

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 8 av 57

Positive reinforcement training for laboratory mice

The mouse (Mus musculus) is the most commonly used mammal in biomedical research and can easily be restrained by both hand and by a device. Restraining animals causes stress that not only decreases the animal?s wellbeing, but may also influence the research results. The first aim of this study was to train mice to voluntarily stand still using positive reinforcement training. Another benefit of teaching a mouse to stand still is that you can avoid anaesthesia for some procedures.

Elevers föreställningar om vattnets kretslopp och växtens liv : Har eleverna tillräcklig kunskap inom dessa områden för att diskutera hur miljöförstörning påverkar vatten och växter?

The purpose of this investigation is mainly to study if pupils have enough knowledge concerning the water cycle and the life of the plants?, and what kinds of household word they have, to discuss pollution within these areas. I also studied how the pupils? knowledge are holding up against what the course-plans says, since it have come to light by other investigations that knowledge are insufficient within the nature-oriented (No) subject in school.The survey has carried out on 28 pupils in a 5th grade, with help of a questionnaire survey. Their teacher has been interviewed and I have studied their local course-plans and also the pupils? schoolbooks in No.The result of the questionnaire survey indicates that the pupils had insufficient knowledge within the areas of plants? life and pollution, something their teacher had a presentiment about.The conclusion is that they need to go out more often in the nature and see how the plants and the environment are affected by different factors.

Systemutveckling i praktiken - konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav

ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.

Mata inte trollen : En studie i marknadskommunikation och internetkultur

Social media provides, as many points out, new possibilities for marketing. Marketing in social media requires a two way communication, rather than the traditional marketing where the communication model is typically sender ? receiver.To create a marketing campaign that is suitable for a two way communication model has its difficulties and risks as well as its opportunities. Opportunities in the sense that the campaign can become a viral, a Word of mouth and create a Buzz, which will reach potential customers, to a bigger quantity for lower costs, with a message that will make a different impact from the types of commercial messages we are used to. Risks in the sense that the message, if not properly aimed and phrased, can be turned overnight into something that humiliates the company and possibly harm its brand.The difficulties in creating such a campaign is to create something that will catch people?s attention, discuss and forward it, while at the same time avoid getting hurt.We aim to describe the internet from a cultural context, and from that point of view explore the types of misunderstandings which often seem to happen when a corporate message is created and sent out in social media, how to avoid putting the image of a company in danger when doing this, and examine if there is ways to know how the message will be received.

Buzz : Med individen som insats

abstract buzz marketing, the phenomena Have you ever thought about why the small French pastries called macarons suddenly became so extremely popular? Soon they were seen everywhere in the media, on every celebrity party and shortly after of course on every Swedish person?s cake dish. Could it be that a trendy it-girl happened to mention these lovely creations in her blog?What (or who) is it really that decides and controls what is popular and what is going to sell? If one individual can influence a whole group of followers it is definitely something marketers should take advantage of. One cannot any longer rely on traditional advertising, one needs to be more creative and rethink the possibilities to get through the media noise.

Interaktiv Marknadsföring : En ?kvalitativ ?studie ?av ?hur ?små ?webbolag ?marknadsför? sig ?via ?sociala ?medier.

Denna? uppsats ?syftar ?till ?att ?ge ?en ?insikt ?i ?hur ?små ?webbolag ?kan ?skapa ?affärsnytta ?genom ?marknadsföring ?i ?sociala ?medier, ?samt? föreslå? riktlinjer ?för ?hur ?detta ?kan ?gå ?till. ?För ?att ?kunna ?besvara? uppsatsens? syfte? genomfördes? en? kvalitativ? studie? av ?hur? webbolagen? Booli,? Coolstuff ?och ?Freddie ?G ?Store ?marknadsför ?sig ?genom ?Facebook, ?Twitter ?och ?bloggar. ?De? sociala ?medierna ?har ?skapat ?nya ?förutsättningar ?för ?företag ?vid ?marknadsföring.

Strategier och kanaler vid marknadsföring för fysiska researrangörer och traditionella resebyråer

The tourism industry in Sweden has expanded in recent years and the increasing industry has meant that customers are in need of a reseller for their trips abroad. Today there are three types of retailers available. These are : Traditional travel agencies , tour operators and online travel agencies.Online Travel agencies are the most modern online option for customers. Their existence has made it easier for the customer and reservation can be made anytime and anywhere. The competition has intensified between the three retailers and the traditional alternatives must find new ways to survive.

Sociala medier  : När kunden själv får välja

In recent years, more and more people have started to live double lives. Blogs, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have created conditions so that we increasingly live virtual lives on the Internet. The gathering of people in this way entails both risks and opportunities for businesses. This study aims to explain how the phenomenon of social media has affected trade and service companies in a marketing and communication perspective. The idea for the essay came to us after we had observed how different behaviors in companies? concerning social media could vary a lot, and how we felt that this affected our personal view of the brands.

Bakomliggande motiv, alla har dem : En kvalitativ fallstudie om varför kunder sprider e-WOM på sociala medier

Kurs/nivå:            2FE16E, KandidatuppsatsFörfattare:            Martin Alm, Anton Bengtsson, Pär IvarssonHandledare:         Dan HalvarssonExaminator:         Åsa DevineTitel:                     Bakomliggande motiv, alla har dem.Nyckelord:           e-WOM, electronic word-of-mouth, e-wom motiv, sociala medier, Facebook. Bakgrund:            Att veta varför kunder delar med sig och sprider information om företag har blivit viktigt för företag om de vill effektivisera sin marknadsföring på Internet. Mycket av den tidigare forskningen gällande e-WOM har fokuserat på informationsspridningens effekt men inte vad kunder har för bakomliggande motiv till att sprida e- WOM. Forskning har också visat att det finns skillnader i hur kunder sprider e-WOM på sociala medier jämfört med övriga plattformar på Internet. Det är därmed betydelsefullt att på ett djupgående sätt utforska vad kunder, utifrån deras perspektiv, har för bakomliggande motiv till att sprida information om företag på sociala medier. Forskningsfråga: Varför sprider kunder e-WOM på sociala medier?Syfte:                    Syftet är att utforska kunders bakomliggande motiv till spridning av e-WOM på sociala medier. Metod:                  Utförd som en fallstudie av ett enda fall genom sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats:               Undersökningen visade att det finns 15 bakomliggande motiv till kunders spridning av e-WOM på sociala medier.

Charter : Om varumärkets betydelse för konsumenten

Uppsatsen syfte är att söka klargöra hur stor betydelse charterbolagens varumärken har för konsumenten vid valet av charterbolag. Jag har använt mig av teorier rörande varumärkets betydelse ur ett konsumentperspektiv, konsumentbeteende samt marknadskommunikation som sedan applicerats på empirin. Empirin består av sju kvalitativa intervjuer varav tre varit personliga intervjuer och de resterande fyra har varit telefonintervjuer. Slutsatsen är att varumärket inte är av överordnad betydelse för mina respondenter vid valet av charterbolag. Respondenternas varumärkeskännedom om de största aktörerna är, med vissa undantag, god.

Skyltfönster som kommunikationsverktyg- En kvantitativ studie om kreativa och mindre kreativa skyltfönsters effekter

This research examines the effects of creative store window displays of fashion brands in enhancing recall, attitudes, intentions and brand associations. A comparison has been made between high-end and low-end brands, creative versus non creative store window displays to identify differences in effects. The theory applied in this study has been used from creative advertising effects due to the lack of relevant research in store window display effects. Therefore this study is a contribution to the research of store window effects. The method used in this study compare fashion high-end brand with fashion low-end brand by placing the products in the store window display where the creativity has been manipulated.

Gerillamarknadsföring ? konsten att nå konventionella mål med okonventionella metoder

När mängden reklambudskap ökar och kostnaderna för att synas stiger blir det allt viktigare för företagen att just deras budskap bryter igenom allt brus och når fram till konsumenten. Detta har medfört att vissa företag sökt nya mer okonventionella sätt att göra sin röst hörd, fenomenet kallas gerillamarknadsföring. Tidigare forskning på området har främst undersökt företagens användning av gerillamarknadsföring, vilka typer av företag som kan dra störst nytta av tillvägagångssättet och vilka förutsättningar som krävs inom företagen. Vi har istället valt att studera gerillamarknadsföringen ur ett konsumentperspektiv.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det existerar ett motstånd mot traditionell marknadsföring medan samtliga exempel på gerillamarknadsföring uppvisar bättre verkan. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsats är att gerillamarknadsföringen lyckas skapa ett större intresse hos konsumenten än vad den traditionella reklamen gör.

Komplext arbete. En studie av handlingsutrymme och komplexitet inom arbetsförmedlares uppdrag.

The purpose of this study was to examine the narrative skill of sixyear-olds in terms of macrostructure and cohesion, and its relation tonarrative content, auditory attention, auditory short-term memory and threemeasures of word retrieval. A group comparison of macrostructure andcohesion was also performed between children with and without epilepsy.The material consisted of audio recordings of 44 children (18 with epilepsyand 26 from a reference group) retelling the story Nelli-sagan (Holmberg &Sahlén, 2000). No correlation was found between content and macrostructureor cohesion, but several between the latter two. Auditory short-termmemory and word retrieval without pictures showed several correlationswith macrostructure as well as cohesion. No differences in macrostructure orcohesion were found between the children with epilepsy and the referencegroup.

Implementation av ett interface till Emotiv Epoc

The eld of Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) concerns linking together an external device with the brain of a human or an animal. By doing this the conventional use of a mouse or keyboard can be circumvented, which can greatly benefit people with different types of diseases that cause paralysis or other loss of motor control, such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A BCI can also be used for cognitive training of either healthy or mentally impaired subjects to increase cognitive capabilities.In this thesis an implementation of an interface is made against such a device, the Emotiv EPOC Headset. The result is meant to be a stable basis for further study using the device. An in-depth study of the history of EEG and its current use in clinical work and research in the topics of BCI as well as Human-computer interaction (HCI) is presented.

Hur definierar och presenterar folkbiblioteken e-böcker på sina webbplatser? En innehållsanalys av folkbibliotekens webbplatser 2014

The purpose of this thesis is to see how the Swedish public libraries present e-books on their website. This study has tried to answer the following questions:1. How do the public libraries construct their definitions of the word e-book, and what patterns are there in the definitions?2. How is the e-book definition presented in the context of the public library websites?This study has formulated its own theoretical framework in regards to how you can categorize definitions in four different categories to help see the way a definition is constructed.

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