

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 66 av 1216

Musikfestivaler som turistiskt dragplåster : en fallstudie på Sweden Rock Festival

Lately, more and more music festivals have emerged in Sweden. People?s desire and need to visit these events only seems to increase. Cultural tourism and music tourism has developed into a significant and important part of the experience industry and it employs more and more people within the tourism industry. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which effects this can have on the local community.

Polismans laga befogenhet att skjuta : förhållandet till tredje man i teorin och i praktiken

This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative ? relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma.

Konceptutveckling av luftutblås

This Master?s Thesis work was performed at the Studio Engineer department at Volvo CarsDesign Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden. The assignment has been to create a new idea of an airvent where the news value mainly was focused at functionality but also with great attention onvisual appearance.The work has been totally independent and not been aimed to any specific car model. Theindependency initially made that the visual appearance primary wasn?t limited in any way dueto surrounding components.

Tematisk undervisning : Lärares arbete med, samt syn på för- respektive nackdelar med undervisningsformen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the democratization process in Kurdistan on the basis of consolidation democracy with focus on arenas defined by Linz and Stepan (1997), namely economic, political, legal, civil society and arenas of state bureaucracy. Furthermore, I intend to explain Kurdistan?s road toward democratization in Kurdistan from 1991 until today, with a focus on the years 2003-2012. The main results are that Kurdistan has developed conditions that support a future consolidation of democracy. However, there are weaknesses in the economic situation, rule of law and the arena of bureaucracy.

GRÖN FLAGG : Miljöarbete i förskolan

The aim with my work is to get a deeper knowledge about the preschool's views of environmental work. I also want to examine how the preschool teachers along with the children work with the project Green Flag in the preschool. I have used structured interview with two teachers in a preschool that works with Green Flag. Green Flag is an environment certification and is an evidence on that one works daily with a document aimed environmental work along with the children. I have found out that each year they work with different themes within Green Flag.

SAS position på en koncentrerad marknad

I uppsatsen undersöks marknadskoncentrationen på den svenska marknaden för inrikesflyg. Utgångspunkt är Marknadsdomstolens dom 2001:4 rörande SAS missbruk av dominerande ställning, där användning av EuroBonus-programmet för poänginsamling inrikes förbjöds. Andra bolag kan dock fortfarande använda bonusprogram. En diskussion förs rörande substitut till flyget och bonusprogrammens konkurrenseffekter behandlas. Vi utreder om SAS fortfarande var dominerande år 2007 eller om beslutet bör omprövas.

Faktorer som förklarar innovativt beteende hos medarbetare

I en föränderlig värld är det viktigt att snabbt möta skiftande krav ochatt medarbetare är initiativrika, menar både företagare och forskare.Medarbetare som gör mer än plikten kräver och tar egna initiativ,uppvisar Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB). Syftet med studien varatt undersöka om organisationsfaktorerna autonomi, öppet klimat ochrolltvetydighet kan förklara variationer i IWB, med hänsyn taget tillen individuell faktor. Samtliga variabler mättes genom ettfrågeformulär online i ett stickprov om 119 personer.Korrelationsberäkningar visar att samtliga organisationsfaktorer harsignifikanta samband med IWB. En regressionsanalys visar att det ärindividfaktorn som har störst prediktionskraft, följt av öppet klimat,autonomi och bakgrundsvariabeln personalansvar. Studien visar attbåde personlighet och villkor i arbetet har betydelse för IWB..

Europeisk medborgardialog? : En implementeringsstudie av Plan D som i demokrati,dialog och debatt

In an effort to strengthen democracy in the union, the EU in 2005 took a new approach to communications policy to reach out to the citizens. The strategic document "Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate" was accompanied by two other documents, and the three of them were the core of this policy. Both democracy and communications work means at EU level a higher complexity than in the nation-state arena. Objective of this study is to examine how the implementation of Plan D has turned out in a democracy renewal perspective. To achieve that answers are sought to questions concerning the goals of Plan D, how they are still present today, what happened in practice regarding the efforts that are highlighted, and how the substance of the activities can be judged from a democratic theory perspective.

Prisdynamik efter marknadskrascher

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur aktiekurserna hos företagen som är listade på OMX i Stockholm, Köpenhamn och Helsingfors beter sig efter en större nedgång/krasch och om företagens storlek i form av börsvärde påverkar beteendet. Undersökningen sker med Gutenberg och Richters fysikaliska lag som används till att mäta förhållandet mellan jordbävningars magnitud och antalet krascher under en viss tid i en viss region. Modellens riktighet på det insamlade data som används kommer kontrolleras med hjälp av en regression och valideras med hjälp av tidigare forskning. För att rättfärdiga den ekonofysiska metod vi använder oss av, kommer vi även att studera indexavkastningarnas beskrivande statistik för att visa på att det nationalekonomiska antagandet om normalfördelning vid aktieavkastningar inte gäller. Resultatet pekar på en viss systematisk skillnad mellan hur börsvärdesmässigt stora företag beter sig jämfört mot hur små företag beter sig efter att en krasch ägt rum.

Beslutsmodell gällande finansieringsform samt intern prissättning av ett företags truckpark

To be competitive in the corporate climate of today it is important to have effective logistic activities. A common resource within the internal logistics is forklift trucks, which are used to lift and transport material. It becomes more and more important to decide whether to buy, lease or rent the forklifts to obtain an optimal economic situation. Many companies have issues with internal pricing. It is difficult to price products and services correctly. It is common to price the overall instead of what it really costs.The purpose of the thesis is to present a model for the acquisition of forklifts for internal logistic operations, regarding financing and internal pricing, to obtain economic effectiveness and an optimal forklift fleet size. The study focused on a specific research question, and for this purpose interviews with experts were held, observations were made and a literature study was done.

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

Studie i exteriör belysning : med tillämpning på Bokenäs, Volvos fritids- och konferensby

When creating a good lighting design it is crucial to know how different types of lamps work. Knowing what kind of light they emit and in which situations they work well is also very important. In this master thesis I present different types of lamps and give an account of how light is spread through the different shapes of luminaires, reflectors, filters and so on. I write about how our eyes register radiation and connections between lighting and how it makes us experience space. Furthermore I deal with the effect of artificial light on living organisms and the environment. After the theoretical studies I deal with the places I have visited to study how different lamps and luminaires work and look like in existing lighting designs. These visits have also been inspirational to my lighting proposal for Bokenäs. Bokenäs is Volvo?s resort and conference center which is situated on the Swedish west coast.

Projekt Pedadoggen - Hunden som pedagogisk resurs i en daglig verksamhet

Through this project -?Projekt Pedadoggen?- I have tested dog training as a pedagogical resource at Daily activities. The study was made together with a group of persons with intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, whose daily activities consist of running a day-care centre for dogs. Each participator of the project trained a dog towards a specific goal. This goal was individually formulated by each participator from his or her specific interest.

Individen - kreativitet och kontext

Companies and organizations need to take care of their employees? creative ability. This report gives some examples of work situations that support or prevent creativity. The purpose with this report is to investigate the link between people at work and creativity.It was necessary to delimitate the area and decide which sources to be investigated and presented in the report. The main topic is on sources of creativity, but as more organizations seem to introduce efficiency thinking according to Börnfelt (2009), the interaction between efficiency and creativity is also presented.In this report theory is compared to industrial designers? opinions on creativity.

Att effektivt sälja Sverige : Värdet av VisitSwedens tillvägagångssätt för att attrahera utländska resenärer

Our main objective with this essay was to study VisitSweden?s effort to sell Sweden to foreign markets.This has been studied in relation to VisitScotland work and approach. We collected empirical data consisting of document studies and interviews with representatives of VisitSweden and VisitScotland. In addition, we have supplemented with an interview with a representative of Svensk Destinationsutveckling AB. We based our analysis of our empirical data on previous research in destination marketing.

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