

11656 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 7 av 778

Ansvarsfull turism : Svenska researrangörers arbete med ansvarsfull turism

Because of the increasing numbers of international tourist arrivals each year it is essential that tourist operators are aware of the impacts that tourism generate. Tourism affects the world in an environmental, social and economic way, positive but also in a negative way. To travel responsible and sustainable is therefore important, and operators have a responsibility in this subject.Because of this I wanted to look at how Swedish tourist operators manage responsible tourism, together with what amount of information their customers receive about this. To be able to study how operators work with this I conducted three interviews via email. The tourist operators were of different sizes and specializations to receive a more extensive result.

En privatisering av arbetsskadeförsäkringen

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the possibilities and problems facing a privatised work injury insurance. This discussion includes the element of premium differentiation. Todays´ Swedish social insurance system is ineffectively formed. The costs have dramatically increased during the 1990´s. The Swedish government is now looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the system.

Resan mot hållbar turism : En studie av CSR i förhållande till pris inom turismindustrin

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to integrate into their ongoing work. CSR is about social, environmental- and financial responsibilities. The tourism industry often involves large impacts especially on environmental and social factors, which is why CSR-work plays an important role according to previous studies. One trend that has increased among consumers in the tourism industry during recent years is to travel to the lowest possible price. It has for example become increasingly common to book airfare by budget airlines.

Money vs. Happiness : En fallstudie om CSR på företaget Fair Travel Tanzania

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about facing responsibilities towards a company?s employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and the environment. As customers and consumers came to seek companies that were dealing with CSR a rapid wave of ?forced? implementations of social responsibility began. Fair Travel Tanzania, which has CSR as the foundation of the company, says that they are transparent about what they do and how they give back to the locals, could it be a problem with this? And how do they actually give back to the locals? Is it possible to measure the impact of CSR activities within the company? And if so, how?.

Diabetes Mellitus typ 1: Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter i arbetet med ungdomar : En litteraturstudie

Abstract Background: Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that worldwide greatly increases among children and adolescents. Major demands are required from the individual who has this disease, which also requires significant knowledge from the nurses so they can be able to develop and create individual conditions for children and adolescents. Thus, the children and the adolescents can be able to take responsibility and feel secure in their own care. The nurse's techniques and specific tools in this work are however not particularly noteworthy and therefore needs to be advised.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences nurses have of supporting adolescents, between 12-18 years, with type 1 diabetes to an increased understanding of the disease and also to examine the methodological aspect data collection in the articles of this study. Method: A descriptive, literature study according to Polit and Beck (2012).

Intern marknadsföring inom hotellbranschen: en fallstudie av två hotell

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the use of internal marketing in the hotel industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels in the same region, Quality Hotell Statt and Pite Havsbad. The case study is based on personal interviews with the managers of each hotel, who have the ultimate responsibility of the internal marketing work. The research questions were based on why the hotel industry work with internal marketing and how the hotel industry work with internal marketing. The study showed that the hotel industry work with internal marketing on daily basis to get low employee turnover rates, increased employee job satisfaction and high quality services.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av sitt arbete

Purpose: Our aim is to get an insight on how home care workers experience, handle and looks upon their work. We also want to form an opinion of how home care workers experience the relationship to the clients they meet.Questions: How does home care workers experience their daily work with their clients? Home care workers daily meet many different sorts of clients with different needs, how do they handle this? What kind of support does home care workers get in their work?Method: A qualitative design with semistructured interviews.Conclusion: The most central conclusion from all of our interviews were: that home care service workers has a very stressful and demanding occupation, that the work has a low status, that the personnel has a big responsibility for the wellbeing of other people and that they often find their work satisfying and fun. To have someone to talk to and exchange ideas with was also mentioned by the informants as a vital part of feeling support in their work. From the Antonovskys theory, a sense of coherence, and Goffmans views of the society, we also find that the larger part of our informants feel a high sense of coherence and that when they have to adjust to their different caretakers they play different roles..

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om företags syn på hållbarhetsredovisning och det praktiska hållbarhetsarbetet

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the companies approach to sustainability and to examine the relationship between the report content and the sustainability efforts businesses are making in practice.Method: The study has a qualitative perspective with semi-structured interviews and content analysis as method to collect data. Three companies were interviewed; Tekniska Verken AB, Apoteket AB and Max hamburgerrestauranger AB. The content analysis was used when collecting data from the three companies? sustainability reports.Frame of reference: Legitimacy theory, Stakeholder theory, Institutional theory, the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility.Results: The result showed that all companies are prepared to work for sustainable development and that they view sustainability as an integrated part of their work. The sustainability report is the basis for sustainability reporting, which is a way for companies to demonstrate to their stakeholders what they stand for and what they implement in practice.

Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK

The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it?s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events.The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed.

Motivation i stora organisationer, En fallstudie över hur Microsoft motiverar sina anställda

Theoretically, when an organization grows large it has to formalize its structure and exercise control by more regulations. The negative side effect might in turn be demotivated employees (machine bureaucracy). However, practice seems to contradict theory. Therefore, we decided to investigate how a large company, in this case Microsoft, succeeds in creating motivation despite some machine bureaucratic tendencies. The essential findings are that the employees feel motivated by the fact that they are allowed freedom with responsibility.

Är rättvisemärkt värdeskapande? : en kvantitativ undersökning ur ett studentperspektiv

Background: There is no guarantee that products should be equitable produced. Many products in today's trade is produced by minors, resulting in poor working environment, and gives the workers low payment. Fairtrade is the only label on the market that ensures that farmers receive fair payment for their products. Aim: The central aim with our work is to see what the future consumers, in other words students from Lund's university, Malmö College and The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp, think about products labeled with Fairtrade, and what they consider is value creation for food products. Students are often relatively young; they educate themselves and have new thoughts and valuations about how the world should be.

Tar vi vårt ansvar? En granskning av Sveriges politik för global utveckling

This thesis deals with the theories of ecological and environmental justice and applies them onto Swedish politics. Confronting the divide in the literature between anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives, its aim is to seek points of agreement within this important field of environmental politics. In the theoretical discussion, definitions are made of the concepts sustainability, justice and responsibility. These definitions try to link ecological and environmental justice arguments with a focus on the global level.The object of analysis is the former Swedish governments? bill ?Common responsibility: Swedish politics for global development? which was accepted in 2003.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap för byggproduktion

A large cost at the construction sites today is the labour cost of the workers. But unfortunately the worker potential is not used to full. It is not unusual to take into a count with a work-­?place-­?additional-­?time of 50% in some cases. By increasing the workers' motivation and responsibility for their tasks may reduce the time considerably, which also increases the potential for greater gains in construction projects.By using the situational leadership may the workers level of maturity develop entirely.

Multinationella företag som demokratifrämjare. Illustrerat av H&M:s CSR-arbete i Bangladesh

The main argument of the thesis is that multinational companies (MNCs) can promote democracy through corporate social responsibility (CSR). MNCs hold some prerequisites giving them the means to create positive changes. But they lack one important prerequisite: knowledge about local conditions. Therefore the best CSR result is reached through partnerships with local NGOs.H&M's CSR-work in Bangladesh, including a partnership with the Bangladeshi women's rights organisation Karmojibi Nari, serves as an illustrating case. It is argued that the CSR-work promotes democracy through strengthening the civil society, through indirectly implementing national laws concerning labour legislation and human rights and through raising awareness about rights and legislation among the workers.The CSR process changes the terms for both NGOs and MNCs.

Vem bär ansvar för Somalias internflyktingar?

The aim of this thesis is to examine the rights of internally displaced persons as well as finding out whose responsibility it is to maintain these rights. The questions being answered are: what policies, laws and conventions are addressing internally displaced persons in Somalia (mainly from within Somalia, UN and AU)? And; which principal similarities and differences in these documents are to find regarding what type of protection internally displaced persons can get? Whose responsibility is it to intervene if these rights and rules are not maintained? To answer these questions I have used a liberal-universal theoretical framework. The analysis is a describing case study of comparative nature between the Provisional Somalia Constitution, UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Kampala Convention. The result shows that there are many different rights of internally displaced persons in Somalia.

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