

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 13 av 47

Lärarperspektiv på språkutveckling i gymnasiet

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when Writing.

"Det går inte att badda in elever helt" : - om lärares möjlighet att påverka förekomsten av självutlämnande elevtexter.

Several researches asserts that as teachers are responsible for the content of teaching and by formulating teaching "Why, ""How" and "What", that will also give signals to students about what is important knowledge. This essay addresses the difficulties teachers may face in terms of self-disclosure student texts and awareness of this in the design of teaching and Writing tasks. Research shows that self-disclosure and self-therapy student texts exist and that teachers are experiencing a difficulty with regard to assessment and treatment.Through qualitative interviews examined seven teachers' design of any, to the student, self-disclosure information from curriculum and policy documents. Another purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which teachers, through the information they give to their pupils, may affect the texts students submit. It turns out that the respondents are united in the belief that they, through their data, may affect the texts they receive from their students when they are the ones that control the content of teaching, and they agree that the curricula gives them a great choice for design data. The survey shows that the perception of the curriculum that will open up for self-disclosure texts differ as some of the respondents believe that the curriculum is very much about the students way to express feelings and opinions, while others believe that they may try to package this data in another purpose or exercise.

Autism i klassrummet : En studie i hur lärare planerar och genomför sin läs- och skrivundervisning, samt deras förhållningssätt till inkludering.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and Writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and Writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

Modersmålsundervisning, läs- och skrivutveckling i Sameskolan : Lärares erfarenheter och arbetsformer

The overall aim of the study was to take part of teachers' experiences and work force mother-tongue education and literacy development in the Sámi School. The study was conducted through interviews with twelve teachers who teach at two Sámi schools. The focus has been on looking how to work with native speakers teaching at the Sámi School, what factors promote / hinder students' development of their first or second language, and the importance of collaboration between the schools` various professions work with multilingual students reading and Writing skills. Through interviews of various categories of teachers, I have tried to visibility problems of the education of minority language children and their reading and Writing skills. I discuss the teaching, the importance and the lack / availability of communication and consensus between different categories of teachers.

iPad som pedagogiskt verktyg i grundsärskolan : Några lärares beskrivningar av hur de arbetar med iPad i ämnet svenska

The aim of this study is investigating how some Elementary School teachers of special classes describe how they use iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish. To find out I have carried out an interview investigation. I have analyzed results using theoretical concepts from the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding and artefacts.The cummulative result shows that teachers describe that they practice linguistic consciousness and that pupils are trained in Writing Swedish in this subject. Another result shows how all teachers describe that they work face-to-face with pupils using iPads in Swedish lessons. Further results show how teachers present possibilities of using iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish.

The Female Assassin : Ett Game Writer manuskript om Franska Revolutionen

Uppsatsen syftar till att diskutera och jämföra tre olika metoder för karaktärsutveckling och diskutera dessa i förhållande till The Female Assassin; ett spelmanuskript som utspelar sig under Franska Revolutionen. För att få en god bakgrund för examensarbetet valde jag att läsa ett antal böcker om Franska Revolutionen, karaktärsutveckling och Game Writing. Jag har använt mig av personlighetsdiamanter och mallen Character Template för att skapa karaktärer till manuskriptet. I rapporten diskuterar och jämför jag dessa två metoder samt arketyper. Jag kom fram till att de tre metoderna för att utveckla spelkaraktärer fungerar utmärkt och kan kombineras för att få fram mer avancerade karaktärer.Spelmanuskriptet är skrivet utifrån mitt High Concept om spelet La Meurtrière (se Bilaga 2) framtaget för kursen Modellkonstruktion för Interagerbara Medier/Spel A11.

Skriv- och läsundervisning i år 1 : En pilotstudie utifrån Aristoteles kunskapsformer

AbstractThis work is a pilot study intended to show what an experienced teacher of Swedish in first grade teaches and how she teaches. A further aim is to test methods for the analysis of Aristotle?s forms of knowledge in order to elucidate the teaching of reading and Writing. As regards theory, the study proceeds from rhetoric and its doctrine of forms of knowledge according to which the whole in communication consists of episteme, techne and phronesis. The methods involve analysing the content of the communication and analysing speech acts, rhetorical figures and paralinguistic expressions.

Effektivisering av asfalttransporter : Enhetligt arbetssätt för styrning och tidsskrivning av asfalttransporter

The cost of transportation has strongly increased in the recent years, transportations which are a major part for the construction companies. Skanska Asphalt which is a part of Skanska Sverige AB has noticed that there are significant cost savings to be made with the purchasing of transports. The transports in this case is about asphalt, where the costs are about 10% of the outsourcing business turnover. The purpose of this thesis is to study the working practice that Skanska Asphalt are using today in controlling and time-Writing, for the asphalt transportations. Resulting in recommendations on how to improve the working practice at Skanska Asphalt.This study was conducted with the help of a number of interviews with Skanska?s employees and with suppliers of transportation to describe the practices which are being used in during the asphalt transportation.

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chinese Remainder Theorem is used to solving problems in computing, coding and cryptography. In computing we can compute with shorter numbers instead of large numbers and this will make the computing-process faster and easier. In coding it can be used for error-searching and error-regulating.Cryptography means that we can send a coded message and that no one will be able to read it without the decode-key which is based on prim-numbers. I am Writing about the history of mathematics and how the number- and decimal number-system is used in Babylon, Egypt, Greece and in China. Abacus was a very important aid to calculate advanced mathematical problems.

Lärande med Teknik : Användning (och Icke-användning) av IT i Skolan

For a long period of time there have been discussions about the need to modernize, to keep up with the changes in our society. The schools as a result have to keep up and adapt in order for the education to be up-to-date. This includes the technological developments. Many steps have been taken and mighty sums have been invested in order to keep up the pace ? but are there any consequences from these kinds of investments? In this report I?m going to take a closer look on a recent addition to this phenomenon that were installed by means of a top-down approach and study the teachers and how they have adapted and view the change in their environment ? namely the newly installed interactive Writing-boards.The questions I will study include how the teachers express their view about the installation of the interactive Writing-boards.

Nyhetens behag: En textanalytisk studie av litteratur som bygger på nyhetshändelser

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine literature on current media events. We see a close relationship between this literature and the media society where we relate Manuel Castells theory of the network society. In this thesis we have chosen books which give different views on three major media events in Sweden: 1 the assassination of Anna Lindh, the former Swedish Minister for foreign Affairs; 2 the Knutby murder and; 3 the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. These books combine fact and fiction in their Writing which in media science is called faction. This form of Writing has similarities to genres like new journalism and documentarism and can be problematic for the reader in terms of genre expectations because of the mix of fact and fiction.

Försenad läs- och skrivutveckling : Orsaker, förebyggande arbete och konsekvenser

Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur lärarna arbetar med försenad läs? och skrivutveckling. Jag har valt att undersöka vad en försenad läs- och skrivutveckling kan bero på, hur man som lärare kan arbeta med att förebygga svårigheterna och vad svårigheterna kan få för konsekvenser längre fram. Lärarna har en viktig roll i att lära eleverna läsa och skriva för att förbereda eleverna på det kommande vuxenlivet och ge dem möjlighet till vidareutbildning. Jag har valt att intervjua lärare i olika årskurser för att se hur man arbetar med svårigheterna på olika stadier.

Läslust : ett projekt för och med vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, ett samarbete mellan en lärare och en bibliotekarie

This thesis presents and evaluates a project, undertaken in 2001 by a librarian the writer of this thesis and a teacher. We met with a number of adults with reading and Writing disabilities, and presented and discussed books and experiences of reading, with the aim to increase their joy of reading, as well as finding out more about our own ways of co-operating with each other across our professional borders. The documentation and evaluation emphasizes on the process and the results of the project, and on our own participation, by asking the following questions: How did we carry out the project? What obstacles did we meet? What went well/wrong? What did we achieve related to our goals? In order to illuminate the project from different angles, consequences of reading and Writing disabilities for adults are discussed, as well as the specific nature of adult education and projects more or less related to ours. Action research is chosen as a method, because it allows the process of the project, and our own learning process, to be exposed.

Boktips från biblioteket: En kvalitativ textanalys utifrån Boktips.net

In this Master's Thesis a rhetorical analysis is applied to reading suggestions in the database Boktips.net. Boktips.net utilize the Internet for readers advisory by offering public libraries in Sweden to use and participate to its contents. The aim is to examine how library staff writes about literature in Boktips.net. The empirical material is delimited to reading suggestions on fiction for adults. Areas in focus of the analysis are rhetorical context, disposition, style and components from the point of view of content: summary, evaluation on portrayal of characters and setting, narrative, language use, genre and themes, entertainment, insights and external information.

Skriv kort och få fler att tala - Ett försök med kortskrivande kopplat till samtal

This papper i about trying en educational method called Writing connected to dialog. This is tried on adult students studying to work in Swedish day care. The purpose was to see if this method could make a difference in classroom democracy..

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