

10739 Uppsatser om Work self efficacy - Sida 53 av 716

Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck

The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.

Barnbibliotekariers syn på arbetet med små barn en kvalitativ studie

The aim with this thesis, based on five childrens librarians statements, is to highlight their view of their work, and what they deem to be of importance when working with small children within the library sphere. My main question is as follows: What motive compels childrens librarians in their work with small children, and will Vygotskys theories be recognised in their statements. I have two questions as a base for this main question: How do childrens librarians work with small children, and do they utilise any special methods in their work? How do childrens librarians view their work tasks, and what do they deem to be of importance regarding small children and libraries? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. As a theory I have decided to concentrate on Vygotskys thoughts on imagination and creativity, the Zone of Proximal Development, and childrens language development.

Stor blandning - lika behandling. En bra metod för jämställdhetsarbete : en utvärderingsstudie av Svenska innebandyförbundets likabehandlingsprojekt

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the working model, presented by The Swedish Floorball Federation, has been a good method to work with gender equality within Swedish floorball associations. The purpose of the The Swedish Floorball Federation?sproject was for its associations to develop a plan of action for how to act to be an equal treatment association pursuing an equal treatment sport. 13 associations answered the questionnaire study. The result show that the great majority clearly found a need of change to become more equally treating and most of those associations have somewhat of an idea how to realize those changes.

Var börjar mitt ansvar?

Career counselors in schools have for a long time reported a feeling that their work is not as important as teachers work. According to the Swedish Curriculum for the compulsory schools, all staff is responsible for viable counseling for pupils. Therefore, this study focuses on teachers, headmasters and a school executive director view of school career counseling, how they experience the fulfillment of curriculum goals and how it interferes/interacts with their work. To analyze the empirical material we collected from interviews, we used theoretical terms of organizational theory with focus on social structures, differentiation and integration. We also used the career theory of Super.

Boendepedagog: strävan från yrke till profession : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av boendepedagogik

The aim of the study was to look at a particular work group of housing supporters, whomhave implemented two special working methods in their work. The methods have been implemented by two of the housing supporters that also have special education in the methodsSOC (Sense of Coherence) and solution focused brief therapy. The study is based on anethnographic observation and analysis of documents that are used in the implementation. To analyse the information that was given at the observation and in the document I´ve used a theory which illustrates the significance of developing professions so their knowledge become legitimate. I´ve also used a theory that illustrates the importance of implementation and how it´s done at its best.

Projektledares psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom offentlig verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie i Värmlands landsting

Thesis in project management, D-level by Chris Baldebo & Anders Persson spring semester2011. Tutor: Lennart Ljung. ?Project Manager's Psychosocial Work Environment in thePublic Sector ? A Qualitative Study in the Värmland County Council?.The purpose of this study is to examine how project managers in the public sector perceivetheir psychosocial work environment in a public organization. Therefore we have formulateda hypothesis based on the assumption that there exist differences in how project managersperceive their psychosocial work environment, depending on whether they work in public orprivate sector.Based on the objective, one research question has been formulated: How do projectmanagers active in the Pegasus program experience their psychosocial work environment? Tobe able to say something characteristic about the project managers psychosocial workenvironment our approach has been to interview five project managers.

Vilka hinder förekommer utmed gångstråk och hur kan de åtgärdas : samt hur kommunerna använt resultatet från tillgänglighetsinventeringar och hur de upplevt stödet från Vägverket Region Mälardalen

To be able to compete on the market environmental Management System has become an important part of operations work. However, many companies still haven?t implemented an environmental management systems due to lack of time and the high costs. One of the companies with this problem is Falu Bildemontering. Their goal is to accredited according to the ISO 14 001 certificate.

Underhålls- och driftplanering inom Svenska kyrkan : Hur ser kontrollen ut hos en av Sveriges största fastighetsägare?

This diploma work handles how some parishes of the Swedish Church administrate their building properties.The report also includes how some external property managers in Sweden work with maintenance plans and other maintenance issues. Further, a number of deficiencies have been identified and suggestions to workarounds are treated. The conclusions drawn in this thesis are based on the author´s experience in the field, performed interviews, and literature studies. The result of the work shows a general lack of knowledge in many parishes what concerns regulatory requirements, properties with no maintenance plan and substandard supervision resulting in unnecessary and expensive repairs. Based on these results, different plans for the maintenance of the building properties of the Swedish Church has been proposed..

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med halvspråkiga elever

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers conduct their teaching to be language developing, and how they in a practical way work with semi-speaking students who have language deficits in the Swedish language and / or their native language. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed six teachers working at a high school.The school that these teachers work at execute a language developing teaching throughout all the courses in the school. All teachers have a similar idea of what language developing work is, however, how they go about and what is emphasized most in the teaching differs. The reason for this is because these teachers have different experiences with the language developing teaching. These professionals agree that this approach is very important and that all teachers, regardless of subject, should work in a language developing way, in parallel with the rest of their subjects.

Varför lönearbeta? : En studie om två individers erfarenheter och värderingar kring arbetslivet

The aim of this study is to describe how two wage-earners experience and value their work. I chose a descriptive reserch approach and I conducted a qualitative study in the form of two interviews. I have applied two well-known theories from the field of social psychology ? the individualisation and Sence Of Coherence (SOC) ? to enhance my arguments and to improve my comprehension in the subjekt. The study reveals that my informants feel good and get motivated as wage-earners. By waged labor they feel securcity, meaningfullness, confirmation and belonging, which makes salaried work high valued.

Ett förslag till arbetsmöbel för användning i det offentliga rummet. : -examensarbete i samarbete med Nola AB

During spring 2007, I Matilda Lindblom, undertook my Bachelor Degree project in Furniture Design. The supervisors were Agneta Stake at Nola in Stockholm and Leo Jóhannsson, teacher and examiner at Carl Malmsten CTD in Stockholm.The project was based on three elements:? Cooperate together with a producer for professional supervision? Learn to work from a given design brief.? To learn more about industrial production? Learn more about furniture for public areasI contacted a furniture producer called Nola AB, in Stockholm, who became my work partner during this project. The asked me to design a piece of furniture where you can sit and work with a laptop on. The target was for public areas, for example in parks, malls, or at airports.In cooperation with Nola, my ambition was to develop this piece of furniture that was the answers on their wishes and demands.

Jämförande studie av svensk statistik gällande arbetsolyckor och sjukdomar på fartyg för år 2011

This report is about Swedish statistics on work related accidents and work related diseases onboard Swedish ships. The authors analyzed collected statistics from two authorities and an insurance organization in an attempt to compare the data. In order to understand the need for statistics and why the authority publishes them; minor literature study was conducted. The results of the literature study are in the background chapter. The requirements for the different cases to be registered in the statistics have been investigated, in unity with the issue in question.

Uppföljning av familjehemsplaceringar: inte bara brandkårsutryckningar

The purpose of this essay was to examine how professional social workers work with follow up foster home placements. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten professional social workers from different municipalities in Skåne in an attempt to answer the following questions:* What routines exist for the follow-up work with foster care?* What factors have an impact on how the follow-up is formed in the particular case?* How can the follow-up affect outcomes of the placement?* In what way could the work with follow-up foster home placements develop?The theories we chose to analyze our material from was the ecology of human development formed by Urie Bronfenbrenner and the theory of civil courage formed by Lennart Lundquist. The interviews were semi-structural which gave the respondents a chance to talk in a free way about the questions we presented.The result of the study showed that there is a difference in the way social workers form the follow-up work of foster care. The greatest difference is in whom the social workers include in their follow-up.

Roadmate re:design : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen vid redesign av en digital tjänst

This report describes the initial work intended for updating the car sharing service Roadmate. Roadmate is one of the services received by the car rental company Hertz First Rent a Car. The goal was to present the client with design- and structure proposals for a car sharing service that includes high usability and at the same time remains aesthetically pleasing.The work is based on an initial study with data collection, mapping the target user group and its needs. Subsequent structural and design proposals for Roadmates company carpooling service are based on the facts surrounding the target group's needs. The result are well developed and tested design sketches with accompanying visual identity and sitemaps that can be the basis for the further work on the development of the service..

Är ungdomstjänst gynnsam?

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the sentences handed down to young offenders can be considered fair. We wanted to take an in-depth look at the penalties to understand how they work. To clarify our purpose, we used the following questions: How does organizing sanctions work in practice? What support services are offered to the young? What can be done to ensure sentences are as favorable as possible for young people? The empirical material is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social workers from two different municipalities. We also made use of previous research in the field as a reference tool.

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