

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 36 av 47

Medveten högläsning? : En studie om lärares arbete med högläsning

För att skapa möjligheter för elever att utveckla sitt språk samt sin läs- och skrivförmåga behöver de goda förebilder. Genom vår utbildning har vi tagit del av hur högläsning möjliggör för läraren att vara en läsande förebild och hur man genom att prata om ord, meningsbyggnad och det skrivna språket kan främja elevers språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling. I vår studie har vi undersökt högläsning som verksamhet i skolans första år genom att identifiera samband mellan vad, när och varför lärare läser högt. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ studie där vi genom intervjuer av lärare erhållit den data som ligger till grund för vårt resultat. Av resultatet framkom tre samband mellan vad, när och varför lärare använder högläsning i verksamheten. De rådande sambanden har att göra med de olikheter som visar sig utifrån om högläsning används som integrerad del av undervisningen eller inte.

C. M. Carlanders Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris (1904): En källkritisk studie av kvinnors bibliotek under tidigmodern tid.

The aim of this study is to examine the historical information about women?s libraries and book ownership during the early modern period in the work of Carl Magnus Carlander, Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris [Swedish libraries and ex-libris] (1904) and to inquire the scientific value of the information. A gender perspective is applied to the study. Gender is understood as a social and cultural constructed concept, dealing with female and male identities as interdependent categories.The study of Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris is made using source criticism and it has two parts. The first part deals with external conditions of the creation of the work; the life of C.

Impleamini agnicione voluntatis Dei : En predikan ur Skoklosterhandskriften

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

Poetry Slam. En studie av vilken betydelse Poetry Slam har som litteratur och som identitetsskapande verksamhet för ett antal tävlingsdeltagare.

Today, the definition of literature has changed. Walter J. Ong talks about the secondary spoken language that has surfaced as a result of new technical innovations to our Writing tools. This also transforms our attitude towards literature and we can see a return to literature based on verbal characteristics. According to Hans Hertel the verbal renaissance reflects a modern man need to come closer to each other and create togetherness.

Kreativitet och blockeringar - Icke-musikers upplevelser av musikskapande

Title: Creativity and blockings: Non-musicians? experiences of music making The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the ability of music-making can benefit from and/or be inhibited by extra-musical factors, such as one's own or other people's opinions, criticism, prejudice and values. An experiment was carried out, where 10 nonmusicians were instructed to solve a compositional problem (Writing pieces of music to a picture) which had been expressed in two different ways, one of which (A) was intended to block creativity and the other (B) to facilitate the creative process. All subjects also had to answer a questionnaire, where their experiences in connection with the task and their attitudes towards music and composition were mapped. The result was that all subjects succeeded in composing one or more pieces of music, regardless of which instruction they had been given.

Bland gudar och krigare : asatro, ideologi och mansidealet i nationalromantikens konst

This essay is about how the aesir are used as an ideal image of the original Nordic aspects and as a symbol of heroism and pure strength. The main subject of this essay is to look at how this ideal of masculinity is represented in the art produced during the era of romantic nationalism. The choice of focusing on this era in particular is made due to the fact that it was during this time that the modern images of the aesir and the Vikings were made. The purpose of this study is to examine how the ideal of masculinity reflects upon the artistic interpretations of the Norse mythology in a selected group of art work produced during the 1800?s.

Kommunens barn är allas barn.

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his Writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

Att bedöma på basis av alternativa verktyg : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur ämneslärare i svenska beaktar användandet av alternativa verktyg vid bedömning av kunskaper hos elever i dyslektiska svårigheter

This study aims to examine the regard paid to the use of Assistive Technology (AT) when assessing the knowledge of Year 9 pupils with dyslexia in the subject Swedish. A starting point was to examine the knowledge of a group of teachers in the areas of dyslexia and AT. The issues then developed as to which AT a dyslexic pupil is allowed to use in an assessment situation and how the use of these tools affects the assessment. There was an examination of the guidelines that the teacher group can use as support when assessing the knowledge of dyslexic pupils on the basis of AT. The method used was qualitative semi-structured interviews.

"Man måste vara driftig för att komma någonstans" : Elevers erfarenheter av IT-baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen

Mitt övergripande syfte med denna studie är att ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv undersöka hur tre elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter upplever användandet av IT - baserade lärverktyg.Studien vill även ta upp elevernas erfarenheter av att använda sig av IT -baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen som en del av deras lärande, ur dåtida, nutida och framtida perspektiv. Ansatsen livsvärldsfenomenologi har legat till grund för denna studie. Den ger tillträde till att undersöka och beskriva elevers levda erfarenheter. I livsvärldsfenomenologisk ansats får jag tillträde till personers livsvärldar. Som metod användes kvalitativ forskningsintervju. I studien visar sig detta genom att jag använde mig av en frågeguide. Mina frågor var få och mitt intresse för elevernas egna berättande var i fokus.

Programverksamhet: ett uttryck för folkbibliotekets identitet

This thesis is a contribution to the discussion on the public library?s institutional identity in late modernity. The aim is to shed light on the public library?s identity as expressed through its public events. The thesis seeks to answer the following questions: What kind of public events are offered at public libraries? What themes distinguish the content of these events? What characterizes the institutional identity expressed through these events? In addition to the concept of institutional identity, a model of four library spaces, developed by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen, and Jochumsen, constitutes the theoretical framework of this thesis.

Becketts papegojor. Språk, tal och berättande

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his Writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek

This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching practices were highly connected to learning cultures.

Lönndörren och nycklarna : En analys av förhållandet till en samhällskritisk dramatradition i Anna Wahlenbergs Lönndörren

AbstractSwedish tuition for immigrants (SFI) is a public adult education program in Sweden that was created in order to provide the immigrants with basic skills in Swedish. People with different backgrounds speaking different languages learn together how they should communicate in Swedish, both orally and in Writing. For those who teach SFI it is important to know which factors have positive effects on the Swedish language acquisition. One of the questions to be asked is if the learning materials´ genre has any effect on the SFI students´ proficiency, in particular, oral proficiency. Scientists as von Franz, Vygotskiy and Bettelheim argued that fairy tales, as a genre consciously or subconsciously recognizable by all the people, present texts that are easy to acqiure.

Känslor i reklam -En kvalitativ studie i hur privatpersoner uppfattar reklamkampanjen Hjältarna berättar

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

Bild : Kommunikation och uttryck

The aim of this study was to search for a link between the subject pictorial studies in means of expression and the ability to communicate in written and spoken language. To do so findings in relevant literature and a few complementing theories was addressed to cast light on interviews made with teachers dedicated to the subject pictorial studies in a subject-integrated curriculum.Interviews were conducted with nine teachers and all but one were teachers in the subject pictorial studies, spread across all of the nine grades in compulsory school. Informants were located in areas of socioeconomically high as well as low status, in central and densely populated areas as well as areas less densely populated. The diverse theoretical background consisted of semiotics, constructivist theory, social constructivist theory and genre theory. Theories and literature partly both contradicted and supported each other, depending on situation and circumstance.No evident conclusion could be made that discriminated one affecting cause from another on speech or Writing skills.

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