

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 40 av 47

Social äggfrysning till förmån för karriär - En kvalitativ studie kring social hållbarhet

Women?s strive to reach higher leading positions and build a career that's combinable with child birth and private life, is an on-going debate among academics in the fields of leadership, management and organization. This bachelor level thesis is written at the section of Management & Organization at School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg, Sweden, spring semester 2015. In our research methodwe have used source triangulation with a qualitative approach to the subject of egg-freezing in favour forcareer with a focus on Swedish workplaces. The purpose has been to illuminate, map out and further problematize how the introduction of the employee benefit in November 2014 can be seen to relate to social sustainability.A lot of the management research that discusses social sustainability tends to focus on how women (and men!) try to balance family life and career and how to combine (or to not combine) them.

Rätt till sjukersättning : en praxisstudie om orsaker till skillnader i bedömningar vid förvaltningsrätterna

Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.

Wilhelm Reichs mottagande i Sverige psykoanalys, marxism, biologi och kosmologi

In this essay I have been Writing about the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich. It was written at the Library School in Borås as a contribution to the struggle of the maintenance of the free word. In the essay I have been concentrating on how Reich was received in Sweden from the publication of his first book 1927 to the year of 2000. The work started with a biographical chapter and a chapter about Reich's scientific development, which was divided into three phases: one psychoanalytical and Marxist, one physiological and biological and a third phase that makes a synthesis of these in a cosmological form. The analytic material has been books and articles from periodicals and papers.

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm

Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasksthe pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in a creative way, by Writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solvingthe pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes..

Arbetet med läs- och skrivinlärning på två skolor med olika språkliga karaktärer. The Work of Read- and Writing Skills at Two Schools with different Lingustic Characte

Karlsson, Therese & Nilsson Therese (2011). Arbetet med läs- och skrivinlärning på två skolor med olika språkliga karaktärer. Lärarutbildningen: Malmö Högskola. Syftet med vårt arbete är att synliggöra och öka kunskapen om hur fyra lärare arbetar med läs- och skrivinlärning. Vi vill även uppmärksamma likheter och skillnader i deras arbetsmetoder beroende på elevens språkliga förutsättningar. Två av lärarna arbetar på en skola där de flesta eleverna är enspråkiga och de andra två lärarna arbetar på en skola som är av en flerspråkig karaktär.

Förebyggande arbete för elevers läs- och skrivutveckling : Kvalitativa intervjuer med några klasslärare och speciallärare

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka vad ett förebyggande arbete för att undanröja hinder och svårigheter för elevers läs- och skrivutveckling kan innebära. Fokus ligger på speciallärarens roll i detta arbete. De frågor som undersökningen besvarar är hur klasslärare och speciallärare kan beskriva ett förebyggande arbete, hur samarbetet kan se ut, hur man kan tillvarata speciallärarens kompetens samt vilka faktorer som kan ses påverka. För att besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra klasslärare och tre speciallärare i grundskolan genomförts.För att analysera och tolka de data som insamlats har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande använts, tillsammans med tidigare forskning och litteratur kopplad till ämnet.Ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv framträder kunskapen om elevers proximala utvecklingszon, samt användandet av medierande redskap och scaffolding som betydelsefullt för ett förebyggande arbete. Resultatet för undersökningen visar att förebyggande arbete kan ske på flera olika sätt, exempelvis genom tidiga insatser, genom att organisera undervisningen, genom att skapa delaktighet och genom att ge eleverna en positiv självbild.

Föräldrasamarbete i familjeklass - om konsten att bjuda in

We are two students at Malmö Högskola, Writing our final essay for obtain our teacher diplomas. On our partner schools, we have been facing but little information about how to invite the parents to collaborate with the school. Our thought is that the schoolwork is favorable to the pupils if both school and home are working together side by side. Therefore, we decided to dig deeper into this matter of how one particular school is working with parental collaboration, to be able to see if their method is useful. This particular school is offering studies in a course form so called family class. Here the pupils can get extra help from remedial teachers and their parents are also invited.

?It?s time to break the rules?, Kvinnligt författarskap i ett postrevolutionärt Egypten

AbstractTitle:?It?s time to break the rules?, Female Writing in a post revolutionary Egypt Year: 2013Author: Teresa Egfors GergesKeywords: the modern Arabic short story, Egyptian female writers, the Egyptian revolution, romanticism, realism, modernism, Modern Standard Arabic, Cairo Arabic.The purpose of this essay is to analyze four stories, written by Egyptian women and published after the Egyptian revolution, namely; A?wal mimm? yanbagh? and Qi??a shatwiyya by Hanan Elbadawi and Bint r?gil and Sam?ra ?-?ar?b?sh? by Shaimaa Elmaria. The stories of the essay are analyzed by the questions:? What are the themes? ? What kind of language and style is it? ? What are the messages?The essay is based on a comparing analyze, the stories are especially analyzed by Sabry Hafez? theories about the modern Arabic short story. Interviews with the two writers have been made.

Dygden och dårskapen : En studie av mamsell Malmstedts översättningar från franska och latin

Anna Maria Lenngren (ne?e Malmstedt, 1754-1817) was an eminent poet in Sweden during the 18th century and she is still known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. The early stage of her career as a translator, when she was recognised as ?mamsell Malmstedt?, had a great impact on her following work, which has been largely neglected. This master?s thesis analyses her largest translations: Lucile (1776), Zemire och Azor (1778), Arse?ne (1779), and Dido til Eneas (1778), in comparison with their originals.

Omvårdnad av häst i boxvila : ett examensarbete baserat på en enkät gjord bland hästägare i Sverige

This thesis is focused on what impact stall confinement has on a horse?s mental and physical welfare. It was of great interest to get a gathered picture of how Swedish horseowners had experienced having their horses in stall confinement. A survey study was conducted to achieve this. The survey included twelve questions which for example investigated the horses? age at the time of stall confinement, the length of stall confinement and their sexes.

Röstgivande romer : En komparativ analys av Katarina Taikons Zigenerska Hans Caldaras I betraktarens ögon

The Roma people have many times, and for a long period of time been described in a negative way, as a group of people unlike every other. Both novels and encyclopedias has been a part of this misleading discourse and therefore contributed to large misunderstandings. Also scholarly research from Sweden, and elsewhere, has featured inaccurate representations of the Roma people and altogether this has created negative attitudes towards Roma people which are still today a considerable problem.However, the last few years positive changes has taken place and today the Roma people is an official minority group in Sweden which, among other things, has led to promising possibilities, especially in schools, for a deeper understanding of the Roma people in the future. Reading Roma literature I believe is an important part of this.Katarina Taikon and Hans Caldaras both consider themselves Roma. They also have in common that they want to give voice for the group of Roma that has lived in Sweden since mid-nineteenth century.

Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning

Since the wild boars (Sus scrofa) escaped from their enclosures in the 1970s, their numbers has increased dramatically. It is an animal that is currently involved in many traffic accidents. The wild boar is a popular animal to hunt. As the population has grown so has the hunting. But, unfortunately, there have also been an increased numbers of attacks on hunters.

Användare från båda håll ? Utökat informationsstöd inom design av registreringsprocesser

During spring 2001 we have been involved with our bachelor thesis at Doberman Digital Agency, an Internet related webdesign company. We have focused our work on the registration process via digital medias such as the Internet. During our workprocess we have been conducting a number of studies and analyses of workrelated materials. Ethnographical methods such as structured interviews and participant observations were primarily used in our work. We also widely used brainstorming in our designprocess.

"Resan till London" : Språk, struktur och kvalitet i fyra narrativa elevtexter i årskurs 6

The aim of the study was to investigate how four pupils in sixth grade use language when Writing narrative texts, examined in relation to the typical structure and linguistic features of a narrative text. Another aim was to explore the similarities and differences between texts which received an A or B grade and texts with a D or E grade. The pupils? texts are analysed from a systemic-functional perspective on language and on the basis of the typical structure and language of a narrative text, with the focus on expressions of time, processes, descriptions and nominal groups (cf. Johansson & Sandell Ring 2012).

Att skriva sig till läsning med datorn som verktyg, Writing to reading with the computer as a tool

Sammanfattning Vårt syfte med denna studie var att undersöka vilka fördelar och nackdelar lärarna ansåg att det fanns med metoden att skriva sig till läsning (ASL) med datorn som skrivverktyg. Vi ville också studera vilka elever som gynnas/missgynnas av metoden samt om lärarna kunde se några skillnader på elevernas texter vad gäller innehåll och kvalitet. Våra frågeställningar var: 1. Ser lärarna några skillnader i texternas innehåll och kvalitet när eleverna skriver på datorn istället för på traditionellt sätt med papper och penna och på vilket sätt? 2.

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