

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 45 av 1216

En vinst på planen, en vinst på börsen? - En undersökning om hur matchresultat påverkar aktiekurser i börsnoterade italienska fotbollslag

Syftet är att undersöka ifall det finns ett signifikant samband mellan matchresultat och rörelsen i ett fotbollslags aktiekurs. Uppsatsen ska även ge en ökad förståelse gällande skillnader i avvikande avkastning vid olika typer av motstånd och matcher. Uppsatsen är kvantitativ undersökning med deduktivt angreppssätt där avvikande avkastning studeras vid olika händelser med hjälp av diverse hypotesprövningar. Teorierna i uppsatsen behandlar aktievärdering, marknadseffektivitet samt aktieägarbeteende. Empirin presenteras i form av tabeller med avvikande avkastning och hypotesprovningar vid olika händelser.

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.

Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.

Ensam i Europa? En studie om mottagande- och anpassningsprocessen för ensamkommande barn i Europa, med utgångspunkt i Italien

In the last decade the Italian authorities have tried to adapt themselves to a united European asylum system, in the European Union, through the adoption of legal reforms, intended to improve the conditions of asylum seekers in Italy. Despite these reforms, asylum seekers and refugee?s living conditions are far from covered. The aim of this study is to explore the different functions of social work in the Italian reception process regarding unaccompanied minors and their implications on the wellbeing of the unaccompanied minors. This study was conducted through several interviews with both social workers, which in some way worked with unaccompanied minors, and the unaccompanied minors themselves.

Bedömning av laborativtarbete i gymnasiefysik

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Maskinsäkerhetsstandarder och lönsamhet : Profitability of standardisation and safety of machinery

The composing of new standards in the area of machinery safety is a continuous work which aims at writing standards that works as a tool for companies and enables them to control if the fundamental demands of security and health which is prescribed by law are reached. It is optional for the companies to choose if they want to use the standards. This report is written in cooperation with SIS and the study were performed within the technical committee SIS/TK 282. The report aims to investigating if the companies that choose to use standards see any economic advantages due to this work, how these advantages take form and where they originate. The main question formulation is how the profitability among companies that have adjusted their production to machinery safety standards are affected. The study was performed with an initial literature study which aimed at obtaining knowledge and an overview over the subject as well as investigate what former studies had resulted in.

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation.

Olika områden olika förutsättningar : En jämförande studie av föreningslivet mellan Danderyds kommun och stadsdelen Spånga-Tensta

This study aims to investigate associations in two areas in Stockholm County with diverse socio-economic conditions. The study intends to examine the impact these differences have on what role the bureaucrats and politicians in the two areas think that the associations should have. Bureaucrats are those who design guidelines for associations and that is why they have an important role in the conditions of the associations. A comparison between the two areas has been made to see if the requirement in the guidelines for the areas are different according to where the members live. The two areas that have been used to compare the guidelines of associations are Danderyd municipal and the district Spånga-Tensta.

Företagsförvärv ? En studie av Tobins q och aktieavkastning

Uppsatsens syfte är att försöka utreda en eventuell relation mellan mål- och uppköpsföretagets q-värden och aktieägarnas avkastning i samband med ett företagsförvärv, samt vilken relation som skapar störst aktieägaravkastning. Teorin kring Tobins q samt teorier kring aktieägarnas avkastning i samband med företagsförvärv och faktorer som påverkar denna ut-gör grund för uppsatsen. Henri Servaes artikel om företagsförvärv och Tobins q på den amerikanska marknaden fungerar som refe-rensstudie. En kvantitativ undersökningsmetod med hypotesprövning används i arbetet. Relationen mellan mål- och uppköpsföretagens q-värden och aktieägarnas avkastning analyseras med multipel regression.

Undervisningsmetoder i fysik : En jämförande studie mellan den svenska och den finska skolan

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Pedagogers uppfattningar om den fysiska miljön i förskolan : En intervjustudie med pedagoger från olika pedagogiska inriktningar

In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.

En kartläggning av kompetenskraven på Sport managers

The purpose of this study is to survey which competences and personal qualities the labour market, for students with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University, require. Furthermore I want to find out if the employees, videlicet the ex students, consider that their competences differentiate in relation to other employees in the organization which not have this education.In the study a qualitative investigation method has been used where ten interviews have been implemented. The interviews have been carried out within five conceivable work areas to a student with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University. The work areas are sports association, sports union, municipal activity with sport and leisure time connection, company with health care connection and company without any kind of sport connection. Five of the persons being interviewed are ex students that now are employees within any of the elected work areas.

Test av svag marknadseffektivitet med hjälp av teknisk analys

Uppsatsen är en analys av två indikatorer som används inom teknisk analys för att avgöra om den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet höll under den givna perioden. Den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet säger att överavkastning inte kan genereras med hjälp av historisk kursinformation, vilket är vad teknisk analys gör. Vidare förs en diskussion om behavioral finance och huruvida det i behavioral finance finns stöd för de resonemang som teknisk analys bygger på. Resultaten visar att den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet i stor utsträckning höll och att när avkastningen blev högre än en buy-and-hold strategi var detta kompensation för en högre risknivå. Vid en närmare granskning av resultaten framträdde en mycket hög avkastning vid ett visst variansintervall som inte är förenligt med den svaga typen av marknadseffektivitet.

Förtroende för hälso- och sjukvård i Region Skåne -en ekonometrisk analys av Vårdbarometern

Förtroende är en förutsättning i olika former av samspel mellan aktörer. Inom hälso- och sjukvården kan ett förändrat förtroende påverka hur individen söker vård och därmed leda till effekter på individens hälsotillstånd. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka förtroendet för hälso- och sjukvården i Region Skåne. Det görs genom en ekonometrisk analys av data från Vårdbarometern, en omfattande undersökning över befolkningens uppfattning av hälso- och sjukvården. Förtroendet för tre olika vårdproducenter; husläkare/distriktsläkare, akutmottagning och privat specialistläkare/läkarhus undersöks utifrån socioekonomiska och demografiska bakgrundsfaktorer.

Ständiga förbättringar och praktisk problemlösning : en explorativ studie på Saab Automobile AB

Continuous improvement is one of five principles in General Motors ? Global Manufacturing System (GM-GMS). GM-GMS has been used by Saab Automobile AB since 2003 and is a central component for realisation of GM?s vision. Internal audits have discovered problems with one of the tools, practical problem solving (PPS), which needs to be improved.

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