

114 Uppsatser om Writer - Sida 6 av 8

Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"

The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish Writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.

Att läsa är inte någon oskyldig aktivitet. Om synen på litterära tekniker, läsare och läsning hos tre samtida svenska poeter.

This Master?s thesis explores three contemporary Swedish poets? ? Lars Mikael Raattamaa, Anna Hallberg and Johan Jönson ? understanding of their work as a political activity. By using Jonathan Culler?s theory on literary competence and literary conventions as a theoretical tool for an idea analysis, the three poets' arguments for or against certain literary techniques, and their ideas about readers and reading, are explored and discussed. In what ways are established literary methods questioned by the three poets? In what ways are established theories on readers and reading questioned? In what way can their poetic work be regarded as political? As a background, the debate about poetry in Swedish newspapers and literary magazines is presented, as well as the common focus on readers and reading in social sciences and in humanities and arts.

Det mänskligas livsluft. En ideologianalys av Krusenstjernafejden.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the debate concerning Agnes von Krusenstjernas Fröknarna von Pahlen-novels from a ideological analytic perspective. This debate came to be called The Krusenstjerna feud Krusenstjernafejden and was most intensive in the years 1934-35 after Porten vid Johannes and Älskande par had been published. We examine 8 articles using a text analytic method. We have limited ourselves to public material that is available in Swedish press and Swedish magazines. Our ambition is, through this, to determine the articles authors political point of view and ideas of preference.

Synen på aktiekapitalet : - En kritisk studie med utgångspunkt i Sverige samt en jämförelse med andra rättsordningar

Currently there is a tendency in the EU to adjust the minimum-capital requirement. In France and Germany the requirement for private limited liabilities has been totally abolished, whilst other countries have chosen to reduce their requirement. The Swedish law concerning the minimum-capital requirement is from 1st of April 2010 being lowered to 50 000 SEK. In common law jurisdictions such as United Kingdom and USA a minimum-capital requirement does not exist. The european main argument to keep such a requirement is that it accomplishes a creditor protection.

Möjlighet till flyttning av juridiska personers säte inom EU : Finns det behov av ytterligare harmonisering?

The freedom of establishment is a fundamental right on the internal market which enables companies to take up and pursue activity in other member states, ?host states?, in a non discriminatory way. In situations where a company wishes to use the right to establish in a host state, complications will be discovered since the member states are applying different principles for deciding the nationality of a company. Since the Treaty of the Function of the European Union recognize both principles, and both of the legal areas company law and European international private law lack harmonization regarding companies wishing to perform such a transaction, the situation today brings the possibility that such a company could be covered by the legal system of several member states, or maybe no legal system at all.The Court of Justice of the European Union has through case law contributed to make the scope of the freedom of establishment a little bit clearer but there are still difficulties regarding situations when a company wishes to transfer its seat to another member state with a change of nationality. Today?s measures, for example the SE-company, is not enough to satisfy the companies wishing to transfer their seat to another member state.

Kulturmaffians myggor och tigrar ? En litteratursociologisk studie av litteraturkritik och härskartekniker i en tidningsdebatt

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the literature criticism are in the Swedish media in the reception of the novel Mosquitoes and tigers from 2007 written by the Swedish author Maja Lundgren. A second aim is to examine how master suppression techniques have been used by the literature critics in the newspaper debate. This qualitative study is based upon a total of 52 articles and reviews from five big Swedish newspapers. The theoretical approach, literature criticism, mainly originates from the Swedish professor in Literature Science Tomas Forser and the literature scholar Gunnar Hansson.

Kvinnans roller i Elsa Graves diktsamling Mödrar som vargar

Abstract in EnglishElsa Grave (1918-2003) is a Swedish Writer, artist and composer. The aim of my study is to analyse the female character in Mödrar som vargar, (Mothers As Wolves), which is a collection of poems written in 1972.The analysis is divided into four parts. First I analyse the figures of speech of the female ?I? in the poems. In the second part I`m dealing with how she acts and relates to men.

När myndigheter twittrar : Att ta fram en stil för det offentliga språket på Twitter

In November 2010, The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting) distributed a survey where 53 % of the responding municipalities declared that they use Twitter. Out of the municipalities that declared they did not use social media, 49 % answered that they were planning on using it but that they had not gotten started. The purpose with social media was primarily declared to be maintaining dialogue with citizens and a channel for information.The informal ?twittersphere? is a new environment for the conventionally formal government communication, and with it comes an entirely new set of demands on the style and content of texts, compared to other media. The purpose of my work was to present a style proposal for the public sector?s communication on Twitter, with the help of theory and empirical data.My methods consisted of text analysis and qualitative interviews.

Nyhetens behag: En kvantitativ studie av möjligheter och risker med produktplacering på modebloggar

The advantages with product placement in blogs compared to traditional media is shown in earlier empirical findings where consumers found blog posts more credible and informative than a corresponding article in a web paper. It can therefore be argued that the informal structure and personal tonality of the blog reinforces the effects of product placement on brand attitude and intention to buy as the consumer has no persuasion knowledge and does not detect the rewriting of the product as commercial.This paper?s overall aim is to provide concrete implications for how to manage product placement on fashion blogs. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate the communicative effects of product placement in fashion blogs as well as to examine if a revelation of commercial interest behind a blog posts about a certain brand effects the consumers? attitude towards the blog and/or brand attitude and intention to buy.

A thematic analysis of Roald Dahl?s adult fiction

In the area of short stories there is little doubt that Roald Dahl has been an influential Writer. Dahl´s short stories have been presented to the general public through TVbraodcasts but in order to grasp the true spirit of Dahl´s writing the best method is, of course, reading his books. The fictional works of Roald Dahl can be divided into two major categories: stories for adults and stories for children. This essay is concerned with the second grouping and is an attempt to analyse three themes that are of particular importance to his work. After a brief biographical note on the author, the essay analyses the element of the macabre in Dahl?s writing.

Lärarnas synpunkter på genus och jämställdhet i skolan : Hur lärarkåren inom skolväsendet arbetar med könsfrågor såsom genus och jämställdhet i skolan

The aim of this study was to examine how the interviewed teachers in one school observe their view of gender and equality regarding the educational system.  Accordingly, I would like to present my intention with this study, also be to analyze how the interviewed teachers way of working with matters of gender and equality, carry out as a portrait of their values considering the distribution in terms of gender. The research questions are the following: What is the teachers view on the concepts of equality and gender in school?How do different teachers talk about their way of working in relation to gender and equality in school?How is boys and girls images presented in the teachers descriptions in their discussion about gender and equality?This study is based on a fundamental qualitative method, where a handful number of teacher?s from one school were interviewed in order to obtain information and data for the examination. The interviews were analyzed and discussed in association to earlier research in aspiration to study different Writer?s theories about the conception of gender and equality.

Symbolism och impressionism i Ivar Conradsons Skyarne

This essay examines the poetry of the Swedish Writer Ivar Conradson (1885-1968). Itanalyzes his work in the context of the European literary scene of the late 19th century, inparticular symbolism and impressionism. Conradson has been considered a symbolist and amysticist by critics and scholars, who claim that his poetry expresses a strong religious ethos,influenced by biblical rhetoric as regards style.While this study does not refute the common view of Conradson, it argues that his earlyworks differ from his later works, where indeed religious and mystical themes can be found.This difference can thus be seen both on stylistic and thematic levels. Using the structuralistmethod of Roman Jakobson and Jurij Lotman, and a phenomenological analysis based on thephilosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt, this study examines bothsymbolist and impressionist stylistic devices and themes in Conradson?s literary debutSkyarne (1906).

V?rt st?rre f?dernesland ? Paneuropa i Tidevarvet och svensk debatt 1924?1936

This is a reception study on how the idea of Paneuropa, as launched by the austrian count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1923, was received by the political weekly magazine Tidevarvet, a product of ? and an opinion forming organ for ? the social liberal wing of the Swedish suffrage- and peace movements. The main purpose is to examine to what extent there was an existent Europeanism in the public debate in Sweden during the interwar period, and how that discourse was constructed through the conceptual pairings disruption/unity and parts/whole. The study is conducted mainly through discourse analysis, combined with partly new research into sources such as the parliament, the newspapers and civil society to try to initiate a mapping over the wider reception of the Paneuropa project in a Swedish context. The study finds that the subject of Paneuropa is present throughout the almost entire period of the publication, namely 1924?1936, and that the question of a federal Europe is closely connected to the pacifist attitude of the editorial staff in general and Writer/editor Elin W?gner in particular.

Finansiering via Crowdfunding : En kvantitativ studie om ägarbilden i små företag

One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialbarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.

Identitetsskapande i och genom ungdomslitteratur. En textanalys av Per Nilssons ungdomsböcker Anarkai och Ett annat sätt att vara ung

This Masters thesis is a study in library and information science, that examines literature as a tool for young people in their identity creation. Both scientists and teachers have found that teenagers like to identify themselves, when reading literature. The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how youths construct their identity through reading in relation to the purpose that libraries and cultural politics have in youth novels. The starting point of this study is the sociologist Thomas Ziehe and his idea about identity try-out identitetsutprovning and Erving Goffmans dramaturgy perspective. The main question is: what is the relation between young peoples identity creation in youth novels and in their reality in proportion to the young peoples reading of youth literature and the science about their reading? The question is answered in three parts.

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