

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 33 av 1216

Urban agriculture : experiences from the Swedish horticulture

Urbanisation has increased the distance between the urban and the rural. Urban agriculture can be a solution to overcome that distance. The characteristic of urban agriculture is the intensive production in intra urban and peri-urban areas. Until 1950s food production in cities was an important part of the urban economy and the urban food supply. Since the 1950s the urban located production of food has almost ceased in Sweden, partly as a result of cheap food imports.

Arbetsmiljöarbete och ansvarsförhållanden enligt arbetsmiljölagen

This study deals with work environment from a legal perspective. The study includes legislative history, legislation today and one empirical study. The legislation that concerns work environment (health and safety) in Sweden today is found in the Swedish Work Environment Act (WEA), the Work Environment Ordinance (WEO), Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, related legislations and also collective agreements. The WEA, passed by the parliament in 1977, came into force on the 1st of July 1978 and it defines the framework for Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, which is an authority superintended by the Swedish government. These Provisions contain more detailed stipulations and obligations with reference to the working environment.

?På sätt och vis är det tydligt, på sätt och vis är det inte det? : en studie om kuratorns upplevelse av sin yrkesroll och det psykosociala synsättet inom habiliteringen

The purpose of this study is to increase an understanding of what prevents the mandatory reporting law, based on the preschool staff's approach to mandatory reporting law about child abuse and neglect to social services, and how these barriers affect their decision to report. The study will also understand what preschool staff experience facilitates the mandatory reporting process and what can be done to improve the process even more. The questions of the study were based on the purpose of the study and have been formulated in two questions:What prevents the mandatory reporting law requirements for preschool staff and how can these barriers be removed? What facilitates for preschool staff to be confident in the decision to report child abuse and neglect, to social services?The study used qualitative semi-structured interviews with five people working at the preschool, including two preschool teachers and three childcare workers. An interview guide was designed as a help to answer the questions about what the barriers are and what it is that makes it easier for the preschool staff, regarding the decision to report cases of child abuse and neglect to social services.The results, based on the five interviews , shows preschool staff's thoughts of the knowledge on the mandatory reporting law, the mandatory reporting process, their perspective of the mandatory reporting law and the uncertainty surrounding the mandatory reporting law.The study's analysis consists of the results that have been analyzed using the theory of social representations, in which the analysis shows an understanding of how the preschool staff act and think about the mandatory reporting law requirements based on their everyday knowledge.

All invited : waterfront park design for sustainable tourism in Miches, the Dominican Republic

Hidden away in the pristine landscape on the northeast shore of the Dominican Republic, the remote village of Miches is on the verge of shifting its economic resource base from traditional fishing into what could become an international model for sustainable tourism. The aim of this thesis was to produce a vision of a waterfront park near the center of the village; demonstrating concept-based landscape design that reflects the goals of sustainable development originating from the local incentive structure. A composite landscape analysis and design concept both served to inform and guide the design work, which was executed through model building, hand drawings, and production of a visual presentation in the format of an architectural competition entry. The design concept, All invited, signifies the distinction between the development that is about to take place in Miches and the otherwise common all-inclusive resorts, where tourists are set apart from the local community and spend most of their time within the fenced-off premises of the hotel. All invited also captures the typical Dominican hospitality, and mirrors the aspirations of turning Miches into a safe and welcoming place for visitors. The result is a public park design that is equally inviting local residents as it is to tourists, and where the unique qualities of the site are emphasized without being exploited.

Vad är Peak Oil och existerar det? : En kritisk lingvistisk av tryckta svenska medier

The purpose of this study is the reports of Peak Oil in Swedish newspapers. In otherwords, how do the news portray or describe the concept and what sources are usedwhen writing articles. With this in mind, I have studied eight published articles in threeSwedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter, Dagens Industri and Svenska Dagbladet. To studythese articles I've used a qualitative content analysis, as a method, or more specific aCritical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This method was chosen due to it's tools to examinethe text itself and to reveal the structures, unconscious meaning and power of words.Further more I have used theories as agenda-setting (including framing and priming),ideology and newsworthiness to complement the study.The result from the content analysis shows two evident ideologies, one with aneconomic perspective and the other with an environment perspective ? with resourcelimitation in mind.

Gender Mainstreaming - Kioskvältare eller dagslända?

The European Union's work on equal opportunities for women and men can be described historically in three eras; equal treatment, positive action and, most recently, the gender perspective. In accordance with the latter, gender mainstreaming is the latest method in dealing with these issues. Its aim is the implementation of the gender perspective in all policy processes and to challenge the male norm that permeates all decision making. EU:s work on equal opportunities, though, persists not only of gender mainstreaming but has a double approach also including special actions.This thesis bases its argumentation on discourse analysis of communications from the Commission regarding employment and social affairs. It argues that the two components of the double approach; gender mainstreaming and special actions, are incompatible and even becomes contra productive put together.

Faktorackumulation och inkomstfördelning -En historisk analys av samband mellan ojämlikhet och ekonomisk tillväxt 1850-1930

Uppsatsen ger historiska perspektiv och ekonomiska analyser av samband mellan ekonomisk utveckling och ojämlikhet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är två artiklar av Oded Galor och Omer Moav som utarbetat formella modeller för analys av ojämlikhetens inverkan på tillväxten, med betoning på humankapitalets ökade betydelse i ekonomins senare utvecklingsstadier. Den empiriska undersökningen som författarna gör i artikeln ?Das Human- Kapital: A Theory of the Demise of the Class Structure? för England, är mallen för uppsatsen. Resultaten av den empiriska studien för Sverige ligger i linje med Galor och Moavs slutsatser för England men ett särskilt svenskt utvecklingsmönster spåras..

Konsekvenser på den svenska arbetsmarknaden när produktion flyttar till lågkostnadsländer

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det kan skapas fler arbetstillfällen inom forskning och utveckling på den nationella arbetsmarknaden när hela eller delar utav den inhemska produktionen flyttar utomlands. För att undersöka varför företag flyttar sin produktion utomlands har jag tagit mig till hjälp av fem fallföretag. Vidare har jag undersökt vilka länder företagen väljer att flytta till samt de faktorer som påverkar beslutet. Avslutningsvis har jag genom en modifierad version av Romers modell undersökt om fler arbetstillfällen inom forskning och utveckling kan skapas när produktionen flyttar utomlands..

Diversifiering och fenomenet Home Bias

Denna uppsats studerar huruvida internationell diversifiering medför några vinster gentemot att följa en inhemsk strategi. Genom analys av dels sverigefonder och dels globalfonder slås det fast att så är fallet. En internationell strategi medför en lägre risk än en sverigekoncentrerad. Uppsatsen undersöker också fenomenet Home Bias, d.v.s. den snedvridning som innebär att en allt för stor andel av kapitalet placeras i hemlandet.

Konstruktion och design av arbetsplats - för kablagemontör

This degree project has been performed with Mega Teknik AB in Landskrona. The project has resulted in a workplace for the cable installers of Mega Teknik. The workplace contains a workbench and a cart.The first stage in this project was to make an analysis of the current workplace to identify the needs the installers had.The different principle construction proposals of how the workbench would look like and which functions it would have was made during brainstorming, in groups and alone. These proposals were compared against each other using a functional analysis that has been put up to get the principle construction that fulfilled most points in this analysis.The proposal chose for further work was a cart and a bench with a module intends, the table got a formulation that creates a better reach for the installers.This proposal was generated in Catia V5 to get a better overview of the suggested proposal.During the primary structure phase drawings over all the products were made and the components were chosen. Calculations were made and the product got the dimension required.

"ADHD vanligt bland unga brottslingar" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter framställer ADHD

ADHD is the fastest growing diagnosis of the last decade and there is an ongoing debate about how ADHD should be understood with a psychosocial perspective opposed to a medical perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate how a Swedish daily and evening newspaper (Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter) portrays ADHD. Further, the study asked whether medical or social explanation is used in the discourse that appears in newspaper articles, how ADHD is described as well as which people are quoted in the articles. In this study we used Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis with the 26 sampled articles which we believe highlight different perspectives on ADHD diagnosis.Our study shows that there are representatives cited in the articles from school, the judiciary and the medical field. However representatives from social work are conspicuous by their absence.

EU:s tjänstedirektiv - ursprungsprincipen eller destinationsprincipen?

The Vaxholm conflict was initiated when the Swedish Trade Union for Construction Workers shut down a construction site in order to prevent a Latvian construction company to build a school after the two parties had failed to agree upon a collective agreement in compliance with Swedish regulations. An emotional public debate followed that resulted in a discussion of the proposal for the Services Directive of the EU, based upon the country-of-origin principle. In this thesis we will analyze whether the country-of-origin principle or the country-of-destination principle is best suited to capture the gains-of-trade that the common market hoards and improve welfare within the EU. We conclude that the country-of-origin principle is the more apt of the two, though it leads to some short-run costs such as structural unemployment. But these will be more than outweighed by the gains in aggregate welfare for the EU in the long run..

Fuktskador i ytterväggar på grund av vattenintrång

Moisture damage in buildings is a serious issue that leads to problematic consequences and high economic costs. Despite the knowledge and awareness existing about moisture problems, extensive damager still occurs today. Studies of moisture in the exterior wall constructions shows that the issue if often caused by rain and water intrusion. These kinds of problem result in major costs usually because the companies have to replace the material and structural components and also in some cases tear down large parts of the buildings.The work includes moisture theory and descriptions of four different exterior wall constructions, wood stud wall with plastered facade, exterior wall with wood facade, exterior wall with concrete, and exterior wall with brick facade. Our thesis work describes how the constructions are affected and moisture damage due to water intrusion.

Anmälningsplikten - ett skyddsansvar : Förskolepersonals anmälningsplikt till socialtjänsten, om barn som far illa

The purpose of this study is to increase an understanding of what prevents the mandatory reporting law, based on the preschool staff's approach to mandatory reporting law about child abuse and neglect to social services, and how these barriers affect their decision to report. The study will also understand what preschool staff experience facilitates the mandatory reporting process and what can be done to improve the process even more. The questions of the study were based on the purpose of the study and have been formulated in two questions:What prevents the mandatory reporting law requirements for preschool staff and how can these barriers be removed? What facilitates for preschool staff to be confident in the decision to report child abuse and neglect, to social services?The study used qualitative semi-structured interviews with five people working at the preschool, including two preschool teachers and three childcare workers. An interview guide was designed as a help to answer the questions about what the barriers are and what it is that makes it easier for the preschool staff, regarding the decision to report cases of child abuse and neglect to social services.The results, based on the five interviews , shows preschool staff's thoughts of the knowledge on the mandatory reporting law, the mandatory reporting process, their perspective of the mandatory reporting law and the uncertainty surrounding the mandatory reporting law.The study's analysis consists of the results that have been analyzed using the theory of social representations, in which the analysis shows an understanding of how the preschool staff act and think about the mandatory reporting law requirements based on their everyday knowledge.

Våga se en förövare! :  - En jämförande kvalitativ studie om insatser för män som utövar våld i heterosexuella relationer

The aim of this study was to examine and compare two municipalities? approaches to deal with men?s violence as a social problem. Further the aim was to analyze social workers? opinions about interventions for men who practice violence in heterosexual relationships. The study has got a qualitative approach and we did a subjective selection where we chose to apply semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with domestic violence.

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