

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 62 av 779

AI i verksamheter: Ett effektiviserings- och riskhanteringsperspektiv. En studie om till?mpningen av AI i organisationer

The purpose of this work was to investigate and provide understanding regarding how AI can be used to make organizations more efficient, where risk management is also discussed. The basic model for the study is the Resource-based view, which is about making use of one's resources which are described through many different perspectives. The method used for this study was a qualitative analysis, which was applied through interviews with several people with high positions within companies and relevant skills, based on insight and experiential knowledge.These people work in different industries, therefore a large part of the work was intended to carry out a comparative analysis between a line of different businesses. The results showed that AI is in a developing phase, and based on the respective industry, it has developed in different ways. Finally, it turned out that AI can make businesses more efficient by, among other things, managing data and automating various work processes faster compared to humans.

Ergonomisk arbetsmiljö för kundtjänstpersonal

In today?s society, there are many people who suffer from physical pains due to their work situation. To work sitting down by a desk long hours every day is quite normal but this is a problem. People that sit down and work in the same position all day long the whole week will eventually be affected by long-term work injuries.Large multinational companies around the world offer a customer service where they serve customers who have experienced a problem with that company?s products or services.

Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008

My essay is on the subject of teachers work environment with focus on noise and communication. In the essay questions are raised on how a teacher can influence his or hers noisy work environment. A school is a large work place with many employees and is owned and administered by the county municipality which is an even bigger workplace. How big an acting space does a teacher have in such a large organization?My methods of research on these questions have been to conduct interviews and analyzing documentation from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.

The High Line : hur väl fungerar promenadstråket som grön kil i New York City?

This study was made to compare construction companies for gardens way to work with up following, with purpose to see if there was an efficient and not resource demanded system which gave much value. To achieve the purpose a case study was made. The delimitation for the case study was only to compare the work with up following on individual project. The delimitation on the companies in the study was from ten to sixty employees. That because to reach companies were it´s not the same person how calculates on tenders and than perform the projects. The study was delimitated to the west side of Skåne. T o be able to compare the companies and to find trends, an interviewguide was made and was used during the interviews with the companies.

Kulturpolitikers syn på folkbiblioteket ? en studie i Västerbottens inland.

The main purpose of this Master thesis is to illuminate the understanding of local politicians regarding the public libraries and the librarians. We argue that the local politicians´ opinions regarding public libraries and librarians influence the way they act and react in their roles as politicians.In order to achieve the aim of this thesis we focused on following questions:What are the opinions of the politicians:- regarding themselves in relation to the public library?- concerning public libraries in general and its functions especially in the municipalities of their own?- concerning the librarians and their work in a public function?What are the conclusions to be drawn regarding the politicians´ interest and commitment to public libraries in the politic daily-life of the municipalities? Our empiric material consists of qualitative interviews with six politicians elected in two municipalities in the interior of Västerbotten, a northern sparsely populated district. In order to distinguish the various opinions that emerge from the material, we apply a phenomenographic approach. The analysis result we present in three conceivable categories in order to express the different opinions.In general our study points at a positive and favourable attitude to the public library, and all the respondents assume that the municipality ought to offer this service.

Slagverk och dans

The purpose of this work is to explore the artistic processes of an ensemble where a musician and one or more dancers play together, either by improvising or by interpreting music that is written for the ensemble. The main themes are about finding ways to work with written material and still keep the communication between the music and the dance alive. The author is also interested in finding ways of identifying himself in the medium of dance although he is a musician. The result of this work can be seen in this text and in the attached film material..

Arbetssätt kring värdeflödesanalys för tillverkning av marina båtmotorer på Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta has been producing boat engines since 1907 and are world leading in this seg­ment. They have today an extended range and also sell industrial power stations. Quality, safe­ty and environmental care are three core values for Volvo and together they strive to give their customers the right product with the right quality.Volvo has developed a production system named Volvo Production System, VPS, and one of the pillars is continuous improvements. Within this pillar you can find value stream map­ping, which is used to analyze the value stream through the process. This tool gives a wide perspective and helps to keep focus on the entire process instead of just parts of it.Volvo Penta in Vara has earlier done value stream mapping but without good results since they didn?t take set-up times and imbalances in account.

Intranät En kommunikationskanal för alla?

Intranet is today a common technical groupware to communicate in many organisations. People can interact through the Intranet and communicate within the organization and get relevant information according to their workplace. It can be difficult to get everybody to use the Intranet as an information- and communication tool. This causes problems when people want to reach out with information. With these thoughts we entered our work at Luftfartsverket at Arlanda airport.

Tvåspråkiga barn i förskolan : Pedagogens arbete i dagens mångkulturella Sverige

Today?s Sweden becomes more and more multicultural, with a mixture of many different languages. Many children are raised to learn two or more parent languages. If you work as an educationalist in preschool you will probably come in contact with these children. The question is how you should treat them and ease their development of languages.The purpose with this work is to find answers to the question if bilingual children develop their languages by the same method as monolingual and how one as an educationalist can make these children?s development of language easier.The papers preface is a part of literature that describes different researchers view on the bilingual children?s development of language and how one, as an educationalist, can ease it.To my study I have chosen to interview three educationalists in preschool who all work with bilingual children.

Ingen examen utaninformationskompetens? : En studie om universitetsbibliotekariers uppfattning av informationskompetens i relation till studenter och undervisning

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.

Corporate Social Responsibility : En innehållsanalys av global gruvindustri

Datum: 2007-05-31Problem: Vilka skillnader och likheter förekommer det i rapporteringen av Corporate Social Responsibility mellan olika världsdelar?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att via en innehållsanalys av ett urval av företag inom gruvindustrin, skapa en förståelse för vilka huvudfrågor som företag väljer att inkludera i sin CSR-rapportering på de olika världsdelarna: Afrika, Asien, Europa, Oceanien och Nord- och Sydamerika. I undersökningen önskar vi urskilja de skillnader och likheter som förekommer i CSR-rapportens utformning beroende på dess ursprung.Metod: Med ett positivistiskt angreppssätt och en abduktiv forskningsansats har vi gått in i vår forskning. Utifrån en semikvantitativ innehållsanalys har vi studerat 30 olika gruvföretags CSR-rapporter i sex världsdelar. I studien har vi innehaft ett redovisarperspektiv där vi med objektiva ögon granskat rapporterna.Resultat/slutsatser: De slutsatser som vi dragit i denna studie är att det förekommer både skillnader och likheter mellan de olika världsdelarnas utformning av CSR-rapporter inom gruvindustrin.

Definitionsproblem i sexualbrottslagen : -bristen i definieringen av begreppet vuxen

AbstractThe ideas of adulthood, adolescence and childhood in Swedish law have a tendency to not be expressed or discussed. This thesis has focused on the preparatory work of the sexual offence-law to see whether it defines adulthood. This has been achieved by analyzing the documents related to this preparatory work. The thesis focused on two central questions: 1) Was the idea of adulthood an integral part of the discussions in the preparatory work 2) If so, then how was it defined and are there any contradictions in the definition. In addition, this work also evaluated the impact of this law and investigated whether the absolute protection intended by the government and the committee of sexual crime seek actually exists.The study shows that the concept of adulthood was not defined specifically in the preparatory work.

Drama eller teater - det är frågan : En jämförelse mellan dramapedagogiska begrepp och teaterämnets samt Scenisk gestaltning 1-3:s centrala innehåll

This work has treated the subject of gender, with demarcation against the norms regarding appearance and beauty, conveyed by the media and how it affects society. This is expressed through social satire cartoons. This work has also led to an exploration of the importance of a personal drawing style and how it manifests itself..

"Lika enkelt att pröva den där kärleksgrejen" : Svenska mäns erfarenheter av relationer som inletts med sexköp i Thailand En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study in social work was to investigate, describe and analyze six Swedish men?s description and experiences of relationships with bargirls in Thailand, whom the men initially paid for sexual services. We also aim to find out how these men look upon prostitu-tion, masculinity and gender and we analyze these themes in relation to the men?s description of their relationships. The theoretical approach was social constructivist theories of masculini-ty in combination with gender theory.

Den främsta förändringen i vardagsarbetet: en studie av bibliotekariers syn på förändring och stabilitet i arbetet

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what librarians in seven public libraries experience as major change in their work tasks. We are also interested in exploring how these changes influence librarians? ways of working. In addition to this we want to explore if librarians have experienced change in relation to user?s expectations and demands and if so, how they are met.

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