

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 14 av 47

Undervisning och dyslexi : Några gymnasieläraren arbetssätt för att stödja elever med dyslexi

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when Writing.

Skrivsvårigheter : Hur lärare arbetar med skrivundervisningen för elever med skrivsvårigheter

Skrivsvårigheter uppmärksammas alltmer i skolans värld i dagens samhälle, och kan uppfattas som ett stort problem bland lärare. Forskare menar att det skrivna språket är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna kommunicera med omvärlden. Därför är det viktigt att lärarna hjälper de elever som har skrivsvårigheter för att kunna utvecklas till skickliga skribenter. Dock är detta inget enkelt fenomen eftersom elever med skrivsvårigheter oftast kan uppfattas som ?lata?, då eleverna oftast inte vill skriva någonting, då de anser det skrivna fult och oläsligt.

Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet

This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.

Den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen : en fallstudie

Vi har gjort en fallstudie på en lärare ? L.J, i år 1 utifrån hennes svenskundervisning. I år 1 består denna undervisning mest av läs- och skrivinlärning. Hennes klasser har ofta goda resultat i olika läsförståelsetexter, och vi var nyfikna på varför. Under vår utbildning har många önskat få svar om vilken metod som är ?bäst? vad gäller läs- och skrivinlärning.

Upphandlingsprocess i enlighet med LOU : en studie om upphandling av hjälpmedel inom vård och omsorg

We have during these three past years been getting formal knowledge in business economics and believe that, now in the end of our education, we are qualified to the demands that are put on the labour market. The purpose of this report has been to write about, such an extensive subject area as public purchase though we feel the education is lacking this area and have therefore decided to do our dissertation in public purchase.Due to lack of time we have not been able to investigate in the extent we wanted, we had to delimit in sort of municipality and purchase product. We have been investigating in how the process of purchase of aid in Malmö municipality approaches because we wanted to enter deeply into those studies.This rapport represents the process of public purchases of aid from both the suppliers point of view as well as the purchase units. All the steps in the process are presented in our investigation.By Writing this rapport we have presented the division of responsibility of aid, it is divided between Region Skåne and the municipality in Skåne. In Malmö the responsibility is divided between two activities, one of them is Hjälpmedelcentrum who is responsible of the municipality part and the other is Hjälpmedel Malmö who.s responsible of the regional part.We have decided to investigate only on the municipality part of the responsibility division and have gradually found out that they in Hjälpmedelcentrum reuse their aids after them being returned from the needed ones in the municipality or even after that the need has stopped, the unit can by reuse save on new purchases.In the end of Writing this rapport we noticed that owners of small businesses have a difficult time of getting in the market of public purchase.

Det svåra samarbetet : En essä om möten mellan olika syn på normer, etik moral och fostran

In this essay, I discuss one of the recurring dilemmas for a working recreational pedagogue, namely the hard task of cooperation with parents. As a recreational pedagogue, I am required to work by the curriculum Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011. This policy document talks about what my responsibilities are, including establishing collaboration with parents in terms of the children?s development and education. It happens, however, that the pedagogue and the parent's ethical positions differ.

Skrivpedagogiska diskurser : En textanalys av styrdokument i grundskolan

De tankar som finns bakom planering och genomförande av skrivundervisningen i grundskolan påverkas av de förhållningssätt som den beslutsfattande läraren har till sin undervisning. Att se på språk och skrivande utfrån olika perspektiv ger olika resultat. Denna studies syfte är att identifiera de skrivpedagogiska synsätt som avspeglas i styrdokumenten för grundskolan. Undersökningen ut­fördes genom en omfattande dokumentanalys där synsätten identifierades med inriktning på språk, skrivande, skrivinlärning, skriv­undervisning och bedömning av skrivande. Utgångspunkten för analysen är fem diskurser om skrivpedagogiska synsätt; färdighets­diskursen, kreativitetsdiskursen, processdiskursen, genrediskursen och social­praktik­diskursen.

"Än en fågel, än en blomma" : En tematisk och dialogisk studie av ungmör och skaldinnor i Anna Maria Lenngrens dikter.

Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817) is known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. Over the years many literature researchers have based their analysis and interpretations on biographical facts. This means that we miss important parts of her authorship, as she almost exceptionally has been Writing role-poems. In a role-poem, the author takes a role as a fictitious narrative subject and/or another poem character.

Om Eyvind Johnsons Stad i ljus

This is a study of Eyvind Johnson?s novel Stad i ljus from 1928, first published in French as Lettre recommandée, 1927. The purpose has been to prove that motives, themes and narrative techniques characteristic to Johnson?s later Writings is present as early as in this novel from the twenties. In the novel as well as in the contemporary short stories Johnson starts to explore the symbiosis between living, traveling and Writing and begins to use metafictionality as a method to approach autobiographical material.

Diktaturmänniskans fall : Bilden av Spanien i Per Wahlöös texter 1951-1962

Per Wahlöö is one of Sweden´s most famous crime writers. Together with Maj Sjöwall he revolutionized the swedish crime novel in the mid-sixties with the Martin Beck-series. Before that he was working as a reporter in the fifties and started Writing novels about the oppression of man, power and totalitarian mentality in the end of the decade. Those novels (1959-1968) are called ?The dictatorship?-series.

Språkliga och kognitiva förmågor hos barn med läs-och skrivsvårigheter : En jämförelse med barn med cochleaimplantat

Children with Reading and Writing Difficulties and Their Language and Cognitive AbilitiesA Comparison with Children with a Cochlear ImplantAbstractThe aim of this study was to examine the cognitive abilities that are important for reading in children with reading disabilities, children with a cochlear implantation and typically developed children. 64 children aged 10-12 years participated in the study. To answer the question at issue we used the following tests: Block Design from WISC III, PPVT III, TOWRE, SL 40 and a few chosen tests out of the SIPS battery. On tests of the lexical access children with reading disabilities performed at the same level as hearing children, while the children with a cochlear implant performed significantly lower. Test of the phonological and complex working memory showed that children with reading disabilities performed significantly higher than children with a cochlear implant, but at the same time lower than typically developed children on the test of phonological working memory.

A thematic analysis of Roald Dahl?s adult fiction

In the area of short stories there is little doubt that Roald Dahl has been an influential writer. Dahl´s short stories have been presented to the general public through TVbraodcasts but in order to grasp the true spirit of Dahl´s Writing the best method is, of course, reading his books. The fictional works of Roald Dahl can be divided into two major categories: stories for adults and stories for children. This essay is concerned with the second grouping and is an attempt to analyse three themes that are of particular importance to his work. After a brief biographical note on the author, the essay analyses the element of the macabre in Dahl?s Writing.

När, hur och varför? : En studie om synen på stavning

Stavning handlar ej enbart om att stava rätt! Att lära sig stava kan vara en hjälp i en individs läs- och skrivutveckling. Genom att lära sig stava kan det bli lättare att lära sig läsa, samtidigt som läsningen kan bidra till att lära sig stava. Genom att skriva kan en elev lära sig stava bättre samtidigt som goda stavningskunskaper kan skapa en känsla av trygghet och säkerhet i skriftspråket som gör att han/hon vill skriva. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på när, hur och varför lärare arbetar med stavning i de tidiga skolåren och att skapa en överblick över olika synsätt på stavning samt hur dessa kan påverka undervisningen. Studien tar upp stavning ur olika perspektiv, från det teoretiska till det praktiska samt hur elever uppfattar stavning.

Geometri, språk och idealitet : en studie av Geometrins ursprung av Husserl med fokus på geometrin som idealiserat objekt mellan intersubjektivitet och skriftspråklighet

This thesis is basically an attempt to discuss the intrinsic intersubjective nature of the so-called ideal sciences, i.e. geometry or arithmetic. Based upon a thorough analysis of Husserls The Origin of Geometry and Derridas Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: an Introduction this thesis takes geometry as an example of an ideal science. The main question of the thesis is how an ideal science or object is constituted. The thesis consist of two main chapters - ?Geometry and Historicity? and ?Language?- and a concluding discussion.

Självskadebeteende och riskbeteende för ätstörningar hos tonåringar: förekomst, samband och intervention med expressivt skrivande

The purpose of the present essay, as part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers, was to investigate the rate of both deliberate self-harm (DSH) and risk behaviour related to eating disorders in 14-year-old swedish adolescents, gender differences in DSH, and possible correlations between DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorder. In addition, the effects of expressive Writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986) on DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorders were investigated. Data from two pilot studies are included. In total, 198 14-year-olds from four different schools in southern Sweden participated. For the purpose of measuring the rate of DSH, a simplified version of Gratz's (2001) Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI) was used.

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