

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 1 av 47

Amatörskrivande i en skrivarklubb

This master thesis is about amateur Writing. To understand the writers needs and wishes about Writing and access to information I have researched Writing in a Writing group. To answer my questions I have studied research literature and interviewed six of the members of the Writing group. I also participated in their meetings for two years. The result of this study shows that Writing had a therapeutic function for all of them in a period of their lives.

Teaching Writing in Theory and Practice : A Study of Ways of Working with Writing in the 9th Grade

The main purpose of this study is to take a closer look at how teachers work with Writing and to examine some theories on the teaching of Writing. Five teachers in two schools are included in order to get an insight in teachers? practical work with EFL Writing. This has been done through classroom observations and interviews. The results show that all teachers seem to use aspects from several theories.

Skrivdiskurser i kursplanen för Svenska A i gymnasieskolan

The title of this monography is Discourses of Writing in the Curriculum of the A-course in Swedish. The aim of this monograph is to find wich forms and discourses of Writing that are emphasized and premiered in the curriculum for the first course in Swedish during secondary education in Sweden, grades 10-12. What kind of Writing are presented to the students and what potentially miss due to the selection? Is any form of Writing presented more thoroughly or as more important than any other in the curriculum?The professor of linguistics, Roz Ivanic, has formed different discourses of Writing that she has found being used in education of Writing. With these discourses of Writing  I have applied them on the curriculum and then been able to see wich forms of Writing that are premiered.

Lyrik i skolan : Hur lyrik i skolan kan utveckla barns kreativa skrivande

AbstractWhen I was a child my mother and I wrote a lot of poems, but in school we didn´t write poems at all. As a teacher I want to show the children the joy and happiness of Writing poems, stories and fairy tales.The purpose of this report was to investigate the work with poetry and creative Writing in my class and how the pupils experienced their own work/Writing. I began with asking the pupils in my class a few and simple questions about poetry, then we made a diffrent kinds of poetry Writing and a finally I repeated the interviews with the children. The poetry Writing took place during six weeks under the spring semester.I found that as a teacher it is possible to work with creative Writing and poetry in diffrent ways. The pupils enjoyed the Writing and their opinions were that they had increased their skills in rhyming, Writing and spelling, that they had learnt new words and to use their fantasy and that they had learnt a great deal of how to cooperate.KeywordsCreative Writing, fantasy, poems..

Trygghet och skrivglädje : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om andraspråkselevers språk- och skrivutveckling

The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers talk about their teaching in the subject of Swedish, with a focus on L2 pupils? Writing. Data were collected through interviews with four teachers of Swedish in grades 1?3. The interview responses were compiled for interpretation and divided into four shared themes and allocated to six Writing discourses.

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi : En kvalitativ studie i förskolan och i grundskolans tidigare år

This work concerns children with reading- and Writing difficulties/dyslexia. My purpose is to investigate the practical experience of teachers as well as their everyday work with these children.My questions are:How do teachers work with children aged 4-9 who have reading- and Writing difficulties/dyslexia?Which various teaching aids exist for children who have reading- and Writing difficulties/dyslexia?Which subjects are affected by reading- and Writing difficulties/dyslexia?To answer the above questions I have used the qualitative method. I have performed interviews and observations. Previous research has shown that reading- and Writing difficulties/dyslexia is one of our most common disabilities.

Vad kan skriftspråk avslöja? : -en jämförande studie av barn med och utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter

????The aim is to examine how written production differs between students with and without difficulties in Writing. The study also examine how different difficulties within Writing interplay. It is based on analysis of ten-year old student texts with 30 texts from both an experimental and a control group. Texts were written in 1991.Both spelling, technique of Writing and syntactic complexity differ between the groups.

Flickors och pojkars användning av adjektiv i berättande texter utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

The purpose of this study was to examine six girls and boys in grade 4 use of adjectives in narrative texts and examine students' perception and experience of Writing from a gender perspective. The methods used were text analysis and an interview. The results showed that girls write more adjectives than boys, but no further significant difference in their use of adjectives was found. There was a certain stereotypical difference in which adjectives they wrote and their attitudes toward Writing. Girls are more positive to Writing and see Writing primarily important for school, while boys think Writing is important to succeed in life..

?Var ligger en kompromiss?? : Om några andraspråkselevers upplevelser av parskrivning.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the collaboration of four learners of Swedish as a second language during a pair-Writing task, as well as their experiences of the process, in order to draw conclusions about how to execute pair-Writing in the L2 classroom. The study has found that the establishment of compatible partners are of great importance to achieve success and learning through pair-Writing. One of the pairs studied managed to work well together and use each other?s knowledge to improve their text, while the other pair continuosly battled for dominance, which had a negative impact on their performance. The two successful students had enjoyed the task and believed they had learned something from it and that pair-Writing can be a useful source of knowledge.

LUS- och skrivutveckling

The purpose of this study was to compare reading development assessments with Writing assessments to create an understanding about the relationship between the reading and Writing ability of children. Another aim of the study was to look at other factors that cohere with the ability to read and write, such as background and socio-economic status. Our hypothesis was that explicit instruction in Writing is necessary to develop good Writing skills. We chose to conduct a quantitative study containing an inquiry, a dictation and a Writing task. We compared our results with reading assessments based on a reading development schedule (LUS).

Skriva för att lära : En kvalitativ studie av vilken roll attityder till skrivande spelar för lärares undervisningspraktik

This is a qualitative and hermeneutic study where I describe, analyze and interpret four Swedish teachers' perceptions of the importance of Writing as a way of acquiring knowledge. The purpose is to highlight attitudes to Writing and their impact on the teaching practice. The theoretical background discusses the autonomic aspects of scripture and pedagogical positions concerning Writing instruction. Results show that the teachers teaching positions can be traced back to their approach to Writing. However, in this study, it is difficult to tell exactly what these consequences are because the approaches of the teachers? are similar.

Barn och ungdomar skriver ? en undersökning av skrivarverksamheter

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate what kinds of Writing activities that are offered to children and young people in Sweden and if, how and why libraries are involved with them. The issues illuminated in this thesis are how children and youth can be motivated and advance in their Writing, what the purpose of Writing activities can be, and if Writing activities can be suitable as a part of the work in libraries. The theory is based on a study with Writing youth made by Catharina Nyström. In order to study the issues six interviews have been completed with persons who all have played a part in Writing activities for children and youth.

Lärares skrivdiskurser i teori och praktik. : En fallstudie av lärare i årskurs 6.

The purpose of this discourse-analytical study is to investigate teachers? beliefs about writ-ing and Writing instruction and how their beliefs and Writing instruction can be understood in relation to the Lgr11 syllabus in Swedish. The study included five teachers who teach in grade 6 of primary school, where I applied Roz Ivani??s theories of written discourses, based partly on interviews with teachers and classroom observations of teaching, partly on the Swedish curriculum for grades 4?6. The result shows that teachers move within creativi-ty, process, genre and social practice discourse, while the skills of discourse and the socio-political discourse lack matching.

?En extra grej på biblioteket? ? Skrivarverksamhet på folkbibliotek

The aim of this master thesis?s is to examine what functions Writing activities can have in the public library. Some public libraries offer their visitors Writing activities, for example courses and camps. The public library is an institution with a particular identity, with special norms and properties which participants within the institution construct and reproduce. The main question of this thesis is to investigate how Writing activities can be a part of the public library?s institutional identity and what functions Writing activities in the public library can have.

Vilken roll spelar verktyget? : Datorns betydelse för gymnasieelevers skrivande och texter

The aim of my study is to investigate if and in that case how the Writing process and texts written by students in the upper secondary school are affected by the Writing tool; does it matter if they write their texts on a computer or by longhand? Another objective is to compare such an effect with the findings of previous studies performed on earlier generations of writers. The first part of my study was a survey. It showed that two thirds of the 67 students participating thought that they would have written better texts in the national Writing test if they had been able to use computers. In the second part of the study each of the fourteen participants wrote one text on computer and another by hand.

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