

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 20 av 1216

Arbetsanpassning och rehabilitering : Arbetsgivarens skyldighet

This essay addresses and treats the employer's obligation to work adaptation for people with a physical disability according to discrimination law and the work environment law. Furthermore it also treats the employer's obligation to rehabilitation of employees that has a reduced working ability as consequence of their work. The essay also intends to investigate if there are any differences in the employer?s obligation to work adaptation when recruiting and the employer?s obligation to work adaption for an existing employment. In this work, there is a background chapter which describes the UN and the European Union's approach to work reduction ability and disability. Furthermore, there is a detailed description of the work environment law, the discrimination law, the social insurance code and the employment protection legislation.

Genuspedagogiska samtal

The education curriculum states that one of the tasks for schools and preschools are to promote gender equality by discouraging traditional gender roles. Gender equality is therefore a part of the fundamental values of the education system. In order to be able to work with the issue of gender equality, the employees need help and further education. Therefore some schools and preeschools contact a teacher specialized in gender equality work.In this essay I have chosen to do a field study of such a teacher at work during different workshops with nurses and teachers. The aim is to examine how she discusses gender ideas and what discussions arises from the meetings with the attendents.

Ger det fria arbetet frihet : En studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This qualitative study treats the construction and maintenance of balance between work and private life and how flexibility in the workplace is perceived. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and these have been conducted in five large companies around Gothenburg. The analysis and results are based on the phenomenographic method approach and the final results were four themes: Balance, Flexibility, Combining family and work and lifelong learning with related subcategories. The result shows that the construction and maintenance of balance between work and personal life is something that is tied to the indi-viduals and the current situation in life. Two of the most common strategies to maintain a dis-tinction proved to be planning as well as other activities, in order to move the focus away from the work.

Ett tillgängligt och användarvänligt boende : Anpassningsmöjligheter för människor med rörelsehinder och nedsatt rörelseförmåga

In this paper we have theoretically built a house designed for people with impaired mobility. Theessay begins with an introduction in which the purpose of the work, the methodology and thedepth-research part is presented. Then the layout that explains how we intend to adapt the housefor the demands detailed in the depth-research part is presented. In the same chapter variousstructural components, such as different floors and walls, are specified.In the selection of materials we have taken into account the criteria of our specialization andadaptation to the aesthetic aspects, where we evaluate materials based upon our wishes regardingtechnique and form. There are also other aspects that are important in the selection of materials,including that these are adapted to technical traits of the construction elements and installations.In a later chapter the technical installations such as ventilation systems, heating systems,electricity and sanitation are presented, where both technical and financial aspects are describedin detail.

Att jobba eller icke jobba : En uppsats om information och inspiration på www.ams.se

AbstractTitle: To work or not to work, an essay about information and inspiration on www.ams.se.Number of pages: 39Author: Ann HöglundTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication Studies DPeriod: Fall 2005University: Uppsala University, Department of information science, Division of Media and CommunicationPurpose/Aim: To investigate the frequency of ethos, logos and pathos in the work-guides on www.ams.se, and study how they match the needs of the respondents in the essay-interviews.Method/Material: To investigate the needs and wishes for information I have made three group-interviews with university students. In order to analyse the texts and films on www.ams.se I have used tools from the modern rhetoric analysis. In the last part of my analysis I compared the results of the rhetoric analysis and the requests from the interviews to see if and how they match.Main Results: The respondents requested inspiration for their future work lives, and information that could de-dramatize the image of working. The texts on www.ams.seconsist mostly of facts, while the films made a slightly more emotional contribution to the image of the occupation. The films showing relaxed and satisfied people can be seen as a way to de-dramatize the image of working-life.

Gränsöverskridande föreställningar : En analys av dansperformance utifrån tre exempel

The essay is an effort to examine and define three examples of liminal dance performances through an aesthetic, hermeneutic and semiotic analysis. The examples are three dance or liminal performances, made by three different choreographers and performed at ?Moderna Dansteatern? and ?Dansens Hus? in Stockholm during September and October 2005. In the effort to determine the liminal and cross-over in the performances, the analysis focus on aspects such as: the character of the work, choreography, the use of scenery, stage light, requisites, conception of place and interior room, the use of costume and mask, the use of different media as text, pictures, film, and music or not using any these, and the interaction with the audience. The analysis depends on a historical background and the use of literature in the subject.

Hållbar tillväxt - möjlighet eller motsägelse? : En granskning av EU:s Lissabonstrategi ur ett humanekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to make a close and critical scrutiny of the EU Lisbon Strategy and the assumption of `sustainable growth´. A basic question is to clarify what is meant by `sustainability´ in the economic and the environmental dimension respectively, and also, to analyse the meaning of `sustainable growth´. Secondly, I try to investigate the relationship between the economical and environmental dimensions of the strategy. Are the goals of the dimensions compatible and mutually supporting or are they conflicting? By illuminating these issues the study moves towards a final set of questions: What are the arguments that encourage or counteract the Lisbon assumption of `sustainable growth´? Is the European Union approaching `sustainable growth´ looking at different economical and ecological indicators? What are the prospects for the Lisbon Strategy as a way towards global `sustainable development´?.

Diabetes och sjukskrivningar - Är tillfällena och dagarna fler för diabetiker?

171 miljoner människor i hela världen har diabetes enligt World Health Organisations (WHO) senaste undersökning år 2000. Den kroniska sjukdomen påverkar individens hälsa och syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att undersöka om diabetiker har fler sjukskrivningstillfällen och sjukskrivningsdagar än icke-diabetiker? Uppsatsen empirisk data kommer från HILDA (Health and Individuals Longitudinal Data and Analysis) och teorin baseras på Grossmans ekonomiska teori om individens hälsoinvesteringsbeteende (2000) samt Kristian Bolin et als (2002) utökning av Grossman teori. Ekvationerna i uppsatsen bygger på teorin men det är nya hälsomått på efterfrågan på och investeringen i hälsa; sjukskrivningsdagar ? respektive sjukskrivningstillfällen.

Bibliotekariers yrkesroll på integrerade bibliotek: undersökning av bibliotekariers uppfattningar inom integrerade folk- och skolbibliotek

This master thesis deals with the problem of integrated libraries. The number of integrated public and school libraries has significantly increased over time. These libraries are integrated for different reasons, most often because of economic considerations. The goal of the thesis is to investigate librarians´ understanding and perceptions of the professional role in this type of integrated libraries. I have investigated how librarians see and interpret their own professional role, and what factors influence their perceptions in an integrated library.The three main questions are: How do the librarians explain their professional role in an integrated library? How does their professional role change because of the fact that they work in an integrated environment? What factors, according to the librarians, influence and/or change the professional role mostly? The data has been collected through interviews with eight librarians at integrated libraries.


This master thesis is about designing and dimensioning a boat for transport of caravan, car, trailer or ATV. Buoyancy and stability are important properties as the pontoonboat should also be able to serve as a workboat. Many of the vessels on the market today that is being used for similar purpose are stable enough, but their hull is often similar with barges and thus too slow. This work has been to construct a boat that has good stability but also has a hull that enables it to move faster, is more maneuverable and having a more attracting design than today?s barges.

Ränterisk för bostadsköpare - betydande eller marginell?

Med dagens låga ränta lånar privatpersoner mer än någonsin för att finansiera sina bostadsköp. Denna uppsats behandlar ränterisken en privatperson utsätter sig för vid bostadsköp då denne skall ta lån med fast ränta. Vanligtvis brukar det ta tre månader (90 dagar) från det att köpekontrakt skrivits på till att köpet genomförts. Genom att anta att ränteförändringarna är lognormalfördelade har jag kommit fram till att tvåårs och femårs räntan inte stiger betydande under 90 dagar. Slutsatsen jag dragit är att ränterisken är låg med dagens låga ränta..

Framgångsfaktorer i ett fallförebyggande arbete inom hemtjänsten

In 2005 over 48 000 senior citizens fell so badly that the needed medical care and almost 1200 of them died. This makes falls in the elderly one of our biggest public health problems. Research in this area is extensive and although we know what causes a fall and how we in theory should work to prevent their occurrence, this is a problem that is increasing. There seems to be a gap between research and practice, and research into why this gap occurs is very narrow. The purpose of this study was to identify success factors with fall prevention from a staff- perspective.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av sinarbetsmiljö i sitt dagliga arbete. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Abstract:Ambulance nurses have in their everyday work a varied work environment, the pace of work can quickly shift from being calm and structured to be a severe acute situation.Objective: The aim of the study was to describe how professional nurses in the ambulance operations experience their physical and mental work environment in daily practice.Method: A qualitative interview study with semi structured questions was used. The study group consisted of two women and three men, ages between 27?42 years. The study was carried out on an ambulance station in central Sweden. Based on collected data, a qualitativecontent analysis was performed that resulted in three categories.Results: The result showed that the ambulance nurses regarded that it was a lot of heavy lifting.

Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla

This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

Effekter av ett minskat exportstöd- en studie av EU:s fjäderfäköttnäring

Denna studie behandlar EU:s fjäderfänäring och undersöker effekterna av den nya policyn som huvudsakligen består av ett minskat exportstöd. Uppsatsen studerar effekterna på produktion och export. De förväntade effekterna vid ett avskaffande av exportstöd är att både produktion och export ska minska. Denna studie visar, genom att undersöka förändringarna i producerad och exporterad kvantitet från och med 1995 då den nya poliyn började gälla, att i detta fall påverkar andra faktorer produktion och export mer än det minskade exportstödet. Förändringar i konsumenternas preferenser är en faktor som inverkar på produktion och export..

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