

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 35 av 779

Vobb - familjevänligt eller företagsvänligt?

Work gets more seamless and the demand on workers increases because of changes in the labour market. Studies show benefits for workers and companies if the employee achieves a balance between work and family, a way to facilitate it is family-friendly policies. A study done by Unionen shows that three out of four white collar workers choose to vobba (working and caring for a sick child), which blurs the boundaries between work and family. Research on flexibility, organisational culture and gender structures shows how these aspects affect the balance between work and family. This is a study where seven white collar workers (three men) that vobbar and two managers (one man) were interviewed.

Corporate Social Responsibility och bankverksamhet Framtagandet av en modell för en banks CSR-arbete

Banker utgör en kritisk och viktig del av samhället, parallellt med detta diskuterasföretags roll och ansvar i samhället idag i stor omfattning. Debatten är inte ny och harunder en längre tid diskuterats i den akademiska litteraturen och det mediala rummet.I dessa sammanhang nämns ofta begreppet corporate social responsibility (CSR).Begreppet är omdiskuterat och det råder ingen konsensus kring exempelvisdefinitioner av begreppet. Det kan göra det luddigt att arbeta med dessa frågor ochoklart vad det innebär.Författarnas syfte med denna studie är att presentera en modell vilken kan ligga somgrund för en bank som vill integrera CSR i sina affärsprocesser. Författarnaåstadkommer detta genom extensiva litteraturstudier och en mindre empiriskinsamling där både svenska storbanker och en mindre nischbank studeras.Tillvägagångssättet gör att modellen har god teoretisk förankring och kan användas aven bank som vill integrera CSR i sina affärsprocesser. Modellen utgår från treansvarsområden; ett juridiskt, ett ekonomiskt och ett etiskt.

Daglig verksamhet : En väg till arbete, eller ?

The purpose of this study was to examine two medium-sized municipalities are working to people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to go from daily activities to a paid employment in the regular labor. Work is seen as a civil right and is a measure of participa-tion in society. The Swedish government believes that the work must be available to all that includes people with intellectual disabilities. Even so, daily activities, the contribution of LSS is increases the most. The daily activities will offer incentives, development, and community and shall contribute to people get access to work or studies.

Från Rio via Kyoto, till Marrakech. Hur har rättviseproblematiken tolkats i anpassningsdiskussionerna?

Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges in our history. As the average temperature is rising due to anthropogenic emissions, impacts such as floods, droughts and hurricanes, affect the lives of millions of people. Though the least developed countries are least responsible for emissions, they are the worst affected. This thesis focuses on environmental justice in the adaptation discourse. By outlining the adaptation discourse from the United Framework Convention on Climate Change principles, to the Marrakesh Accords, via the Kyotoprotocol my ambition is to analyse how environmental justice has been interpreted in relation to the adaptation discourse.

Att måla läppstift på grisen: En fallstudie om den interna interaktionen mellan Inköp och Miljö i arbetet mot hållbar utveckling

During the last years, the importance of sourcing in firms has increased. Globalization, fierce competition and an increased level of outsourcing are common explanations to why firms have highlighted the potential to realize savings and the value creation that the Purchasing department can generate. One trend that follows in parallel with globalization is an increased pressure from society on firms to take responsibility for the impact that its products and services have on the environment. This responsibility creates even more attention as outsourcing involves trade with suppliers in low wage countries, where the level of environmental and social responsibility is not always satisfying. The Purchasing department, the firm?s interface with suppliers should therefore, together with the firm?s Environmental department, play a key role in the firm?s contribution towards sustainable development.

Kvinnokonventionen- självklar men frånvarande. : En kvalitativ studie om implementering av Kvinnokonventionen

The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, CEDAW, in Uppsala local council and county council. The aim is to examine how the respondents, in their daily work, understand and implement the convention as well as how they consider the prerequisites for a successful implementation. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with three civil servants and four politicians. The theoretical approach was implementation theory whose concepts willingness, comprehension and capability were used as tools for the analysis. The results portray CEDAW as a well-known treaty amongst the respondents but at the same time absent in local politics and everyday work.

?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete

The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.

TILLGÄNGLIGHET PÅ SVENSKA KOMMUNERS WEBBPLATSER : En kartläggning av kommuners arbete med att göra deras webbplats tillgänglig för personer med funktionsnedsättning.

Swedish municipalities' websites contain vast amounts of information that caters to a broad audience. For users to be able to access this information, it is important that the website is accessible, to everyone. 74 percent of people with disabilities states in a survey conducted by the Swedish Agency for Participation (2015a) that they use the internet to make contact with local municipalities, but simultaneously more than 1 out of 10 experiences difficulties associated with the use of computers and the Internet, according to Statistics Sweden (2014). The purpose of this study was to identify how Swedish municipalities are working to make their website available for people with disabilities. The study also examined what municipalities should do to make available their website and what difficulties are in the process of making a municipal website available. In working with this survey people who have insights into the subject and seven community representatives were interviewed.

Transportör : Lokal logistik

This report is the result of a project work carried out at Karlstad University in conjunctionwith the local consulting firm Camatec where most of the work has been performed.The work can be classified as a classic engineering work with supportive theories andcalculations which in this context is relevant.The engineering project has focused on developing new standards for a conveyor that is usedin the Värmland paper industry where large rolls of paper are produced. A conveyor can takeits appearance in many different forms but in this thesis it has been an exemplary look and ithas also become modulatable with a central section, a drive end and a turning end.The construction work has been build under CAD programs such as Pro Engineer, drawingshave been created and costings have been analyzed. Strength calculations have been made andcooperation from several different companies have erected to explore different solutions andideas for a modern and sustainable conveyor..

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Health care is increasingly complex, which increases the demand for knowledge and expertise. Despite this, the share of specialized nurses, including anaesthesia nurses, has decreased from 65% to 48% from year 1995 to year 2008, according to statistics from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) in 2010. Studies indicate that there may be various factors in the work environment that anaesthesia nurses, choose to leave the anaesthesia profession. The purpose of this study was to examine how anaesthesia nurses experienced the physical and psychosocial work. The study was conducted as a descriptive study with qualitative approach.

Betydelsen av personalens engagemang fo?r att arbeta med arbetsmiljo?arbete : -med utga?ngspunkt ifra?n fyra engagemangskapande faktorer

The purpose is to increase awareness of the importance of staff engagement in the work environment and how the organization works to engage employees to want to participate actively in the work environment.The questions we seek answers to in this study is the following:What affects the staff to engage in the work environment from a managementperspectiveAre there external factors that affect the organization and the individual's engagementto work with the working environment?We have create a model that is based on recent research to define our definition of engagement. The model contains four factors : Clarity, Advocacy opportunities, resources and feedback. The method we have used to answer the purpose in this study is ten qualitative interviews with persons with work environment responsibilities.The result shows that the engagement regarding work environment is important to get the employees to actively participate. To get the engagement from the employees the organizations need to provide, clarrity, advocacy opportunities, resources and give mutual feedback.

Fritid - en väg till integration : en studie av praktiskt, lokalt integrationsarbete

According to our apprehension, work of integration is commonly considered managed in the main best through the labour market. Since this path is not available to everybody we wanted to find out how work of integration also can be practised in other areas. The purpose of this paper is to, with focus on children and youth, find out and analyze in what way the people working locally in residential areas and in associations, reflects around integration in general and within their own business, plus in what way they pursue local work of integration practically. The method we have used is qualitative, with unstructured, individual interviews. Our seven respondents within local authority, church and sport clubs, have told us about their work from a perspective of integration.

Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar

The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..

Läsa skönlitteratur i skolan : Hur pedagoger motiverar och stimulerar alla elever

AbstractThe purpose with this study is to find out how pedagogues, who teach in the early years of primary school, motivate and stimulate all pupils so they want to read a lot of fiction. The research also includes finding out more about why the pedagogues work as they do. The research starts with a study of current literature which deals with how teachers should work with motivation and stimulation in school. To find out how the pedagogues work in school I have made qualitative interviews with four pedagogues who work in the early years of primary school. The result shows that all of the pedagogues motivate and stimulate pupils in similar ways.

Immersion : Spatialisering av elektronisk musik

The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..

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