

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 16 av 779

Att vara lärare med interkulturell kompetens : En kvalitativ studie med förskolelärare/lärare som gått interkulturell lärarutbildning

The Swedish school is today a meeting place for many people with different cultures. The teacher education at Södertörn University have since 2002 been influenced by an intercultural profile. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the intercultural profile of Södertörn University is expressed in preschool- teachers/ teachers work. Is an intercultural approach requested in schools and is intercultural approach useful and applicable in the teaching profession? The report is based on a qualitative study of what intercultural competence means for five preschool- teachers/ teachers who have graduated from Södertörn University.

Den gröna konsumentmakten - medborgarens ekologiska insats

The aim of this thesis is to form a theory of the green consumer power and to distinguish whether this phenomenon could indicate a movement toward the ecological citizenship. To do so, scientific theories regarding the responsibility of companies have been used, as well as the public choice theory, to link individuals as citizens to individuals as consumers. The motives of corporate environmental responsibility, along with consumers ability to bring pressure in different dimensions, are later drawn on as indicators applied to empirical information. The largest producer of ecological products in Sweden, Arla Foods, is employed as case study to explore if the green consumer power can and does exist. The ecological citizenship uses the ecological footprint, to define in what ways we can minimize our part of environmental degradation.The study seems to strengthen the theory, consumers do have a power to make companies go green and they tend to use it increasingly.

Behov och riktlinjer : En kvalitativ studie om biståndsbedömning av äldres hemtjänstinsatser

The purpose of this study was to look into the work of care organizers for elderly care, in three municipalities in southern Sweden, and how they use the law and local guidelines to evaluate the need for home care. The intention was to determine if presence of relatives makes a difference in the needs assessment and if the care organizers practice harmonize with the guidelines. To do this, we did a qualitative study alongside with analyzing each of the local guidelines. By interviewing five care organizers, we were able to see their side of elderly care and how they combine the law and local guidelines in their daily work with elderly care. Our main themes are, in short, the law and local guidelines, the view of care organizing and needs and also closeness to relatives.

Framsta?llningen av barn i den nya sexualbrottslagen : en inneha?llsanalys baserad pa? fo?rarbeten

The last major change occurred in 2005 when the new sexual offenses law came into force with an increased focus on children. The purpose of this study is that through a content analysis to identify and understand the construction of children in the new legislation on sexual offenses on the basis of preliminary work. Based on the purpose we came up with two questions: How are children constructed in the preparatory works to the new sexual offenses law? Are they attributed to child characteristics and responsibilities in the new legislation on sexual offenses and if so, how? In order to achieve the purpose of the study we have chosen the preparatory works to the new legislation on sexual offenses from 2005 until today. The study's empirical work has been further narrowed to the children, which means that a distinction is made in the new legislation on sexual offenses to 6 chapter 4-6 §§.

Byggutbildningen : En undersökning av före detta elevers åsikter om byggutbildningen

How do we match our education with the needs of the construction line of business and the requirementsof the Swedish National Agency for education? Is there something that we have to change?In this study I have asked our former students about their opinion of our education and I have also asked them to give me their view on what a good teacher is like. I have been able to benefit a lot from their answers in my efforts to be that good teacher. This survey took place at Facebook.The answers showed that we carry on a piece of solid workmanship. But you can always improve, try harder.

Ansvarsfulla investeringar : Undantag eller huvudregel på svensk fondmarknad?

The Swedish stock-market gives investors an opportunity to benefit from the global growth while financing companies invests and contributes to a socio-economic development. Parallel to the ownership of the funds also follows a responsibility as companies in the funds affect society and the environment. The growth of savings in funds, combined with an increased focus on sustainability has developed SRI (socially responsible investment). Therefore it is interesting to examine whether responsibility is an exception, which only concerns SRI-funds or a general principle, which includes the whole Swedish stock-market.The results of the survey makes it clear that all the Swedish major banks actively works to integrate sustainability within the respective bank's business to achieve a more sustainable financial system. Thus concludes the investigation that responsible investments are a general principle on the Swedish mutual stock-market.How responsibility is integrated in fund management differ between the banks.

Arbete över företagets gränser : En studie av organisationstillhörighet för konsulter i bemanningsföretag

Since the late 1900s, the consultancy has taken a firm grip on the labor market. The consultants' work profile has been secured through agreements such as guaranteed wages. The collective has been shattered as well as higher demands are required of the employee. This results in higher work demands, workload, a reduced staffing resource and hopeless wages which can lead to health problems and depressions. Previous research shows that consultants find it stressful to be associated with two companies and some clients can also point out consultant through different attributes.

Corporate Social Responsiblility- To What Extent?

In order to investigate the perceived Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept and to indentify what expectations the key stakeholders have on the Pharmaceutical Industry both secondary and primary data has been used. CSR can be perceived as a corporate reputation enhancing tool, however it can also put pressure on corporations to behave as good corporate citizen responsible for thier stakeholders. All stakeholders´ interests therefore have to be consider in order to immprove corporate reputation..

Vem tar ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter? - En studie av Corporate Social Responsibility, mjuk reglering och Global Compact

Den statsvetenskapliga forskningen har påvisat ett ansvarsskifte från offentliga aktörer till privata. I samhällen där gränsen mellan offentligt och privat luckrats upp har frågor som tidigare riktades enbart mot offentlig sektor numera även adresserats gentemot privat sektor. Sedan 2000-talets början har frågan om vem som bör bära ansvaret för de mänskliga rättigheterna blivit viktigt på den internationella dagordningen. År 2000 lanserade FN ett initiativ om Global Compact som baseras på ?corporate social responsibility? med mjuk reglering.Denna uppsats belyser frågan kring detta ansvarsskifte utifrån de teorier som utvecklats om corporate social responsibility och mjuk reglering.

Etisk medvetenhet i systemutveckling. En fallstudie av systemutvecklarens ansvar i systemutvecklingsprojekt

Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It?s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it?s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment.

Vart jag mig i världen vänder : En studie om konsumenters förhållande till researrangörers CSR

Purpose: To examine how a tour operator works to implement sustainability in the development of the business, as well as what significance it has to consumers in selecting a tour operator. Furthermore, the purpose is to provide recommendations on how tour operators should work to communicate their commitments.Methodology: The research strategy applied is a case study which follows an abductive approach. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied to complement each other. A semi-structured interview with a tour operator and a consumer survey constitute the empirical foundation.Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that consumers show a positive attitude towards CSR, but do not see it as a determinant when choosing a tour operator. Thus, CSR does not constitute a competitive advantage against competitors.

Upplevelse och behov av stöd i ledarskapet-- en kvalitativ studie bland första linjens chefer

The aim of this study was to gain understanding and knowledge about first line manager?s need for support in their leadership and to get more insight into how they handle and perceives their work.The research method is based on studies of relevant theories and qualitative interviews. Eight respondents were interviewed with a structured 40 question questionnaire about how they experience their work and the support they get. The study shows that there are three important categories of people that are most significant to the managers in their need of support. They are their own manager, colleagues and co-workers.The conclusion is that it is important to create conditions for leaders to have good relationships with their closest manager, colleagues and co ?workers.

Arbetsmiljöarbete och ansvarsförhållanden enligt arbetsmiljölagen

This study deals with work environment from a legal perspective. The study includes legislative history, legislation today and one empirical study. The legislation that concerns work environment (health and safety) in Sweden today is found in the Swedish Work Environment Act (WEA), the Work Environment Ordinance (WEO), Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, related legislations and also collective agreements. The WEA, passed by the parliament in 1977, came into force on the 1st of July 1978 and it defines the framework for Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, which is an authority superintended by the Swedish government. These Provisions contain more detailed stipulations and obligations with reference to the working environment.

Fritidspedagogens möte med ett museum : Fritidspedagogens uppdrag och det pedagogiska arbetet under ett studiebesök

Essay means attempt, and is a paper written based on self-experienced dilemmas, which the writer then returns to, reflect upon and discusses on the basis of literature and accepted theories. In this essay, I reflect upon my own professional role as a leisure-time pedagogue. The leisure-time pedagogue must provide activities that in different ways relate to the curriculum 2011. I have therefore a responsibility to influence the students' desire for knowledge. Focus of learning is different from the one in school, with an emphasis on informal learning.The dilemma is that I am unable to do any pedagogical work at the museum because of many conflicts.

Kiyoakis flyktcirkel. En precisering av Yukio Mishimas roman Vårsnö

The reception and the study of the novel Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima has ? as always with the novels of Yukio Mishima ? focused on the writer himself according to his spectacular way of life and death. Opposite to the studies and the reception, this master thesis focuses on the novel itself by following two more or less hidden traces in the novel: the protagonist Kiyoaki and his attitude to responsibility and dreams. This examination deepens the novel, by showing how the mechanisms of its inherent complexity work. It has been made by freely applying Roland Barthes´ method ?rewriting the text?..

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