

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 37 av 47

Kvinnans roller i Elsa Graves diktsamling Mödrar som vargar

Abstract in EnglishElsa Grave (1918-2003) is a Swedish writer, artist and composer. The aim of my study is to analyse the female character in Mödrar som vargar, (Mothers As Wolves), which is a collection of poems written in 1972.The analysis is divided into four parts. First I analyse the figures of speech of the female ?I? in the poems. In the second part I`m dealing with how she acts and relates to men.

Reflekterande läsning och skrivning : Hur man kan förbättra elevers läsförståelse och reflektionsförmåga

SammanfattningFör att dagens elever ska kunna möta de krav som samhället ställer på läskunnighet behöver de kunna ta till sig innehållet i det de läser med god läshastighet och förståelse och de behöver kunna reflektera kring det lästa. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur ett antal elever upplever hur deras reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse påverkas av att arbeta med skönlitterära texter och textsamtal utifrån en metod som kan kallas reflekterande läsning och skrivning. Anledningen till detta är att jag vill ta reda på om arbetssättet passar att implementera över lag i den skola jag arbetar för närvarande.                      Genom en litteraturgenomgång av språkets betydelse för människans utveckling, läs- och skrivutveckling, några olika didaktiska metoder och kvalitativa intervjuer med sex elever i år 9 redogör jag i detta examensarbete för hur man didaktiskt kan arbeta för att utveckla elevernas reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse. Jag tar också upp svårigheter och kritik som framförts om den didaktiska metoden. Resultatet visar att fem av de sex eleverna upplever att de blivit bättre på att reflektera kring skönlitterära texter och att dessa reflektioner kan leda till en bättre förståelse för det lästa.

I spränningsfältet mellan kommunala gränsformuleringar och en skalpolitisk idealisering av den regionala samhällsnivån.

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his Writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

Elever i behov av särskilt stöd

This is a qualitative study whit purpose of showing how teachers work whit students in need of special support in school. The purpose has been to study what teachers mean whit special aid, and if the support is individually adapted for each students needs. I have trougt interviews, observations and examinations of diverse documents found paradoxes where teachers and the scool leaders claim that they work whit the integration of all the students at school, while the teality shows a different picture. I have found a clear segregation of students, where they have on repeated occasions had to leave the classroom to receive tuition. The school stuff has a wide iiew of wich students are included in the term "students in need of special tuition".

?Anorna hafva mer välde i contradans än växelbref? : Sällskapsdans och klassamhällets ankomst vid slutet av 1700-talet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the arrival of class society is expressed in the social dance of high society during the second half of the eighteenth century. The study is based on the idea that culture and society develope in interaction; that changes in the economic, political and social life determine the cultural expressions as well. What I wish to examine is whether cultural themes from the developing bourgeois culture ? individualism, to be precise ? is expressed in the social dance during the second half of the eigthteenth century. // The study shows that public balls definitely gave people a chance to show off on the dance floor in spite of social rank.

Målstyrt ledarskap i klassrummet- ur ett lärarperspektiv

This is a qualitative study whit purpose of showing how teachers work whit students in need of special support in school. The purpose has been to study what teachers mean whit special aid, and if the support is individually adapted for each students needs. I have trougt interviews, observations and examinations of diverse documents found paradoxes where teachers and the scool leaders claim that they work whit the integration of all the students at school, while the teality shows a different picture. I have found a clear segregation of students, where they have on repeated occasions had to leave the classroom to receive tuition. The school stuff has a wide iiew of wich students are included in the term "students in need of special tuition".

Användare från båda håll ? Utökat informationsstöd inom design av registreringsprocesser

During spring 2001 we have been involved with our bachelor thesis at Doberman Digital Agency, an Internet related webdesign company. We have focused our work on the registration process via digital medias such as the Internet. During our workprocess we have been conducting a number of studies and analyses of workrelated materials. Ethnographical methods such as structured interviews and participant observations were primarily used in our work. We also widely used brainstorming in our designprocess.

Konflikthantering i skolan utifrån ett lärarperspektiv : om lärarens ansvar och roll i arbetet med och kring konflikter som uppstår i skolans vardag

In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.

Översättning och anpassning av Kortfattad Afasiprövning till arabiska : Jämförelse med arabiska Bilingual Aphasia Test och självskattad språkförmåga

With the growing amount of citizens with another mother tongue than Swedish, the need for assessment instruments in other languages than Swedish within the Swedish health care increases. To enable this, the knowledge of multilingualism and adequate assessments are required. The aim is to develop a modern Arabic version of a screening material that is comparable to what is used in the Swedish clinic in the assessment of people diagnosed with aphasia. In the present study, Short Aphasia Examination (Kortfattad Afasiprövning), which is one of the few screening material is available in Swedish and among the ten most frequently used assessment materials (Blom Johansson, Carlsson & Sonnander, 2011). Translation and adaptation was made to the Standard Arabic (KAPARABISKA) and Arabic dialect of Hadari (KAPHADARI).

Tyskland och skuldfrågan : En historiografisk och komparativ studie av svensk och tysk Förintelsefacklitteratur, 1996-2010

The present study is primarily of historiographical type, but also uses comparative method and qualitative text analysis. It mainly aims to explore how Germany and the issue of guilt have been portrayed in Swedish and German nonfiction literature (excluding teaching materials) during the years 1996-2010, in the context of the Holocaust, but also makes a comparison between these two countries' depictions. Furthermore, it also examines whether it is possible to link the various depictions to specific theories, in this case determinism together with the actor and structural perspectives, as well as to other potential factors such as the authors' personal connections to the Holocaust or the millennium. In addition, overall trends is an aspect which is examined. Despite the fact that the Holocaust has been the subject of extensive research, no study with the same selection as this one has been carried out before.

Var det bättre förr? : En kvantitativ jämförelse av elevtexter från 1985, 2005 och 2006

AbstractThis essay deals with young people?s written language. It is often said that the student?s ability to write is worse today compared to earlier generations. The written language is an important condition for knowledge, therefore it is of great importance that all students, after finished secondary- and upper secondary school, have acquired an adequate language which is suitable in the public room.The fact that young people?s language is worse than earlier generations is a constantly recurrent assertion and often debated in school.

Perfektionism och self-compassion - En experimentell studie om hur perfektionism och self-compassion påverkar uppsatsskrivande och korrekturläsning i olika affektiva situationer.

Syftet med denna experimentella studie var att öka kunskapen om perfektionism genom att undersöka huruvida perfektionism går att påverka, hur perfektionism påverkar prestation samt hur olika perfektionismdimensioner tar sig uttryck i olika situationer. För att undersöka detta skapades ett internetexperiment innehållande en kort version av Pennebaker?s essay Writing procedure (uppsatsskrivande-uppgift), en korrekturläsningsuppgift samt självskattningsformulär för olika perfektionismdimensioner och self-compassion. Deltagarna i studien randomiserades till två olika betingelsegrupper som fick skriva om en gång då de lyckats (pos. betingelsegrupp) eller en gång då de misslyckats (neg.

Verk: Utan titel, text på papper : konstens betydelse för näringslivet

The paper's purpose has evolved during the process of researching and Writing it. In the beginning it was to investigate if art and culture could increase the strength and knowledge of a brand and if there existed a knowledge about this amongst Swedish companies, situated in Stockholm. During the process the purpose has evolved into exploring the type of companies that acknowledge this and those that don't. By using Bourdieu's terminology and tools, the reasons behind the use of art has been analyzed.The paper employs an explorative approach by accessing data through interviews and public data provided by the Internet through web pages and government files.The paper comes to the conclusion that what Holt calls cultural branding has not evolved, when looking at the companies that are accurate for this study. Out of 24 companies only one comes close to observing socio cultural movements through the arts.

Nyhetens behag: En kvantitativ studie av möjligheter och risker med produktplacering på modebloggar

The advantages with product placement in blogs compared to traditional media is shown in earlier empirical findings where consumers found blog posts more credible and informative than a corresponding article in a web paper. It can therefore be argued that the informal structure and personal tonality of the blog reinforces the effects of product placement on brand attitude and intention to buy as the consumer has no persuasion knowledge and does not detect the reWriting of the product as commercial.This paper?s overall aim is to provide concrete implications for how to manage product placement on fashion blogs. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate the communicative effects of product placement in fashion blogs as well as to examine if a revelation of commercial interest behind a blog posts about a certain brand effects the consumers? attitude towards the blog and/or brand attitude and intention to buy.

Kulturmöten i Svenska läroböcker för gymnasiet : -En läroboksanalys

The purpose of this study is to examin the depiction of culturalmeetings in history books in relatioon to the schoolguidelines, and how and why the description may have changed over time. To achieve this, a qualitative method was used to analyze the content of cultural meetings in Swedish schoolbooks after the World War II. The material used in the study was taken from eight editions of Alla tiders historia published between 1985-2011. The material was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspectives, which try to explain the factors that influenced the depiction of the texts.The results of this study shows, that over time, the school guidelines have incresed their focus on human value and the need for students to interact with people from other cultures. The depictions in the history books lives upp to the demands of the school guidelines, but this study shows that the main influence of the content of the book is the social context.

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