use of language in the construction of reality in a world of determinant discourses.

Äldre döva och kommunikation : en kvalitativ studie av kommunikationens betydelse

The purpose was to study what significance communication has for the psychosocial health of elderly deaf people who live in old peoples homes. I also explored how communication works between the staff.- How do the staff feel the communication works between members of the staff and between the staff and the residents?- How do the staffs think that the staffs' knowledge of the culture of the deaf community and sign language affects the psychological health of the residents?- What changes have the staff noticed in the residents since they moved to the ward?In order to accomplish study this area I have used semi-structured qualitative interviews and observations.The main conclusion of this paper was that the possibility to communicate in ones own language was fundamental for the psychosocial health of the residents. The people I interviewed expressed that communication between the residents and the staff worked well, but communication was a problem between the staff members. Knowledge of the culture of the deaf and sign language, within the staff, had a positive influence on the psychosocial health of the residents.

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

Utan biblioteket, det är tråkigt En grupp flerspråkiga barns interaktion med tre bibliotek

The aim of this study is to examine the interaction between a group of multilingual, twelve-year-old children, and three libraries. The children live in a suburb of a larger city. The three libraries are their school-library, the library in their suburb and the main library in the city. We have examined if and how the children use the libraries, what the libraries mean to them in their daily life and what their possibilities are when it comes to participate in and influence activities and collections at the libraries. We have pursued qualitative interviews with sixteen children in grade six and three librarians, working with multilingual children at the three libraries.

Vem får synas i texten? : En maktanalys av de nationella proven i svenska 2006-2010 ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv

In this study I have analysed the national tests in Swedish between the years 2006-2010. These tests are given to all students in the public schools in grade 9 and 10. I wanted to see if I identified an over-representation of a certain category of people in the texts given to the students. I analysed the texts from an intersectional perspective and I used primary Lena Martinsson (2007), Framtidens feminister and her categories and theories and Moria von Wright (1998) Genus & text- när kan man tala om jämställdhet i fysikläromedel?, and her gender categories in my study.

Att säkra en domän : en studie av maritim säkerhets förändrade innebörd

The purpose of this study was to illustrate a parental perspective of children´s participation and quality of live through personal assistance. Important aspects of parents' experiences were highlighted based on how they experienced participation and quality of life for their children. We chose to use a qualitative approach in the form of four individual interviews with parents from different municipalities in central Sweden. The study was conducted with a narrative approach in which we used a holistic perspective. Parents' experiences were highlighted over time to create a complete picture.

Muskeldysmorfi och dopning : Sjukdomen och missbruket som hänger ihop

The key purpose of this research has been trying to understand, and study how assyrian/syriac youth create their identity under the influence of two or several different cultures. We have also looked upon how different factors such as history, religion, language, family and school play a role in the youths identity development.We have used a qualitative method in our study where we have interviewed six assyrian/syriac youth. Because of their Christian faith the assyrian/syriac group has been forced to migrate from their countries to different parts around the world. In the new countries the group has been forced to create and live in a diasporaculture. The city Södertälje in Sweden has developed to become a metropole for this ethnic group where they have founded a substantial diasporaculture.

Från digitalt utanförskap till digital gemenskap : En hypotetisk väg till digital gemenskap

We are in an emerging digital society where we are increasingly dependent on the mastery of IT and digital technologies to better carry out our everyday tasks. They cover everything from keeping in touch with family and friends to pay bills and declare. At the same time there are those who have not learned how to use the new technology and live their lives outside of the digital society. What happens to these people, in a society that is becoming increasingly digitized? Do they take harm by being in digital exclusion? It looks like this are issues that will not become less important as digital technology constantly changes.

Att synliggöra de osynliga : En analys om fyra kvinnliga irreguljära immigranter och om hur deras relationer till andra människor påverkar deras livssituation och identitet

The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze female irregular immigrants and their experience of how relationships with other people affect their lives and identity.A qualitative method is used in the study, because my main purpose is to analyse the respondents? lives and life experiences. The analysis is based on a symbolic interactionism perspective. The results are also analyzed based on previous research and the concepts underlying the paper; irregular immigrants, discrimination, power and identity.In summary, the respondents have a clear picture of how they live and experience their relationship to others and themselves and how this affects their lives and identity.Their experiences affect their lives and influence their behaviour and identity when they interact with others. Their own view of their situation means that they are afraid to seek care or report sexual abuse, threats or other similar conditions.

Kan vi rädda världen? Några folkhälsopedagogers syn på mötet mellan utbildning och arbetsliv

The state of health in Sweden demonstrates a high average length of life at the same time as diseases, due to luxurious living, grew into more and more widespread public health problems. Finding out that information is not enough to get man to live healthy has been conducive to a pedagogic based health education. An illustration of such an education is Public health pedagogy at the University of Kristianstad. The question is, does this education correspond to the new claims that society lays to health work? Our purpose was to throw light upon how individuals, qualified as public health pedagogues, look upon their work on one hand and how different clusters of thought from their study programme are conceived as activated in their professional exercise on the other.

Utvecklingsalternativ för grisbesättning :

The purpose of this report was to compare two different options for expanding of an existing pig farm. For the time being there are low prices within the agricultural market of pig production, and it is interesting to see if it is worth expanding or not. The two different options this report is based on are: expanding from a herd with 50 sows in breeding gilt production to a herd with 100 sows in breeding gilt production (option 1), or expanding to a herd with 140 sows in breeding gilt production (option 2). The number of pregnant gilts produced per year will stay the same for both alternatives; about 300 pregnant gilts per year. The rest of the breeding gilts will be sold at a weight of 25 kg. The pigs that are not sold as breeding gilts (e.g. castrates, and female pigs that are too small or that have disorders) will be kept on the farm as growing-finishing pigs until 120 kg of live weight, and then sold to the slaughter house. By using the existing buildings, even after the expanding, the investment costs, and thereby costs for housing, were kept as low as possible.

Diabetessköterskors information och undervisning till patienter med diabetes

The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses, working in primary health care and responsible for diabetes care, reflected on patient information and education, its? content and experiences of providing it. The study had a descriptive design and seven nurses from seven health care units in the middle of Sweden participated in the study. Data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The results are presented in two main categories; ?The information? and ?The procedure?.

Bedömningsgrunder och reningskrav för avloppsreningsverk, 25-2000 pe, i Laholms kommun

The aim of this project was to look into ten small sewer systems in the municipality of Laholm, in Sweden, in order to work out common assessment grounds for them. The sizes of the systems for purification of wastewater were within the range of 25 to 2000 population equivalents. Our method was to study literature, the laws and regulations applicable and the files at the municipality. The conclusion is that every sewer system is different and every situation is unique. We concluded that based on laws and assessment grounds sewer systems equal in size and pollution load ought to have similar demands attached to them.

Ett undervisningsmaterial i Livskompetens : Prövat på stödgrupper för tonåringar med kronisk sjudom

Chronic illness is associated with conditions that may result in psychological ill-health in the adolescence. Consequently there is a need for development of preventive psychosocial support interventions for this target group. The objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate the effect of supportive intervention group program for teenagers suffering from chronic illness - aiming at increasing quality of life and supporting mental and physical health. Method: Six different intervention groups were conducted between 2007 and 2011, age 13?17.

De allra äldstas uppfattning om vad som är betydelsefullt för att vilja bo kvar i sitt eget hem

De allra äldsta i samhället är människor med lång livserfarenhet och med nästan ett helt liv bakom sig. Hur resten av deras liv kommer att gestalta sig beror mycket på dem själva, deras anhöriga och på samhällets insatser. Det är av största vikt att samhället ger de insatser som gör att de allra äldsta känner sig ansvariga, självständiga och trygga.Syftet är att ta reda på vad de allra äldsta själva uppfattar är betydelsefullt för dem, när det gäller att bo kvar i sitt eget hem. Tio personer deltog i en kvalitativ intervjustudie.De allra flesta i vår studie vill fortsätta bo kvar i sitt hem och de känner sig trygga, fria och tillfreds där. De beskriver på olika sätt hur de tar ansvar för sina liv och att de gör det de kan själva, med hjälp av teknik och hjälpmedel.

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